No, that's nonsense because it doesn't line up with what the bible says. The bible never said that "it is appointed onto men to die once then the judgement, then after the judgement he gets another chance to prove himself worthy of salvation". That sounds like a doctrine of Demons and far from the gospel message.
Having been asked on numerous occasions for some biblical authority to back your "Elect" claims, you finally offered Matthew 24:31 (#258).
In #267 I pointed out to you that Matthew 24:31 refers to the elect of God, not the Elect of God, and that no one can predict who'll be elect (let alone Elect) until after the Tribulation.
(In that post I also pointed out an argument, based on NT scripture which I cited, that the Tribulation was supposed to have taken place within the lifetime of some of Jesus' audience, not some 2000 years or so down the track.)
You replied (#278),
No, that's nonsense because it doesn't line up with what the bible says. The bible never said that "it is appointed onto men to die once then the judgement, then after the judgement he gets another chance to prove himself worthy of salvation". That sounds like a doctrine of Demons and far from the gospel message.
I of course said nothing even vaguely resembling your words above.
Now, if you'd like to try again to provide me with a credible link between the NT and your view of the Elect, please do. Meanwhile, I continue to think you have nothing.