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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Yes, there is one lady that made such allegations. But you know why that is in doubt and Trump's are not? Sexual predators very very rarely limit themselves to one victim. Trump himself claimed that he had many victims when it came to his peeping at underaged girls. When it comes to violent assaults there have been at least 26 women that have accused him of some sort of sexual assault up to and including rape:

When only one women comes out and makes such charges and her coworkers do not seem to believe her then doubt is reasonable. When a person has admitted to underaged peeping, when he openly says "Grab them by the *****", when 26 women accuse him of sexual assault, then we are far past alarm bells ringing.
For conservatives, guilt is determined by party affiliation rather than evidence.


Veteran Member
My opinion is far less baseless than yours ..
Another baseless claim. You might as well claim to be Emperor of the World.
but why are you talking such nonsense "Your opinion is baseless" what a joke trying to pretend to be an argument for something other than Ad Hom Fallacy.
Yet you don't explain how your sssessment is true. Maybe your feelings are hurt, and you are desperate trying to defend a losing position.
There were no witnesses to the rape .. no witnesses to any conversation about rape .. because there was no rape ..
There was a victim/witness. And why should we take your side over hers when she told two people of the rape after it happened? And we know the difficultly women have in being taken serious in rape cases historically, but that is changing. Women are being treated with more respect by the majority, which I guess you would call woke. The anti-woke are on the side of the rapist. And he is so stupid that he has gotten himself sued for defamation twice. And he did it a third time during court, so the monitary fine will be going up until he learns to keep his mouth shut.

Your opinion? You're on the side of the rapist. The loser of defamation. Twice. And loser of 91 criminal counts being heard in numerous courts of law.
There was some tale of an encounter with a big wig who got a little touchy .. long back in the day when behavioral norms were different .. the two friends exlaiming "Pig" at the time in mutual empathy ... many decades later memories only slightly altered and some Gold diggers remember a story just slightly different than what really happened. This is a perversion of Justice full on .. the million of dollars in compensation absurdity beyond Kangarooland .. equal justice no more .. Rule of Law be damned ... punishment not fitting the Crime.
Incoherent rant. Do you put on orange makeup when you type these?
and that ain't opinion F1Fan -- its called the Rule of Law. So tell me .. was Ms Carrol commando that evening ? how is it that Dirty Donald managed the insertion .. in specific detail ..
Your statements are overly emotional, and seem fearful. The smart move would be to not mention these losing cases of Trump's at all since the evidence has been introduced and ruled on in court. You trying to argue for the defendant is already alost cause. Trump has lost already. Twice. If he keeps defaming Carrol he will be back in court and fined more money until he learns. Just accept it and move on.


Veteran Member
Are you triggered by such porno level details on a case that was decided by a kangaroo court ? My apologies but such evidence is important in establishing guilt.
Right, and trump was determined to be guilty, and being held accountable. The guy just can't control himself and he is back in court for a second rond of defamation. And while in court defamed her again. The evidence is Trump himself. Rule of law. It will keep costing Trump until he learns.


Veteran Member
Just because a woman accuses a man of rape dosent make it true.
What don't you get about proven in a court of law?
Some women have done that and it proved later she was full of ****.
Don't give me this BS rape apologetics excuse from 20 years ago.
It could be true and it could not be true.

That's what criminal court is for. To prove things. Not Judge Judy courts 16 to 20 or whatever years later for a quick money grab.
In your mind only. But nothing will convince people such as yourself who will for whatever bizarre reason, defend Donald Trump at all costs.


Veteran Member
I know many guys saying stuff like that and they are not rapists and where did you get that underage allegation? Your left wing echo chamber?

First time I heard of that one.

Show me where Trump actually says that he peeps underage girls and I'll believe you on that one.
He said it on the Howard Stern show. I heard him say it live.

