Muddled thinking there.... right there!
So we've never had a true theocracy before, but Bahai hopes to have one in the future.
Your prejudice with the word causes you to reject it, again and again.
Call it another name....... but a rose is a rose, by any other name.
So they were pseudo-theocracies!
How can pseudo-theocracies have any impact on a real one?
Yours will just be far more dangerous if it rever comes about.
Humans will have left tjhe beauty of it far behind.
................ so you still want to compare preudo-theocracies with yours......
........ which you havre already said WERE NOT THEOCRACIES!
A legislative body IS an executive body. Ha ha!..... you still want to compare systems which you declare as false with your 'perfect' system. So the other ones were not Divine, but yours is...... so yours is the true theocracy!
So Bahai would be a sweet beautiful system of control and guidance so you can't, just can't stomach that horrible word! That is prejudice.
You had better read Bahauallah again........ He explains World Orders and Governments. But it's true that only Bahais would ave a vote, and verey possibly only Bahais would be in executrive posts.
.......... just a second..... you repeatedly say that there have never been any true theocracies.
Stop knocking other imperfect systems and imperfect humans!
They being bad cannot make you good!
Stop casting your axe to right and left, trashing all around..... you would be better off just speaking for your faith, your religion.
You've forgotten a key rule already. One of the Hands of the Cause once told a meeting (Guildford?) about other religions, 'We don't knock them! They knock us!' How soon you've all forgotten that....... and how long before you forget more?
So you're that frightened about a single descriptive word.