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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The whole "Trump's failing health" narrative is just more disinformation put out by the extremist Left who want to deflect from Biden's health problems, which the whole world has repeatedly witnessed.
Trump's cognitive decline appears to be even worse. Or are you claiming that he was always braindead?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You didn't say even one substantive thing there.
Try again.
I didn't have to. Those were given earlier. Please try to keep up. I was asking your opinion.

"Try again" does not work if you have not been following or understanding the conversation. If you do not understand something there is no shame in asking questions for clarity.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is no good evidence that he did abuse her except her testimony
Disagree. It might not be enough to convict in criminal court, where the standard is "guilty beyond reasonable doubt," but the preponderance of available evidence was sufficient for Judge Engoron to conclude that Carroll was credible. The evidence isn't limited to this one allegation. We know Trump. We know his character. Of course he has raped women. If one has the desire to do so, feels safe doing so, and has access to women, he rapes some of them. It's the dog test again:

"You defrosted a steak on a plate which you put on the table, but forgot to put it back into the refrigerator before you left for work. Your dog is home alone, loves steak, has never been trained, and can get to the steak. Question: did the dog eat the steak? Of course it did. If it had the will and the means to get to it, there is no other possible outcome unless the dog dies of a heart attack trying to get to the steak. Just ask yourself, would Putin help the Trump campaign if he thought he could? That's a no-brainer. Would Trump and his consiglieres accept that help were it offered? Still no brain required."

Did the dog eat the steak? Did Trump collude with the Russians? Did Trump rape women? Did he steal from contractors? Did he defraud his university students? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. That's the dog test: did he have the will and means to commit the act? If yes, it happened.
No one will ever know if this happened or not
Sure we do, beyond reasonable doubt. See above.
He was not found to have raped her by the jury.
Yes, we know. It was a bench trial. There was no jury required. He was found to have raped her by the judge, who stands in for the jury when the defendant declines a jury trial and carries the same weight legally.
I can hardly wait until he takes the White House again. Snowflakes will melt and heads will explode. Oh, I can hardly wait!
Then I suppose you can understand the schadenfreude many are feeling and expressing now at the fate of Trump and those who care about him. I understand that feeling, but most people won't say it out loud. I've yet to read a liberal write "@#!& your feelings" or "How sweet the taste of MAGA tears" as they heard in 2016 said to liberals, but I'll bet that some of that sentiment can be found somewhere.

How's your head doing now with all of these trials? Watching this must be tough to take.

The head really enjoy getting into is Trump's. Fortunately, he makes that pretty easy. Talk about exploding! Pure, nonstop rage, anguish, and humiliation. He reminds me of these police arrest videos where somebody is screaming hysterically while kicking and biting and has to be taken to ground, tased, and fitted with ankle cuffs and a spit hood all while screaming "Get off of me, you have no right, I've done nothing wrong, and I'll sue all of you and have your jobs" to police. Then they go to jail. This will be similar, except

Like I said, I understand your sentiment, but I'm not as forthcoming as you expressing it. Here's my impossible dream: Trump supporters get a Trump presidency and what follows from that, and the rest get a Biden America and what would follow from that.

Do you disagree that if there could be two Americas under different presidents, that they should both get their wish and deserve whatever follows? I'll bet that you do, but I'd also bet that we have different visions of what those futures would be like in those two countries. I'm thinking something like North and South Korea.
Interviews with voters indicated that a good amount of those who voted for Haley were democrats who wanted to interfere in the GOP primary.
Most future Democratic voters seem to want Trump to be the candidate. I'd prefer a president Haley to a president Trump, but I'd prefer a president Biden over both, and Trump is a proven loser who now has new problems, like no longer enjoying the benefit of incumbency or of being relatively unknown like Haley, and he's now a defendant as much a candidate, soon to be a convicted felon.
There is far more to a woman that makes her someone's type than looks
No when you're only looking at a picture of her.
Show me where he was ever convicted of rape.
Irrelevant except with regard to a prison sentence for it, and we don't need that.

Actually, a financial judgment would hurt a man already headed to prison for life more than another felony conviction if he weren't already going to lose his wealth anyway. It's pretty hard to do more to this man than strip him of his wealth, his children's inheritances, his brand, his business and business licenses, his freedom, and his legacy through a series of rage-inducing public trials and other humiliations. They want to remove his star from Hollywood Blvd and the Brits want to revoke his honorary title even as his name is coming off of buildings and gold resorts. I wonder how that feels to a man addicted to praise and adulation? I'll bet his head is exploding.
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Not of this world
I didn't have to. Those were given earlier. Please try to keep up. I was asking your opinion.

