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End Times?


Veteran Member
End Times?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the End-Times reformer prophesied in almost all the religions in one way or another. Please


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I recently watched an episode of 'Real or What' hosted by W. Shatner. It was about end-of-world predictions and potential natural disasters that we hear about. They were talking about Yellowstone National Park and sunspots. It was very entertaining. They mentioned that Christians predicted the world would end in year 666. No one is quite sure why, but it didn't happen at the expected time. That means every year after 666 is extra, and the world might end at any time.

I'm thinking about buying a shovel, so I can dig in for the big event.


Well-Known Member
No,, we are in the end times. I simply recommended a book that describes some of the the events that are soon to come. That is when outhouse decided to be tipped over and all his bs poured out into the forum.

Satan used Mr. Outhouse in a way that would take all attention away from the book that lists the events that are soon to come in these last days: "The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White.

Mr Outhouse is not the sharpest tool in the drawer. He has made several comments,, and so far I have passed on the opportunity of feeding him his foot, seeins how it seems to always be in his mouth anyways.

The Bible claims we are in the "last days". Mr Outhouse is no Bible scholar,, so,, when it comes to the Bible and scriptural things,,Mr outhouse is full of,,,,well, you know.

If you choose to side with Mr outhouse,, I will stack your name with his. I have no problem with sorting tares and dismissing them. These religious sites are a dime a dozen,, and they all have an Atheist that hates Christians and seeks to mock them at every turn.

You can read all of his posts and see that this guy has a hate streak for Christians. And even if you can't.. matters not to me.. I see it,, and I see real good.

People can oppose and disagree with certain end time doctrine and Ellen G White. . it doesn't mean that they are full of hate. It also doesn't mean that Ellen G White is accurate or there are end times in the mainstream perceived ways coming soon.

Do you have anger and hatred for anyone who opposes that doctrine?


Peace be upon you.
There is much talk today on the subject of end times, especially among Christians and Muslims. With this in mind I would like to invite my friends on this forum, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever faith or tradition you follow to share with us your views on this subject.
Peace be on you.
Ahmadiyya-Muslim Understanding:
1=This is the era which was foretold in major religions.
2=The Promised Reformer [who the world was waiting] has been sent by God.
3=His purpose is to bring people back to God with all peaceful means.
4=After him, his Khilafat [currently fifth Khalifah] is continuing his mission in 208 countries.
Claims and arguments @


Veteran Member
End Times?

End times is mentioned almost by every religion and the reformer that would come at that times to unite the people and religions, peacefully.


Active Member
There is much talk today on the subject of end times, especially among Christians and Muslims. With this in mind I would like to invite my friends on this forum, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever faith or tradition you follow to share with us your views on this subject.

not a generation has passed since someone claimed to have discovered the date when the world would end. The world is still there and they all failed.

also, christianity was originally eschatological in its nature, people at the time of Saul were all convinced that Jesus would come back in their life time. 2 millenia have passed and they're still waiting. smells fishy.


Veteran Member
not a generation has passed since someone claimed to have discovered the date when the world would end. The world is still there and they all failed.
also, christianity was originally eschatological in its nature, people at the time of Saul were all convinced that Jesus would come back in their life time. 2 millenia have passed and they're still waiting. smells fishy.
Quran mentions the signs of End-Times it as it would be a great turning point in the human life, not that the world would finish. Only G-d knows when the world would finish actually.


There is much talk today on the subject of end times, especially among Christians and Muslims. With this in mind I would like to invite my friends on this forum, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever faith or tradition you follow to share with us your views on this subject.
The Baha'i believe the end times have already come. We believe that Jesus came back as Bahaullah. We believe our purpose as the Baha'i Commonwealth is to take humanity out of the "end times" of this cycle and to bring us into the glory of the next cycle. We are building a literal New Jerusalem here on earth (although it's headquartered in Haifa)



The system that makes sense to me has yugas within yugas. The smallest cycle does have Rama and Krishna as you stated. But inside that cycle of 4 yugas is a mahayuga a great yuga of many smaller yugas and so forth.

If you accept that formulation and we are in the first second of the 51st year of Brahma's life then the maha Kali yuga has ended and the new sat(golden age) yuga is just being born - that means that the darkness that people have lived through on Earth is ending and people will be happy for a long, long time.

Baha'i believe that Bahaullah was the Kalki avatar and we are now in the beginning phase of the satya yuga