It seems that you completely overlooked the verses at Rom 3:27,28.
Or interpreted it differently than you. Likewise, I can say you completely overlooked Romans 2:13 and 3:31.
With the death of Jesus the Law of Moses ended, Col 2:13,14.
A commonly mistranslated passage, what it's saying is that the record against you is blotted out, not the Law itself. Besides, apparently James didn't catch the memo when he accused Paul of a rumor of teaching Jewish Christians to abandon the Law.
Here's what it should read as, apart from Theological coloring:
Young's Literal Translation
having blotted out the handwriting in the ordinances that is against us, that was contrary to us, and he hath taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross;
One of the main reasons for Jesus to come to earth was to remove the Law, because all under it were under a curse, because it condemned to death all under the Law because no one could obey the lae perfectly,
So when Jesus says he did not come to abolish the Law, he was totally just kidding. And again, this apparently got lost on James, Peter, and the Female Disciples.
Rom 6:23, James 2:10, Acts 15:10, Gal 3:10-14, Rom 3:20, 7:6, 6:14,15, 2Cor 3:1-3, 6,7. In fact to get the import of this ending of the Mosaic Law Covenant, read all the way to verse 16.
James 2:10 somehow backs your case?
Romans 6:23 somehow backs your case?
Your interpretation of Acts 15:10 is negated by the fact that James was still accusing Paul of teaching Jewish Christians to abandon Moses in Acts 21. He was possibly referring to the Oral Law.
Every Jew was to obey the circumcision law, notice what Paul said about circumcision, Gal 5:2-6.
The only law was to circumcise your child at 8 days. I am still amazed how few know this.
Notice how Paul jumped on the Jews who started to obey some of the Mosaic Laws again, Glal 4:9-11. The Law acted as a TUTOR, until Christ came, Gal 3:23-26. Read Hebrews 8:6-13.
Then apparently Paul was in flagrant contradiction with James by this logic. Paul was likely just referring to those who insisted on circumcision, which is not actually commanded, it's optional. What's not optional however is circumcising your child.
Christians are under the Law of Faith, Gal 2:16, Gal 6:2, Matt 7:12.
So Jesus was totally just kidding when he told the Jews to obey the commandments. Who do you think he was talking about by the "least" in Matthew 5:19?
Why did Peter and James not get the memo even long after Jesus died and rose again?