And if you don't believe Trump, then perhaps you'll believe some beauty pageant contestants who have confirmed his story:



Veteran Member
Ok, from what I have read about the evidence it should not be enough to come to the conclusion he raped her.
The judge disagrees with you. And as already pointed out, there was more evidence than that.
He denies it, she claims he did, you or I don't know what happened. I do not think we believe the accuser no matter what. That is not justice.
That's not what happened here.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
He was not found to have raped her by the jury. Like I said the only evidence was her testimony about an incident 30 years ago and she could not remember important details. That is pretty flimsy evidence to convict someone of rape. That is why it was a civil trial not a criminal one. Unfortunately no one knows what actually happened and never will.

What you won't do to defend his depravity. He was found guilty, and yet you "think" that you know more. If Biden had done anything even remotely similar, you'd be all over him and broadcasting it from the rooftops.


Veteran Member
I didn't see any of the evidence and don't care to .. as it is all he said she said
.. so there is no evidence ...

lest we have a video or witness .. which there was not .. I don't view the finger in the Vag .. however it is said to have happened .. they are in a situation .. touching occurs ..things get handsy .. no means no.. and situation ends. Don't think there was any extended finger blasting in the testimony .. do feel free to correct me if wrong..

"Well there was enough evidence" .. what on earth does "enough" mean in this equation . your personal opinion aside but, .. OK present some of it .. what is this "Evidence" .. do you have some finger blasting ? how is this not a strictly he said she said .. over a relatively minor sexual asault .. in the great grand continuum .. did he pop her cherry ? OK .. we got it . disgusting Pig .. but spare me the "Rape" .... she was raped nonsense as this belittling women who have been actually raped.
I've been raped. So spare me the lecture.

This is rape.

All you seem to have said here is "Nuh uh." Which isn't an argument.

I also don't care for your apparent mockery of what happened with your "finger blasting" and "cherry popping" comments. They're vile and disgusting. Let's see if you feel the same way about it after someone has penetrated you against your will.
.. Statue of limitations is there for a number of reasons .. one of the main ones is memory plays tricks over time .. the other that it is simply to far back in time .. over what was a purported innapropriate touching by a jilted Gold digger.
You've just admitted you don't know the evidence and don't care. So maybe spare us your analysis, eh?

Spare us the "gold digger" rape apologetics crap too. I'm not having it.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Rape apologists are pieces of ****. It's disgusting the levels people sink to when they abandon morals and ethics for the sake of blind partisan loyalty. A lot of these people identify as Christian, yet can they really be confident that their god abides such actions?


Well-Known Member
I've been raped. So spare me the lecture.

This is rape.

All you seem to have said here is "Nuh uh." Which isn't an argument.

I also don't care for your apparent mockery of what happened with your "finger blasting" and "cherry popping" comments. They're vile and disgusting. Let's see if you feel the same way about it after someone has penetrated you against your will.

You've just admitted you don't know the evidence and don't care. So maybe spare us your analysis, eh?

Spare us the "gold digger" rape apologetics crap too. I'm not having it.

I am not the one mocking rape by equivocating forced intercourse with some gold digger claiming to have been inappropriately touched 30 years ago ?

What evidence do I not know ... there is no substantive evidence to know -- all we have is he said she said from 30 years ago. What evidence exists other than that ? you don't seem to know the he said she said evidence .. never mind provide anything substantive.

What is the Gold digger claiming .. was she commando at the time ? or did Trump have to work his way in through her panties. You keep going on about forcefull penetration but don't seem to know the details.


Well-Known Member
Right, and trump was determined to be guilty, and being held accountable. The guy just can't control himself and he is back in court for a second rond of defamation. And while in court defamed her again. The evidence is Trump himself. Rule of law. It will keep costing Trump until he learns.

No . . the evidence is not Trump himself .. and who cares if Trump defamed her .. Trump defaming the girl is not evidence of rape ? What does falsely claiming Trump himself is evidence have to do with the rule of Law ? .. it is punishment in spite of a lack of evidence which is a violation of the rule of law .. and indeed it will keep costing Trump even though he is fully aware of the 3rd world Kangaroo show.

