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Does Man need Gods Law?


Well-Known Member
Do people need Gods Law in their lives, can't man just see the obvious and come to the correct conclusion between good and evil, and make the right decisions so that he and all others can share together in what brings peace, joy and goodnees for others and himself?

There is much more to your question than you have ever imagined.
Did you realize that the Bible actually tells us that the laws are not for righteous people, but for lawless and unruly persons, 1Tim 1:8-11.
One of the reasons that Jesus came to earth was to remove the Mosaic Law Covenant, because it condemned to death all under it, because they could not obey the law completely, Rom 7:4-6, Gal 3:10-14, 2Cor 3:6,7.
The point is; not everything written in the Bible is law. God does not make laws arbitrarily, jut because He can, the laws God makes are for our own good, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.
Notice Ps 32:8,9, where God says He will give ADVICE, and instruct you in the way you should go. This is for our own good. Verse 9 says not to be like a horse or mule.
Remember that God is perfect in knowledge, Job 36:4, 37:16. God is called Father because He caused all life, and He cares for His creation, Prov 23:32, 1Pet 5:6,7.
Jesus did away with the Law of Moses, written on stones and made the Christian way, laws written on hearts, 2Cor 3:3, Gal 6:2.
The Bible tells us that we must prove to ourselves what the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of God is, Rom 12:2, that we should make sure of all things and hold on to what is fine, 1Thes 5:21.
Consider the point that is made at Heb 5:11-14, where a person with little Bible knowledge is a person who drinks milk, but a mature person eats meat. If a person is not trained by God's word he is simply not capable of determining what is good or bad in God's sight, his conscience must first be trained by God's word, and his personality must be transformed, Eph 4:22-24, Col 3:9,10, Rom 12:2.
A very interesting thing is wrritten in the Holy Scriptures in several places. The point is made that a person should do to others just as he would want them to do to him, Matt 7:12, This is the GOLDEN RULE, this can only be done if a person has love for others, John 13:34,35. Jesus actually said that the whole law is fulfilled in just two laws, you must love God with your whole being and you must love your neighbor as yourself, Matt 22:36-40. Until everyone has his conscious trained by God's word and loves his neighbor, we will need laws to govern our actions.
So if we had this love maybe we could get along without law, because love does not work evil to his neighbor, Rom 8-10.


Well-Known Member
There is much more to your question than you have ever imagined.
Did you realize that the Bible actually tells us that the laws are not for righteous people, but for lawless and unruly persons, 1Tim 1:8-11.
One of the reasons that Jesus came to earth was to remove the Mosaic Law Covenant, because it condemned to death all under it, because they could not obey the law completely, Rom 7:4-6, Gal 3:10-14, 2Cor 3:6,7.
The point is; not everything written in the Bible is law. God does not make laws arbitrarily, jut because He can, the laws God makes are for our own good, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.
Notice Ps 32:8,9, where God says He will give ADVICE, and instruct you in the way you should go. This is for our own good. Verse 9 says not to be like a horse or mule.
Remember that God is perfect in knowledge, Job 36:4, 37:16. God is called Father because He caused all life, and He cares for His creation, Prov 23:32, 1Pet 5:6,7.
Jesus did away with the Law of Moses, written on stones and made the Christian way, laws written on hearts, 2Cor 3:3, Gal 6:2.
The Bible tells us that we must prove to ourselves what the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of God is, Rom 12:2, that we should make sure of all things and hold on to what is fine, 1Thes 5:21.
Consider the point that is made at Heb 5:11-14, where a person with little Bible knowledge is a person who drinks milk, but a mature person eats meat. If a person is not trained by God's word he is simply not capable of determining what is good or bad in God's sight, his conscience must first be trained by God's word, and his personality must be transformed, Eph 4:22-24, Col 3:9,10, Rom 12:2.
A very interesting thing is wrritten in the Holy Scriptures in several places. The point is made that a person should do to others just as he would want them to do to him, Matt 7:12, This is the GOLDEN RULE, this can only be done if a person has love for others, John 13:34,35. Jesus actually said that the whole law is fulfilled in just two laws, you must love God with your whole being and you must love your neighbor as yourself, Matt 22:36-40. Until everyone has his conscious trained by God's word and loves his neighbor, we will need laws to govern our actions.
So if we had this love maybe we could get along without law, because love does not work evil to his neighbor, Rom 8-10.

I just want to point out something of what you said i have highlighted it in red.
''If'' you really think that is true you can dismiss the whole OT and different Verses in the NWT.
You have to ask yourself if Jesus(p) is god then he himself created the law and now is breaking it?... That makes no sense at all can you also show us where Jesus(p) made new laws or told us to forget the laws instead of Paul/Saul the Christian slayer?

