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Eternity Alone


Some who are Not even waiting for someone and their belief is more like credulity ( blind faith )
Whereas, Jesus' belief is based on his logical reasoning on the OT in which to preach and teach - Luke 4:43
Yes, love and greater ' belief/faith/confidence ' can go hand in hand
A person can 'die', so to speak, to former beliefs and put on the new personality - Galatians 5:22-23 - stripping off the old - vss 19-22
Why don't you walk the narrow path tasting death?
What's stopping you from doing that?


New Member
I was thinking about the idea of being separated from God the Creator forever. The Bible presents two destinations after life of this earth; one being eternal life in heaven and the other the second death or eternal separation from God/heaven. Some of the terms, descriptions, or what this state of separation will be like, are; lake of fire, everlasting fire, furnace of fire, outer darkness.
The scriptures indicate that this place was prepared for the devil and his fallen angels (Matthew 25:41). So it wasn’t for human beings. The scripture state that …

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is patient toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Pete 3:9

Yet, the scriptures also reveal that God is love and desires each person to freely choose to respond to His love and eternity with Him because real love cannot be forced.
I really like alone time, but if God is the sole source of love, loving relationships, light, joy, beauty, and all that is good, then I can not imagine an eternity in the absence of God or all that is good and loving; an eternity entirely alone and separate.

Any thoughts?
God has given us free will. So that he may see who does goo and who does evil. from this point a good and a bad person are not equal. hell is the perfect slot for those merciless individuals with bad soul. If you have come to the realization that You not imagine to Iive without HIM, good for you then, it also means God also have the same sentiment for you. God says, I am with my person as he thinks about me.