You saw the guy peddling upstream only to get nowhere?
The guy was ising while he was paddling. There are no goals to be reached or met.
Being at Play is all that is Happening.
There are no goals to be reached or met.
Then why is he peddling? Why bother? Just stop and let the water take you where ever the water wants.
There is this story of two frogs hopping around a dairy farm.
Both jumped up at the same time only to land in a 5 gallon bucket half full of milk.
Both peddling just to stay afloat. After some time one fog said to the other, "you know, I'm so tired I don't believe we are going to make it", so he stopped peddling sank and drowned.
The other did not give up for his goal was to get out and not drown.
He maintained his peddling until the milk begin to harden to the point where he was able to hop out.
Life is not just "at play", for there are loved ones who suffer, people who are dying of all sorts of things and to not have hope, would mean to give up the fight.
Blessings, AJ