"Try again" does not work if you have not been following or understanding the conversation. If you do not understand something there is no shame in asking questions for clarity.
That's not how the game is played. You don't get to ask my opinion without providing evidence of your assertions.


Not of this world
I have again and again. But you are deflecting again because you know that unlike you I can and have supported my claims. I will give you a freebie, what claim about Trump do you not understand?

Oh, another question, even though you didn't answer the first second one asked of you.
Or the first one, you know, about your definition of insurrection?

Play by the rules, and people will play your game.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Oh, another question, even though you didn't answer the first second one asked of you.
Or the first one, you know, about your definition of insurrection?

Play by the rules, and people will play your game.
That is not about Trump. You could apply to to Trump, but that was now what you were complaining about. But thanks for deflecting again when you know that you are wrong. That question still has a price attached to it.


Well-Known Member
Well, there was enough evidence in a court of law to show he did rape her. And defamed her.

Why do you people defend this disgustingness???

I didn't see any of the evidence and don't care to .. as it is all he said she said .. so there is no evidence ... lest we have a video or witness .. which there was not .. I don't view the finger in the Vag .. however it is said to have happened .. they are in a situation .. touching occurs ..things get handsy .. no means no.. and situation ends. Don't think there was any extended finger blasting in the testimony .. do feel free to correct me if wrong..

"Well there was enough evidence" .. what on earth does "enough" mean in this equation . your personal opinion aside but, .. OK present some of it .. what is this "Evidence" .. do you have some finger blasting ? how is this not a strictly he said she said .. over a relatively minor sexual asault .. in the great grand continuum .. did he pop her cherry ? OK .. we got it . disgusting Pig .. but spare me the "Rape" .... she was raped nonsense as this belittling women who have been actually raped. .. Statue of limitations is there for a number of reasons .. one of the main ones is memory plays tricks over time .. the other that it is simply to far back in time .. over what was a purported innapropriate touching by a jilted Gold digger.


Not of this world
That is not about Trump. You could apply to to Trump, but that was now what you were complaining about. But thanks for deflecting again when you know that you are wrong. That question still has a price attached to it.

The answer has a price attached to it as well. The price is the answer to what your definition of "insurrection" is.
Time for you to pay up!

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The answer has a price attached to it as well. The price is the answer to what your definition of "insurrection" is.
Time for you to pay up!
Nope, you are very very very confused now. You were wrong about the claims against Trump and I offered to support one of them . If anything I am the one that should be charging you. So far you do not have anything of value to me.


Not of this world
Nope, you are very very very confused now. You were wrong about the claims against Trump and I offered to support one of them . If anything I am the one that should be charging you. So far you do not have anything of value to me.

Except to keep you company.


Well-Known Member
Trump mistook Carrol for his wife Marla in a photograph during a deposition. Not his type?

Sorry, there are two witnesses that Carrol told them of the rape within days of the crime.

Let's note that your denial and ignorance of the evidence means nothing. The courts heard all of the evidence and found the allegations true that Trump did this crime.

Your opinion is baseless. The court and a jury actually heard the evidence and their decision is more valid than your opinion. I'm not sure why you think your judgment supercedes a court. Why would you think we critical thinkes would be influenced by your ongoing devotion to a criminal candidate?

My opinion is far less baseless than yours .. but why are you talking such nonsense "Your opinion is baseless" what a joke trying to pretend to be an argument for something other than Ad Hom Fallacy.

There were no witnesses to the rape .. no witnesses to any conversation about rape .. because there was no rape .. There was some tale of an encounter with a big wig who got a little touchy .. long back in the day when behavioral norms were different .. the two friends exlaiming "Pig" at the time in mutual empathy ... many decades later memories only slightly altered and some Gold diggers remember a story just slightly different than what really happened. This is a perversion of Justice full on .. the million of dollars in compensation absurdity beyond Kangarooland .. equal justice no more .. Rule of Law be damned ... punishment not fitting the Crime.

and that ain't opinion F1Fan -- its called the Rule of Law. So tell me .. was Ms Carrol commando that evening ? how is it that Dirty Donald managed the insertion .. in specific detail ..

