I believe that the only really accurate way to assess Kamala Harris's racial background is to do a complete DNA workup to see the exact amount of it that each ancestor has contributed in the past. Then we can assess the full extent to which she is really a "race chameleon" as Twilight Hue has claimed, and this important election year issue can be objectively presented to the public, which has a right to know. Meanwhile, I'm quite certain that Donald Trump is 100% racially pure. You can tell that by just looking at him, but you have to imagine him without the orange makeup.
But suddenly some people do not care about this one iota, because it's how people IDENTIFY. I bet they'd be pretty surprised at my kids, who haven't even dated anyone African American, though I wouldn't mind if they did. I mean, my kids LOOK African American. Their dad is actually pretty dark skinned and my kids vary but they all look African American and they are half African American (DNA tests prove this). So anyway, I agree with what you're saying but it will never happen. By the way, I wanted to point out something - I sent off my DNA results along with my husband's (not my first, African American husband - I dated and married a white guy after my first marriage). My dad had done tons of work on our family tree, which was full of dark haired and dark eyed people (myself included, though my skin is very pale) and stories about Native American princesses. But I sent both off because my poor husband, who looked totally like a Viking, with blonde hair, a straight nose, and blue eyes, didn't know much about his ancestry. Lo and behold, his came back showing southern European ancestry, and African American ancestry, and even Jewish ancestry, while mine only showed what I already knew - English, Scottish, and German. His was in technicolor and mine was all blue! I was so jealous! (And I didn't have a single drop of Native American ancestry.) And he looked like he could have been a poster child for the Lebensborn (Nazi Germany) program! So you never can tell.
My great grandson was just born, to parents who look totally white (though his mom is 1/4th African American). His skin is quite a bit darker than either of his parents.