Inspired by this thread:
I'd suppose this depends on what you view as moral behavior but I thought I'd ask the question to see what people would say. It is easy to justify one's personal morals but I'd like you to consider the world at large. Is the world becoming more moral or less moral? And, does this have anything...
Sauce for the goose and all that.
My personal take: yes, theism often - though not always - leads to immoral behaviour.
A better way to address this question, in a scientific way, is to compare purely religious people, with religious people who were partially seduced by Atheism and Liberalism, since the secular latter, will give you more freedom to be immoral. The source of immorality in Religion is not necessary due to religion, but the outside influences that apply pressure to religious people.
Both Atheism and Liberalism, as witnessed on this and other religious discussion sites, work to undermine religion. In my experience, those who can isolate in their religion, tend to do better those who are surrounded by secular peer pressure, since you will make yourself a target, if you do not conform or compromise to some degree. Used to get expelled from sites for not going along.
For example, a child in public schools in the USA, who proclaims to be religious, will have both teachers and indoctrinated students applying peer pressure or worse. Many Lefty teachers do not even want parents to have any input as they try to seduce young people to alter their natural sex. This hard reality can require religious student conform, even by lip service; lie, to avoid abuse. Then the Atheists will try to blame this conformity on religion gone astray, even if there is nothing in that religion that teaches such things.
When I was young and just became a teen, I left my formal religious training; by choice, so I could participate more in the secular world of the hippy generation, where "immorality" was more open and relative. It was not religion that taught me this. I left formal religion, so I would not become a hippy-crate and make trouble by not conforming.
At that time, one could still be moral, while appearing to be immoral; victimless crimes. The real bottom line, as taught by Jesus, was to maintain the feelings of love for God and Neighbor; Love Generation. Paul in the Bible says, all things are lawful, but not all things edify. All thing are lawful, but I will not be mastered by anything.
Addictive behavior was where you crossed the line. Jesus told us to drink wine in memory of him, but also that the drunkard was a sinner. There is buffer zone and a line in the sand. As such, to experiment, here and there, to gain reality data, for your own objectivity, edifies. Forgiveness of sins allows the Hippy Christian, freedom and a buffer zone to experiment, make mistakes going too far, and then finally learn moderation in the zone. The goal was to keep your eye on the ball; love.
Paul also made a distinction between the children of the bond woman and the children of the promise. The children of the bond woman are slaves to law and need to obey as close to 100% as possible.The children of the promise, on the other hand, are like children of God, animated by his spirit; real time, and are not under law for righteousness. To them all things are lawful, if received it with gratitude and prayer.