If you are an expert in the Torah, as it was originally written, shouldn't you already know just from reading what it states?
על כנפי נשרים ואבא אתכם אלי ועתה אם שמוע תשמעו בקלי ושמרתם את בריתי והייתם לי סגלה מכל העמים כי לי כל הארץ ואתם תהיו לי ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש אלה הדברים אשר
תדבר אל בני ישראל
on the wings of eagles and I will bring you to me and now if you hear my voice and you will keep my covenant and you will be my strength out of all the peoples because the whole earth is mine and you will be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words that you will speak to the children of Israel
Did so by clicking on photo script that uses modern Ivrith letters. I click on search image with google lens. Was able to translate in English. Then next step will be search this so find what verse number.
I understand shemoth in Ivrith Exodus English, I know the letter H in Ivrith., due to Learning about Abram to Abraham letter Ivrith H ה
then I saw letter Ivrith H ה in your photo script and I was thinking wait I notice ה
It brought me to ask you
then I learn that yes script scrolls use Ivrith Modern letters.
Now I'm just finding where in English the verse number - this is a quick research., without opening them
This is searching
Exodus 19 with Sheets - Sefariahttps://
www.sefaria.org › ... › Torah › Exodus › Chapter 19
יהוה called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob and declare to the children of Israel:.
I notice you use this website too right
תנ"ך בכתיב המסורה - שמות פרק כ
I saw you use this from else where but I can't remember where: can we use that website when communicating?
So if you want all Ivrith, then how about at least a website., other wise I'll need to use google lens to find where. So far I only know Ivrith letter ה
the upper detatch line is yud spiritual, I associate that as 'I' we all carry that's in all of us. The other area is Physical.