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Easily disproving Christianity and others.

For starters I typed this rant after 6 beers and on a iPhone so please bare with me on spelling & grammar. Maybe I'm just crazy. If I am missing something here I don't know, I cannot talk to family about this matter and I live in the bible belt so it's hard to openly discuss this.
would like to start this post with some background about myself I attended a catholic private school in Rensaleer, NY K-2 & public school the rest. *Despite being a football star and "popular" I hated it. Anyway I was always a firm believer and when I thought about things that contradicted the bible I couldn't think deeply into the subject because of the fear of damnation instilled in my mind. *I was talking to my older brother I was 15 he was 21 didn't know him well. (half bro). *He told me he was atheist and I asked him why?! He didn't want to hurt me and said maybe some other time. *I was devastated my brother was not going to join me in heaven... *Such a good person and wouldn't do anything in any way to hurt someone else volunteered at a homeless shelter. **This thought tormented my mind on why. **I was beginning to break the barrier. *The thought I had completely released me from the chains why werent cultures that had no contact with christians not Christians... The religion is spread purely by man therefore had to have been created by man why do some people get the luxury of heaven. *Why did god give these people free will if they never even knew he existed?! My mind was free I almost instantly was aware of how brain washed I was. *The next question is why I could free myself while others the people I loved trapped inside a fake reality. *So I try to explain to a close friend his mind could not wrap his head around the concept and I realized the instilled fear of damnation barrier. *Here's Another thing if god is all knowing and created free will he would know everyone's predetermined destinys making free will impossible. I just want to help these people set themselves free but it almost seems Impossible like I feel like I'm not human or these people around me are unreachable. They give answers such as god works in mysterious ways.<-- wtf does this even mean??? It's something that is repeated so much it is like many of the things that are said that explains all controversy without any explanation. Also god is all knowing why is he always beating around the bush he knows all about lucifer why not just go ahead and make him Satan without the betrayal. *Because without it there's no story and if there's no story there's nothing to fool&intrigue people with. *I don't want to hurt anyone with this message but I feel it's my duty as a person to try and help people free there minds and take the next evolutionary step world peace!!! You heard right this is the solution to world peace all wars are based on religions. *I will explain... every religion seems to contradict another in some shape or form separating groups of people with different sets of morals rituals etc... Ok now subtract religion now everyone isn't told different rights and wrongs everyones are basically the same. **Might as well tell you the most interesting thing I think. *Everyone knows of the corruption of the catholic church obtaining money through fear mongering *indulgences blessings etc... They teach this in schools! Somehow still today the donation to the church bin **Is passed around to show stupidity to Jesus just kidding I'm tired! *Sorry well anyway the preacher talks like a pretty humble guy go to his house and look at his home worth 450k payed in full by the church they give the guy with the ability to ask for donations and he's on the payroll?? That's weird!!!!

Bob Dixon

If you expect the more sarcastic members of this forum to read that whole wall of text...

And to take you seriously when your tags are "atheism, christians, genius, idiot"...

I've got some news.


I also have never used a forum before I honestly didn't know what tags were. I thought they were. I was a Christian then atheist and I'm not sure if I am just see things wrong so I put idiot. Or maybe I came to a realization most don't have. I just don't know.
I also have never used a forum before I honestly didn't know what tags were. I thought they were. I was a Christian then atheist and I'm not sure if I am just see things wrong so I put idiot. Or maybe I came to a realization most don't have. I just don't know.

I don't disagree with everything you have to say. It was hard to read everything so if my understanding is wrong sorry. But what catholic priest have you met that has a 450k house?? That's all I'm thinking about


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
I agree with you. Although I'm not sure about the "religion starts all the wars" arguments and there are definitely people who would disagree with you.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
I don't disagree with everything you have to say. It was hard to read everything so if my understanding is wrong sorry. But what catholic priest have you met that has a 450k house?? That's all I'm thinking about

and what's his phone number? :D
I don't disagree with everything you have to say. It was hard to read everything so if my understanding is wrong sorry. But what catholic priest have you met that has a 450k house?? That's all I'm thinking about

Minister in a Christian church. a friend told me last night they busted there minister jacking 200k. Bought buses said worth 220k payed 20k. Claims he was being tormented by Satan gives money back everyone's back at church giving there money to him...
Minister in a Christian church. a friend told me last night they busted there minister jacking 200k. Bought buses said worth 220k payed 20k. Claims he was being tormented by Satan gives money back everyone's back at church giving there money to him...

Greed dose not care what religion you are. Things like this always happen dose
Not matter who you are. If a Christian preacher dose not suffer from greed,lust ect he is not human.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
First of all: welcome.

