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End Times?


Veteran Member

End Times?

I don't recall death as to be considered a ' transitional event '.
When dead Jesus was in biblical hell (aka grave) he wasn't in any transition stage - Acts 2:27
In Scripture Jesus remained 'asleep in death' until his God resurrected dead Jesus ( restored Jesus to life ) .
Jesus was well educated in the old Hebrew Scriptures which teach 'sleep' in death - Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
Thus, that is why Jesus also teaches ' sleep ' in death - John 11:11-14

Yes, once one decides to obey God it does take time to surrender the ego self to the Divine Self.
That could be a reason for Jesus' New Commandment found at John 13:34-35
To have the same self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has.
In other words, to Now love neighbor MORE than self, more than the Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18
(G-d) restored Jesus to life
G-d , I understand, restored Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Abrahamic/Israelite Messiah/Prophet from the near-dead because he did not die a cursed death on the Cross in the first place, please, right?



Veteran Member
I don't think the apocalypse actually requires any kind of god.
I thought it was scientifically proven that the world will end some day - I actually knew about this when I was only 6 years old - maybe I was a nerdier little kid when I was in Kindergarten than my peers but I remember being pretty much inseparable from some book about space that kids could understand that I got for Christmas one year. I was able to wrap my little walnut around cosmic horror at a remarkably young age - the fact that the earth was so small in relation to the rest of the universe that it kind of seems like nothing we do really matters and that earth and even our sun and galaxy are pretty inconsequential.
It was only when I started to read Bertrand Russell's **** in university that I was able to return to the issue after suffering fools throughout my childhood who seemed to believe that their lives were the centre of the universe or, if they were unusually less self absorbed than most, they'd acknowledge that the world was a little more important than their own egos - still pretty narrow minded as far as my own estimation.

"The world" in it's entirety - involving the full sweep of time and space involved in its existence - is literally like a grain of sand on a long beach.

I'm not convinced that the end of the world is necessarily "near" as far as humans conceive of it but it's definitely coming at some point. Probably pretty randomly like an asteroid or something will wipe us out. The way our sun functions is destined to cook our planet up in a few million years or so anyway and then it'll just explode/collapse into a black whole - by then, humanity will be long extinct.

Kinda makes all the stuff humans do really, really absurd - especially religious dogma and political ideology.

I suppose the most virtuous thing a person can do with their life is try to not die. LOL
I find we are speaking about 'known science' because the Bible teaches "Earth abides forever " - Ecclesiastes 1:4 B; Psalm 104:5
What the Bible teaches is that 'the world (of badness) will end some day', Not the Earth.
Jesus taught from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26 that humble meek people will inherit the Earth - Matthew 5:5
In order for the meek to inherit Earth the Earth would have to be here.
We are all invited to pray to God the invitation of Rev. 22:20 for Jesus to come !
Come and bring ' healing ' to earth's nations - Rev. 22:2
Healing to the point that No one will say, " I am sick....." - Isaiah 33:24
Earth and its people will be happy-and-healthy as described in Isaiah's 35th chapter.
Even enemy death will be No more on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26


Veteran Member
I don't think the apocalypse actually requires any kind of god.

I suppose the most virtuous thing a person can do with their life is try to not die. LOL
In Scripture what is sometimes referred to as the apocalypse is a revelation or a revealing.
A revealing about a happy future for Earth and its righteous inhabitants :) Revelation 22:2; 1st Corinthians 15:24-26

Interesting that you say, " try to not die " because eternity is in our hearts and minds.
For each day we can count we can count both forwards and backwards forever and ever.
In Scripture will come a 'time of separation' on Earth when the figurative 'sheep' of Matthew 35:31-34,37 will remain alive on Earth.
They will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years.
They will have the opportunity to live forever on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I don't recall death as to be considered a ' transitional event '.
When dead Jesus was in biblical hell (aka grave) he wasn't in any transition stage - Acts 2:27
In Scripture Jesus remained 'asleep in death' until his God resurrected dead Jesus ( restored Jesus to life ) .
Jesus was well educated in the old Hebrew Scriptures which teach 'sleep' in death - Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
Thus, that is why Jesus also teaches ' sleep ' in death - John 11:11-14

Yes, once one decides to obey God it does take time to surrender the ego self to the Divine Self.
That could be a reason for Jesus' New Commandment found at John 13:34-35
To have the same self-sacrificing love for others as Jesus has.
In other words, to Now love neighbor MORE than self, more than the Golden Rule of Leviticus 19:18
A transitional event just means a change of state. In the event of death, from a state of physical awareness to non-awareness.


