I think the post would have still been benefitial. I'm only not sure
It's a literal mass, meal, Christ, and passion. The breaking of the bread is literally joining brothers in Christ. It's not new aged symbolism. It's highly cultural.
1. When you go to mass, you become part of his literal body. (The people)
2. In scripture when the body comes together, it makes Christ present.
3. When Christ is present, he becomes/is communion. The cornerstone of mass.
4. Christ is what joins the body. He cannot be separated from the meal...because
5. When one consumes the food they consume (lbw) his passion. Bread his life, blood sacrifice. In it, the communion/body/blood is Christ resurrection.
Everyone will be resurrected to those who sit at his table and become a church.
The literal context isn't symbolism. It's not new aged. I'm not sure why Protestants water down these practices. Spiritual is both physical (the meal) and spiritual (passion).
New age symbolism? No, not unless you consider 500 years ago new age, or what the Apostles did, new age.
Mass has nothing to do with the body of Christ ( the true Church) which exists regardless of mass.
Actually, when two are gathered together in His name, He is present.
We "water down" these practices because the practices are erroneous mumbo jumbo.
Christ was crucified once, for all sin for all time, for all people.
We follow His instruction to remember this, and take the meal as He did, to emphasize that one time shedding of blood and sacrifice of His body.
To believe the meal is literally Christs flesh and blood, means His sacrifice is never complete.
Christs body today is not the same as the body He sacrificed, it is glorified. Apparently he has no blood, as Thomas thrust his hand into the wound of the spear, and it didn't bleed. His blood flowed into the dirt at the cross.
So, your blood and body are simply not what was on the cross and spilled, those no longer exist.
If it's symbolism, so is a Christian's salvation.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Putting aside the argument you used to hearing.