Second, an observations: As is the case with atheists, there are and have been many, many remarkably intelligent and thoughtful theists; irrespective of which side you find yourself promoting, if you think the issue or the resolution is either obvious or easy you are almost certainly deluding yourself.


Well-Known Member
You are also ignoring the facts not only that there are religions that are NOT warlike or accepting of agression, but that according to various religions, God has sent Divine Messengers to all the world at various times to instruct them about the proper ways to live.

Further, the apparent differences between the various religions apply only to the social teachings, which are INTENTIONALLY temporary and appropriately change from Age to Age as humanity evolves and increases in its knowledge and abilities.

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
That was a great read. Its refreshing to read something like this knowing the person was drunk. Theres a kind of genuineness and honesty to expressing oneself while hammered.

My mind was free I almost instantly was aware of how brain washed I was.

The religious brainwashing that occurs in our world is a serious problem. Many people won't ever be able to break away from the religion because of it.

I just want to help these people set themselves free but it almost seems Impossible like I feel like I'm not human or these people around me are unreachable.

Its definetly not impossible. If you look at Europe, atheism is spreading quickly. Its definetly well under way in North America too. Its because of all the discussion about it that this is the case. So, talking to people about it is effective, even if the desired result isn't instant. Even if people seem to dismiss good ideas they can still take root in their subconscious somewhere. After enough exposure to the arguments against Christianity, lots of people eventually lose faith, even if it is a subtle process in the early stages.

They give answers such as god works in mysterious ways.<-- wtf does this even mean???

In many situations its a trick the mind uses in order to avoid thinking about 'difficult' ideas. For instance, when I was a Christian, I couldn't understand why God would torture people in hell. It made no sense. Because it made no sense, I couldn't understand it, and was forced to say things like 'God works in mysterious ways', or 'God is good, so there must be a good reason, even if I don't know what it is'.

I don't want to hurt anyone with this message but I feel it's my duty as a person to try and help people free there minds...

I hope you become active in your goal, you'll be doing humanity a service.

...and take the next evolutionary step world peace!!! You heard right this is the solution to world peace all wars are based on religions.

lol, this is where your drunkenness seems to get the better of your judgement haha. Im sure you don't think all wars are caused by religion. Many are caused by politics, wealth, power, hatred, racism, pride, etc.

Everyone knows of the corruption of the catholic church obtaining money through fear mongering *indulgences blessings etc... They teach this in schools! Somehow still today the donation to the church bin **Is passed around to show stupidity to Jesus just kidding I'm tired! *Sorry well anyway the preacher talks like a pretty humble guy go to his house and look at his home worth 450k payed in full by the church they give the guy with the ability to ask for donations and he's on the payroll?? That's weird!!!!

Yeah some people in the religious organizations such as churches are fairly corrupt. I do think they should get paid, but it should be a reasonable amount. Religion is a very lucrative business, though, always has been - Charlatans have been playing people from as early as the ability evolved in the human species lol
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Premium Member
I am hoping that not everyone judges all Christians (or any other group, for that matter) by what one may say to them. And I don't believe for one second I am brainwashed. And lastly, there will be corrupt members in ANY organization of any kind.

Welcome to the forum.
I am hoping that not everyone judges all Christians (or any other group, for that matter) by what one may say to them. And I don't believe for one second I am brainwashed. And lastly, there will be corrupt members in ANY organization of any kind.

Welcome to the forum.

While I agree with you for the most part religion IMO is different then say a radical political party brainwashibg people. It is very easy for religion to use hell to brainwash people from ever walking away from there religion. Also the shunning practice in religion will also keep people inline. But your right anyone can be brainwashed from anything I guess.


Premium Member
While I agree with you for the most part religion IMO is different then say a radical political party brainwashibg people. It is very easy for religion to use hell to brainwash people from ever walking away from there religion. Also the shunning practice in religion will also keep people inline. But your right anyone can be brainwashed from anything I guess.

Using hell to keep people in line may have been started as a technique to get people to follow God- as it doesn't say in the Bible that I can see that there is any eternal torment (I've read every book in the Bible). But that really isn't true as much nowadays- there aren't as many "fire and brimstone" type preachers anymore. Mostly preachers talk about Jesus' love for humanity. I know there are probably still some and I don't like that approach very much.
Using hell to keep people in line may have been started as a technique to get people to follow God- as it doesn't say in the Bible that I can see that there is any eternal torment (I've read every book in the Bible). But that really isn't true as much nowadays- there aren't as many "fire and brimstone" type preachers anymore. Mostly preachers talk about Jesus' love for humanity. I know there are probably still some and I don't like that approach very much.

Luke 16:19-31 is one example of torment in hell. There are others but I can't remember them off the top of my head.