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
My opinion is far less baseless than yours .. but why are you talking such nonsense "Your opinion is baseless" what a joke trying to pretend to be an argument for something other than Ad Hom Fallacy.

Please, you still do not know what an ad hominem fallacy is. Where did he use one.
There were no witnesses to the rape .. no witnesses to any conversation about rape .. because there was no rape .. There was some tale of an encounter with a big wig who got a little touchy .. long back in the day when behavioral norms were different .. the two friends exlaiming "Pig" at the time in mutual empathy ... many decades later memories only slightly altered and some Gold diggers remember a story just slightly different than what really happened. This is a perversion of Justice full on .. the million of dollars in compensation absurdity beyond Kangarooland .. equal justice no more .. Rule of Law be damned ... punishment not fitting the Crime.

Not true. Carroll counts as a witness. But then so does Trump. The problem for Trump is that when it happened Carroll informed two friend abut the fact. That she told them this is evidence for her. They can and did testify for her.

But I see that you are using another term that you do not understand. I would suggest that you stop the name calling because your improper use of the false claim of a "Kangaroo Court" is actually an ad hom on your part.
and that ain't opinion F1Fan -- its called the Rule of Law. So tell me .. was Ms Carrol commando that evening ? how is it that Dirty Donald managed the insertion .. in specific detail ..
You do not understand the rule of law. There are different amounts of evidence needed for criminal and civil courts. Would Trump have been convicted in a criminal court? We will never know because it was past the statute of limitations when Carroll first made this public.

And you seem to have not had much experience with women. Panties can be moved to the side rather easily. Just a helpful hint if you ever get a date.


Admiral Obvious
I didn't see any of the evidence and don't care to .. as it is all he said she said .. so there is no evidence ... lest we have a video or witness .. which there was not .. I don't view the finger in the Vag .. however it is said to have happened .. they are in a situation .. touching occurs ..things get handsy .. no means no.. and situation ends. Don't think there was any extended finger blasting in the testimony .. do feel free to correct me if wrong..

"Well there was enough evidence" .. what on earth does "enough" mean in this equation . your personal opinion aside but, .. OK present some of it .. what is this "Evidence" .. do you have some finger blasting ? how is this not a strictly he said she said .. over a relatively minor sexual asault .. in the great grand continuum .. did he pop her cherry ? OK .. we got it . disgusting Pig .. but spare me the "Rape" .... she was raped nonsense as this belittling women who have been actually raped. .. Statue of limitations is there for a number of reasons .. one of the main ones is memory plays tricks over time .. the other that it is simply to far back in time .. over what was a purported innapropriate touching by a jilted Gold digger.
This here post of yours shows why discussion about it with you is completely unproductive.

  1. You claim you have not seen evidence
  2. you declare you do not want to see evidence,
  3. then claim there is no evidence to see
  4. then you question the evidence
  5. then you demand some evidence be presented
  6. then you ask what the evidence is


Admiral Obvious
My opinion is far less baseless than yours .. but why are you talking such nonsense "Your opinion is baseless" what a joke trying to pretend to be an argument for something other than Ad Hom Fallacy.

There were no witnesses to the rape .. no witnesses to any conversation about rape .. because there was no rape .. There was some tale of an encounter with a big wig who got a little touchy .. long back in the day when behavioral norms were different .. the two friends exlaiming "Pig" at the time in mutual empathy ... many decades later memories only slightly altered and some Gold diggers remember a story just slightly different than what really happened. This is a perversion of Justice full on .. the million of dollars in compensation absurdity beyond Kangarooland .. equal justice no more .. Rule of Law be damned ... punishment not fitting the Crime.

and that ain't opinion F1Fan -- its called the Rule of Law. So tell me .. was Ms Carrol commando that evening ? how is it that Dirty Donald managed the insertion .. in specific detail ..
Now demanding porno level details on a rape that has already been decided in court?


Admiral Obvious
Are you triggered by such porno level details on a case that was decided by a kangaroo court ? My apologies but such evidence is important in establishing guilt.
I merely find it rather curious your flip flopping position concerning evidence.
perhaps one day you will stop misusing the term "Kangaroo Court".
You keep using the term incorrectly all the whilst thinking you are being clever with it.
Most comical really.

Now, since the issue has already been determined by a court of law, regardless of whatever bold empty claims you make to the contrary, there is no real need to produce a porno simply for you to flippity flop the evidence.