Jesus(p) himself quotes the laws and further tells us

“Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18).

Christians who actually took time to read there bible ''Instead of picking verses'' knows Jesus(p) quoted many and many times the OT and the Old-Biblical laws for example:

John 10:34
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'?

John 8:17
In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two men is valid.

John 15:25
But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.'

John 10:35
If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--and the Scripture cannot be broken--

There are many more verses that you see Jesus(p) supporting the laws and upholding them, heck its clear in Matthew 17-18 That not one Law/Commandment should pass away till end of times.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Do people need Gods Law in their lives, can't man just see the obvious and come to the correct conclusion between good and evil, and make the right decisions so that he and all others can share together in what brings peace, joy and goodnees for others and himself?
God's Law is summed up in love. We need love, for we are made to love. We need God's Law of love.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Do people need Gods Law in their lives, can't man just see the obvious and come to the correct conclusion between good and evil, and make the right decisions so that he and all others can share together in what brings peace, joy and goodnees for others and himself?

Actually yes, some people need "God's Law" in their lives. It is a sad fact that an overwhelming amount of human beings are incapable of thinking for themselves. I am not talking about guidance but complete control. Without the idea of God's Laws they would be incapable of living morally. This is the very reason that religions can thrive so well.


Do you 'know' or believe?
If such people need to believe in a God who has determined and expressed a certain set of behavioural standards it deems appropriate and will somehow enforce those standards, in order to ensure that such people do not act reprehensibly then I 'pray' they do just that - I also hope that their beliefs do not include the horrible fallacy which is forgiveness for 'sins', because if they are people that need God to enforce such standards but believe god will forgive them if they do not abide such standards, then they are the type of individual that is more likely to feel free to indulge and 'sin'.

However I hope that such people are a minority and that other people can choose to act in a responsible fashion without such beliefs.


Active Member
no we don't need God's law. Good and Evil aren't objectively defined, so finding good and evil is easy (subjective good and evil that is).
Of course they're defined. Every human being is born with a sense of what's good and what's evil. If you were to see a person kill someone in cold-blood wouldn't you think it was bad? Or would you just be like, "Oh he killed him, no big deal."


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Of course they're defined. Every human being is born with a sense of what's good and what's evil.

Prove it.

If you were to see a person kill someone in cold-blood wouldn't you think it was bad? Or would you just be like, "Oh he killed him, no big deal."

I'd think it's bad. Someone raised in a different place in a different time might not though.


Active Member
Prove it.

I'd think it's bad. Someone raised in a different place in a different time might not though.

No human being would. Unlessof course they'd become desensityzed to murder over time, and even if they'd seen murder all the time they'd still know it was wrong

Me Myself

Back to my username
We need to follow God´s law.

Most of all, need to realise he left it in our hearts.

If you can´t feel his law in your heart, you cannot recognise it in any text.

If you can feel it in your heart, you´ll recognise it anywhere from the hamurabi code, to the mahabharat, to the bible, to scrable.

The best way to recognise the law is to know oneself, and try to be truly, deeply happy.


Active Member
Actually he CAN, its a matter of whether or not he WILL; one of the sole reasons I appreciate the need for religion is that most of them attempt to make it more likely that practitioners will attempt to live by some moral code - they can do so without religion, but with religion they might feel more inclined to do so (usually either because they fear punishment or desire reward).
Man can't determine what's right or wrong on his own


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
No human being would. Unlessof course they'd become desensityzed to murder over time, and even if they'd seen murder all the time they'd still know it was wrong

not sure you can prove the part in bold


Active Member
not sure you can prove the part in bold
Well I don't know how I could go about "proving" it exactly, but doesn't it make sense. I mean when you murder someone you KNOW it's wrong. However you might BELIEVE you're doing the RIGHTthing(it's still wrong though and the person knows it). I mean do you know of someone who sees murder as not a bad thing to do?
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Active Member
We need to follow God´s law.

Most of all, need to realise he left it in our hearts.

If you can´t feel his law in your heart, you cannot recognise it in any text.

If you can feel it in your heart, you´ll recognise it anywhere from the hamurabi code, to the mahabharat, to the bible, to scrable.

The best way to recognise the law is to know oneself, and try to be truly, deeply happy.
That's a really beautiful way you worded your point, but without the bible we wouldn't KNOW anything ABOUT God. I mean we would know of him, but not who he is.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If you want to call the instincts that evolved in us and our ancestors over millions of years, "God's Law", then perhaps you might show some evidence of divine intervention in the creation of those instincts?