People voted for him because trump lied. He said whatever they wanted to hear. They were duped, conned, whatever but the truth was nowhere to be found, period
I am not going to shut up so live with it or stick some cotton in your ears, as if I cared on way or the other
You sound exactly like the democratic party, Obama and Hillary and the democratic party promise the African Americans communities, if they voted for Obama he would help them, but as it turned out,all the African Americans communitys got was the shaft.
Hillary herself lied, destroy 33000 emails of Government Property. Took money from Countries that supported the brutality of women and children, for her clinton foundation.
Hillary lied again, saying she would rise the taxes on the rich.
She lied here, she was not going to rise the taxs on the rich, it's the rich that puts money in her clinton foundation.
That would be her cutting off the hand, that's putting money in her foundation, That would be very Stupid on her part to rise taxs on the rich that's putting money in her clinton foundation.
This Trump was right about. When in Hillary and Trump's last debate, Trump told Hillary this, not to lie to the American people, your going to rise the taxs on the rich, there the ones that puts money in your clinton foundation, and Hillary said nothing in return, Hillary knew Trump had her in her lie. That's why Hillary couldn't say anything back. She knew she was lieing.
What about Obama giving everything to Illegal immigrants and refugees and Muslims, all the while the African Americans stayed in Proverty.but only to give the African Americans the shaft in return for their votes.
Is it any wonder why African Americans did not vote for Hillary, but went and voted for Trump instead.
People are sick and tired of the democratic party lieing, telling them they will do this or that, then when elected only to get the shaft in return.
How's about Nancy Pelosi father dedicated Confederate statues and had them place at Government buildings.
All the while people calling Trump supporters Racist, when it's democrates like Nancy Pelosi who is racist and hillary, back in 1963 Hillary was protesting against Dr Martin Luther King Jr and wanted him jailed and the civil Rights movement abandoned. And people say Trump supporters are racist. Go Figure that one.
What about Hillary congratulating a follow democrate who was retiring, who was the Grand wizard leader of the KKK.
What about Obama pardoning Gitmo Terrorist, who swore to destroyed American people.
What's up with all that. Go Figure.