Veteran Member

End Times?

I find we are speaking about 'known science' because the Bible teaches "Earth abides forever " - Ecclesiastes 1:4 B; Psalm 104:5
What the Bible teaches is that 'the world (of badness) will end some day', Not the Earth.
Jesus taught from Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26 that humble meek people will inherit the Earth - Matthew 5:5
In order for the meek to inherit Earth the Earth would have to be here.
We are all invited to pray to God the invitation of Rev. 22:20 for Jesus to come !
Come and bring ' healing ' to earth's nations - Rev. 22:2
Healing to the point that No one will say, " I am sick....." - Isaiah 33:24
Earth and its people will be happy-and-healthy as described in Isaiah's 35th chapter.
Even enemy death will be No more on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
In order for the meek to inherit Earth
Doesn't the above, as I understand, need to be corrected since it is only the righteous who have the right to inherit the Earth in terms of the Psalms 37:29, unless one is a (worldly/ power-seeker) Zionist, please, right?:
New International Version
The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.

New Living Translation
The godly will possess the land and will live there forever.

English Standard Version
The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever.

Berean Standard Bible
The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.

King James Bible
The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.

New King James Version
The righteous shall inherit the land, And dwell in it forever.

New American Standard Bible
The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever.

NASB 1995
The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever.




Veteran Member

End Times?

G-d , I understand, restored Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Abrahamic/Israelite Messiah/Prophet from the near-dead because he did not die a cursed death on the Cross in the first place, please, right?
Please read 1st Peter 2:24 that Jesus 'bore our sins in his own body' upon the tree (Greek xy'lon)
You may have Galatians 3:10,13 in mind because " Accursed is everyone hung upon a tree/ stake."
Acts 5:30 agrees hanged on a tree (Greek xy'lon) besides Acts 10:39 and Acts 13:29-30.
So, Jesus was Not near-dead but completely dead otherwise he would not have been taken down off the xy'lon.
Please see Deuteronomy 21:22-23 because the executed were Not to remain hung up over night.
So, in order to pay for our sins Christ Not only had to die but had to die on a stake/ pole.
The corrupted religious leaders could Not execute Jesus on religious grounds they got the Romans to do their dirty work.
Accusing Jesus of political reasons of sedition, treason and injured majesty.


Veteran Member

End Times?

Doesn't the above, as I understand, need to be corrected since it is only the righteous who have the right to inherit the Earth in terms of the Psalms 37:29, unless one is a (worldly/ power-seeker) Zionist, please, right?:
New International Version
The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.
New Living Translation
The godly will possess the land and will live there forever.
English Standard Version
The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever.
Berean Standard Bible
The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.
King James Bible
The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.
New King James Version
The righteous shall inherit the land, And dwell in it forever.
New American Standard Bible
The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever.
NASB 1995
The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever.
Yes, the righteous inherit the Earth - Matthew 5:5 aka meek.
Please note Acts 24:15 because both are mentioned the righteous and unrighteous ( KJV just and unjust )
The wicked are destroyed - Psalms 37:38; 92:7; 104:35; 145:20; Proverbs 2:21-22
So, once the 'righteous and unrighteous' are resurrected the righteous need to remain righteous and the un-righteous need to change to become righteous and then also remain righteous to be humble/meek to inherit the Earth.
All this will start at the soon coming ' time of separation' as found at Jesus' coming Glory Time - Matthew 25:31-34,37
The figurative living 'sheep' are counted as starting out as righteous ones and will be here on Earth to see calendar Day One of Jesus' Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for a thousand years.
These are the ones here on Earth to welcome back the resurrected righteous and un-righteous ones. - Acts 24:15


Veteran Member
A transitional event just means a change of state. In the event of death, from a state of physical awareness to non-awareness.
Thank you for the ^ above ^.
I can go with non-awareness, kind of like a person is not aware of anything while deep asleep.
Not just physical but also No mental awareness.
So, it is No wonder Ecclesiastes 9:5 states that the dead know nothing.


