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Eternal Hell?

You have missed the point!
Only when your beliefs turn to realization does understanding develop.
And who, on the outside looking in, can possibly say that my
beliefs haven't turned to realization, and my understanding
hasn't developed? ;) Sorry, I really don't subscribe to what
comes across as some kind of spiritual/mental
self-anesthetization. A spiritual epidural may seem
necessary if one's philosophical labor-pains are intense
enough, but so far I haven't found a need for it. :)

Yes, we are all born free to express and find our own paths as there are those many paths as people/opinions which dear Ramakrishna Paramhansa has so nicely pointed out.
Yes, exactly. What good is such freedom if one doesn't
actually use it?

The moment one thinks he knows; he knows not.
How does one know that?
And if one thinks one knows that, perhaps it means they
know it not. Do you see how this sort of reasoning kind of
caves in on itself?

Just as much thinking, and thinking-one-knows, goes into
that as into any other philosophy. The only real difference is
that it insists otherwise. :)

So if you wish to allow your mind to keep you busy in guess work you miss as you remain separated when just HERE-NOW one can be in oneness and be part of the *whole*. The choice is yours!
Yes, yes it is. Isn't that wonderful? And it's been a bliss-
filled choice at that! :) As one who is experiencing this
first-hand, I can safely say that what appears as guesswork
to others might just be an illusion on their part, because on
my end it's not guess-work at all, but quite the adventure in
spiritual growth, not to mention the deepest relationship
with another entity that I ever hope to have, my Lord
Krishna (so the issue you mention of
remaining separated
doesn't apply in this case)
. I wouldn't trade that for
anything. ♥

Ooops .... I think we've strayed way off the original topic of
this thread, lol! Sorry, everyone! :D



Its only a Label
Friend Ir...,

Ooops .... I think we've strayed way off the original topic of
this thread, lol! Sorry, everyone!
That is the nature of the MIND! which you are missing.

As mentioned earlier, everyone is born free to excericise their rights except that there is no they at teh end of the day/s. The journey end where it started from.

Best Wishes on your adventure!
Love & rgds
That is the nature of the MIND! which you are missing.
I'm quite familiar with the nature of the mind, so no, I'm not
missing anything on that front... :D though I suppose it's
also the nature of others' minds to insist that I am. ;)

As mentioned earlier, everyone is born free to excericise their rights except that there is no they at teh end of the day/s. The journey end where it started from.
Yes, I can see that the mind thinks things like
that as well. The mind is one very cool instrument! :yes:

Best Wishes on your adventure!
Thank you Zenzero. :)



Istha gosthi
freind zenzero ,

Friend ratikala

friend our very culture

is ther such a thing as a common culture that can be called our very culture ?

the culture shared in the case of the hindu nation is as diverse as diverse can be ,

personaly I am vaisnava , therefore advocate surrender to the supreme , and veiw that supreme as limitless , that supreme can symultaniously be both impersonal and personal , that supreme can and is everything within and beyond our understanding , without begining without end and without any confine we can place upon it , the supreme is of magnitude that we in our present capacity canot begin to comprehend such is its vastness , could we but grasp a fraction of the supremes splendor we would be humbled to the point that we could do nothing but marvel at such greatness this I call surender ,

but another from the hindu culture may veiw or realize differently , personaly I am happy that any one has a veiw which allows them to develop an understanding of an aspect of that limitless supreme ,
yet I feel no need to reduce the myriad of understandings into one , as each understanding is but a facet of the unlimited nature of the supreme .

and yes, each part is tiny and can never be greater than the *whole* at best it simply merges with the whole and allows the whole to use that part as its medium for turning the dharma wheel.

Love & rgds
and my freind you are most welcome to that veiw , if it explains something to you , and there will be many who agree and similarly are cut out to veiw in such a way , therefore see truth in that veiw .
and truth is there , ....

but there is truth allso in other veiws .......

as a vaisnava I accept that we all have tendancies which despose us towards different moods ; bhava's these are more than emotional tendancys , more a deep seated temperement born of karmic imprints ,

and by dint of our previous actions we develop characteristics which govern our thinking process in this life , our leanings towards different veiws and attitudes of worship

thus we display different moods ....

śānta bhava, placid love for God;the attitude of peacefull absorbsion .

dāsya bhava, the attitude of a servant;the attitude of hanuman ji towards lord rama .

sakhya bhava, the attitude of a friend;the attitude of arjuna towards krsna .

vātsalya bhava, the attitude of a mother towards her child;the attitude of yashoda mata, towards krsna .

madhura bhava, the attitude of a woman towards her lover:the attitude of sri radha towards krsna .

and understanding this we are accepting of anothers temprement :):):)

prehaps we should discuss these bhava's in a seperate thread where we can talk about them in more depth as they are more subtle and complex than the commonly given examples above .....


Its only a Label
Friend ratikala,

the culture shared in the case of the hindu nation is as diverse as diverse can be ,
The reference was made particularly for the use of the word *HUM* in everyday use and nothing else here.
personaly I am vaisnava
If vaisnavas are not beings, then what you state is correct as personal understanding as that we are evolved beings which are all parts of God or Brahman or whatever label one may conceive It to be.
All paths point towards individuals to be part of THAT and flow along with or to be in tune with THAT. How one does it is what is referred to as a path and there one could follow *vaisnava* tradition but finally it is also to merge with THAT CONSCIOUSNESS which is labelled as *KRISHNA* by that tradition. Only then one realizes that he is a part of that CONSCIOUSNESS.

Personally am in favour of all paths/ways that helps the individual to reach THAT state and on reaching the way or path is of not much use to the individual. Ramakrishna Paramhansa has reached to that state following 7 different traditions and declared that all paths lead to the same state.
Sanatan dharma is about DHARMA which is open to all beings whatever be the way, no problem as through evolution or revolution every being is on the way of dharma even the adharmics only that they have deviated too far and deep but also remember that the swing of a pendulum is always there. The worst individual can become the best as there is no half way for such individuals the like the pendulum will swing to the other extreme as soon as they reach to one extreme. Those who are already balanced never needs to swing either way like Ganesha who just held and circles the Mother's pallu to circle the universe and not like Kartika who went travelling around the universe. It is all a question of understanding. Understanding comes from Buddhi and those who utilize it to realize IT are *buddhas* and those who do not are labelled *buddhus*.
Yes, the demons also have been depicted in this very thread to appear to be very holy doing penance having tremendous knowledge and are able to create illusions such that they are *gods* but conscious individuals will sense the unconsciousness [ego] that drives them.
and understanding this we are accepting of anothers temprement
As mentioned above, all temperaments are totally understood and accepted. Each one free to practice the way one feels comfortable with to reach that state of consciousness!

Love & rgds