The thing you don't seem to understand is what this is costing you ? and us ? and the Nation .. ?


Veteran Member
I am not the one mocking rape by equivocating forced intercourse with some gold digger claiming to have been inappropriately touched 30 years ago ?
Yes, you are. You brought up "cherry popping" for some unknown reason. There was no need to go there. And yet you went there. Why?

And you're repeating the bogus "gold digger" claim that people such as yourself have been using to denigrate rape victims for time immemorial. People like you are the reason I didn't tell anyone about my rape 30 years ago. I felt that I wouldn't be believed, I felt that I would be fed all kinds of "gold digger" type lines like the one you keep trotting out. Plus I felt ashamed and violated and alone.

What evidence do I not know ... there is no substantive evidence to know
It was presented in a court of law and Donald Trump was found liable for sexual abuse.
-- all we have is he said she said from 30 years ago. What evidence exists other than that ? you don't seem to know the he said she said evidence .. never mind provide anything substantive.
We have more than that. But you keep ignoring it.
What is the Gold digger claiming .. was she commando at the time ? or did Trump have to work his way in through her panties. You keep going on about forcefull penetration but don't seem to know the details.
She deserves every penny she got, if you ask me. Trump has been defaming her over and over and over and continues to this day, and is in court again for doing so.

The "forceful penetration" is Trump pushing E. Jean Carroll against a wall and forcing his fingers inside her. This isn't rocket science.
If you don't think that's rape, then I don't know what to tell you other than you're wrong.


Veteran Member
No . . the evidence is not Trump himself .. and who cares if Trump defamed her .. Trump defaming the girl is not evidence of rape ? What does falsely claiming Trump himself is evidence have to do with the rule of Law ? .. it is punishment in spite of a lack of evidence which is a violation of the rule of law .. and indeed it will keep costing Trump even though he is fully aware of the 3rd world Kangaroo show.

The thing you don't seem to understand is what this is costing you ? and us ? and the Nation .. ?
If it "costs the nation" to hold a rapist accountable for his actions, then see ya later nation. You're already dead if that's the case.


Veteran Member
No . . the evidence is not Trump himself ..
So when Trump defames Carrol it’s not really Trump on video?

and who cares if Trump defamed her ..
The legal system as supported by respectable and responsible citizens. Are you not one of them?

rump defaming the girl is not evidence of rape ?
Right, it’s evidence of defamation.

The testimony of the victim and her friends is evidence of rape.

What does falsely claiming Trump himself is evidence have to do with the rule of Law ? .. it is punishment in spite of a lack of evidence which is a violation of the rule of law .. and indeed it will keep costing Trump even though he is fully aware of the 3rd world Kangaroo show.
You are tying yourself in knots. It’s not difficult law to understand.

The thing you don't seem to understand is what this is costing you ? and us ? and the Nation .. ?
All criminals cost society. The ongoing support for Trump is costing us. I wish conservatives would get their **** together and find their inner decency. The rest of us, including the approximately 15% of never-Trump conservatives will fight to maintain our democracy.

If Trump loses again and MAGAs attack our country again, that will cost us. And we have better things to do.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member


Well-Known Member
I merely find it rather curious your flip flopping position concerning evidence.
perhaps one day you will stop misusing the term "Kangaroo Court".
You keep using the term incorrectly all the whilst thinking you are being clever with it.
Most comical really.

Now, since the issue has already been determined by a court of law, regardless of whatever bold empty claims you make to the contrary, there is no real need to produce a porno simply for you to flippity flop the evidence.

I did not flip flop my position concerning evidence .. ? Where is your support for this comical strawman fallacy accusation .. which you follow up with appeal to authority fallacy.

Good grief mate -- just because the the Nazi courts decided that Jews were sub-human -- does not make it true ?

I suggest learning what an argument is .. I can help you if you like .. as this will improve your ability to make one.