Veteran Member
Jesus? Are you asking if Jesus was sanctified? I don’t believe He needed to be sanctified, since according to the scriptures He was the Son of God, the perfect spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.................
I suppose in a way we can say that at Jesus' baptism he was 'sanctified' by God's holy spirit - Luke 3:21-22; Mark 1:10-11
When Jesus was 'sacrificed' as that sacrificial 'lamb' is what made possible the taking away of sins.....
Any thoughts

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I suppose in a way we can say that at Jesus' baptism he was 'sanctified' by God's holy spirit - Luke 3:21-22; Mark 1:10-11
When Jesus was 'sacrificed' as that sacrificial 'lamb' is what made possible the taking away of sins.....
Any thoughts
Makes sense, but then perhaps so does the crucifixion, the actual sacrifice of Jesus, as the sacrificial lamb?


Veteran Member

End Times?

So the Zionism claim to inherit the land has no ground, right?
From Psalms 37:9-11,29; 22:26 Jesus promised humble meek people to inherit the ground aka Earth.
The figurative 'sheep and goats' are judged by Jesus as King on how they treat his spiritual brothers - Matthew 25:40


Veteran Member
From Psalms 37:9-11,29; 22:26 Jesus promised humble meek people to inherit the ground aka Earth.
The figurative 'sheep and goats' are judged by Jesus as King on how they treat his spiritual brothers - Matthew 25:40
Kindly correct the above reference, right, or quote its words, please, right?



Veteran Member
Kindly correct the above reference, right, or quote its words, please, right?
I will use the King James Version
Psalm 37:29 which says that the righteous will inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.
The 'land' is the Earth which according to Ecclesiastes 1:4 B Earth will abide forever

Psalm 22:26 says the meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek Him: your heart shall live forever. ( meaning those who prove to have a humble meek heart )

At Matthew 5:5 Jesus believed the meek will inherit the Earth thus referring back to Psalm 37:9-11


Well-Known Member
For the purposes of discussion imagine that God is someday going to somehow put an end to the world.....
God? The visions are about us.
According to your religious beliefs what exactly do you expect to happen?

Lots of stories represent what god is going to do. I see these renditions as people trying to describe visions. They are seen, the visions but of future events, that cannot be described in current understanding (words).
Eschatology is not one of my strong points and I'm more than a little confused about Christian teachings on the matter and as far as I can see there are many different and conflicting views within Christianity as to what exactly will happen
I agree.
But how do you (no matter what your religion is) think God will end the world?
End...no. War yes, the cities and toys (manufactured) will be gone and the knowledge and people will survive. This time before business and toys take hold, life and surviving will be key.
- and why do you believe what you believe?
Lots of homework and then practical application. Survival is huge. Some cultures can still with mother nature. While others will become monstrocity's without a grocery store with full shelves.
And are there currently any signs to be seen that may suggest The End is approaching?
I am alive and experiencing being here.
I have started watching YouTube videos about it to educate myself :D

View attachment 71030
scary stuff.

I quit reading nostradomus because of what i observed.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
For the purposes of discussion imagine that God is someday going to somehow put an end to the world.....

According to your religious beliefs what exactly do you expect to happen?

Eschatology is not one of my strong points and I'm more than a little confused about Christian teachings on the matter and as far as I can see there are many different and conflicting views within Christianity as to what exactly will happen

But how do you (no matter what your religion is) think God will end the world? - and why do you believe what you believe?

And are there currently any signs to be seen that may suggest The End is approaching?

I have started watching YouTube videos about it to educate myself :D

View attachment 71030
My religion doesn't have a god but there being an end time is totally believable. Things that live die and so too will humanity eventually. Might happen sooner rather than later depending on how we comport balancing needs and wants to our impact on the rest of our environment, but even if we manage to balance the scales completely, I don't believe humans are or were meant to be eternal, except that our base matter will mingle on with other matter until even that breaks down into energy and then dissipates.

Other people might find that no comfort at all but for me it's just a reminder to have realistic expectations and focus on the here and now and what I can effect instead of worry about the inevitable end. Especially since I'll probably be gone long before that point anyway.


Well-Known Member