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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yes, there is one lady that made such allegations. But you know why that is in doubt and Trump's are not? Sexual predators very very rarely limit themselves to one victim. Trump himself claimed that he had many victims when it came to his peeping at underaged girls. When it comes to violent assaults there have been at least 26 women that have accused him of some sort of sexual assault up to and including rape:

When only one women comes out and makes such charges and her coworkers do not seem to believe her then doubt is reasonable. When a person has admitted to underaged peeping, when he openly says "Grab them by the *****", when 26 women accuse him of sexual assault, then we are far past alarm bells ringing.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Let anyone else do to Trump excusers what Trump did to Carroll, they'd scream blue murder and never stop until he was hanging from a tree or lamp post.
Agreed. And what else do you need to know about their integrity, sincerity, and ethics? I take the words from any MAGA elected official or voter the way I do words from Putin. One at no point treats them like they are honest or could possibly hold any face value. You want to defend a rapist? I really don't care what such a person's opinion is about anything intellectual or moral. I might consider a restaurant recommendation from one, but I can't imaging being interested in their thoughts about the world.
They don't care about supporting a rapist. Must defend the cult leader at all costs. Even gigantic ones such as overlooking rape. It's gross. I don't get it
I don't get it either. I though I understood human beings better than that, especially Americans having been one and living there for 55 years. But I don't. All we can say is what we see and what we expect from such people but not why they are like they are in such great numbers. I generally assume that such people are either completely unable to evaluate character and evidence, see Trump in terms of midwifing an apocalypse onto earth for that or other religious reasons such as his willingness to oppress women and LGBTQ+ with Supreme Court choices and cabinet appointments, or that they are angry at the world and their lots in life and want to see America and perhaps the earth scorched and thus welcome an avenging "angel" of destruction. So, either unable to engage in critical thought, religious,
When I see this 1min clip it feels not right. Especially Biden's remark at the end.
The only remark I heard from Biden came at the end and was "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message." What did you feel was unright about the rest of the video. It was just film clips of Trump screwing up and Haley commenting on it while campaigning against him?
Nikki saying Trump has dementia
If that's name calling, then name calling is appropriate and even necessary here. Do you doubt that he's dementing rapidly before our eyes? He's not the same Trump of 2016. The dementia wasn't nearly as apparent in 2020 as it is now. It's progression is accelerating now in terms of a visible loss of cortical function. He didn't used to be so confused or disoriented, nor as volatile, impetuous, and self-destructive.

Are you familiar with dementia, maybe through personal experience? Can you recognize it when you see it? Do you know its cardinal manifestations? It's different from the ignorance, narcissism, authoritarianism, sociopathy, and criminality that characterized his early years in office and which persist today. The episodes of confusion and memory loss now dominate his personality along with the loss of impulse control and executive function, which represent a loss of neocortical integrity and adult skills necessary for navigating life. We saw anger and a lust for vengeance, but we didn't see the tantrums before, and we didn't see him continually shooting himself in the foot like this.

To understand dementia, think of the brain and mind as an onion that adds layers in early life and then loses them in the reverse order later revealing behavior normal at an earlier and earlier age. Kids tantrum, then don't, but advanced dementia patients do act out again. Kids vocabularies are small but grow, then begin disappearing again until language is eventually lost if the disease goes on long enough before death. Infants and toddlers lack bowel and bladder control, can't feed themselves and can't be left alone until they reach a certain stage of development, but return to that in end-stage dementia and begin needing attention and help with hygiene again. Look at Trump and think impetuous, self-destructive teenager or younger. If he lives long enough, he'll be reduced to babbling, emotional incontinence (unregulated anger expression in his case - others afflicted with end-stage dementia are more fearful than angry and some even happy) and require fulltime custodial care like an infant.
Everyone [in their hearts knows that Trump is a rapist] except for those who sat in court and listened to all the "facts" that were supposed to prove it.
Judge Engoron was aware of the facts and concluded that the claim that Trump raped the plaintiff was credible, the basis of hs $5 million judgment. Sorry that you don't approve, but it's how the legal system works.
It makes you wonder why you even need a criminal court.
If you want to fine, incarcerate or put a defendant on probation (and probably to put someone on the sex offenders registry), you need a criminal conviction, which establishes whether a crime (misdemeanor or felony) has occurred. You and the other MAGA here defending Trump keep ignoring that and returning to the lack of a felony criminal conviction as if that means anything more than that he won't serve time for that crime, which doesn't help anybody except maybe the plaintiff psychologically (closure), since he's going to prison for life soon anyway.

In the meantime, she got to publicly humiliate Trump by exposing him for what he is, publicly beating him in court, and by his loss of a big judgment. He really hates losing to women (Pelosi, Cheney) and especially black ones (Willis, James),yet they're all playing him like a marionette as he sits by helplessly raging.
Just take it to Judge Judy to decide.
Done, except it was Judge Engoron. Twice now.
Trump is not convicted and sentenced for rape.
Yes, we know. You seem to think that's all that is relevant here. Why do you think that matters at all? You don't want him held criminally accountable.

I notice that you declined to answer my question. I'll ask it again, but give you my answer this time on the assumption that you'll choose to ignore it again. Please feel free to disagree if you do and explain what is correct instead in your opinion, or you can just settle for my best guess going unanswered and whatever you think that implies:

"Would it matter to you to know for a fact that he raped somebody if he did? I don't think so. If not, why fight the allegation? Trump is clearly morally unfit for everything, but apparently not everybody cares about that. In fact, it seems like about half of Americans don't. And if that's the case, why pretend to care about such things?"

My proposed answer: Virtually none of MAGA including you care that Trump is rapist. You just care that his detractors don't say that about him, and so you and the others attempt to mitigate the damage in the minds of those who would find a rapist unfit for the White House with these defenses.

As I said, if that is incorrect, you are invited to correct it with an evidenced argument (mere dissent is unpersuasive). I don't think that it is or that you can. What say you? Can you admit that you really don't care whether he is guilty or not of rape or any other crime for that matter like insurrection or stealing and sharing classified documents and then lying about them? I'm not asking you whether you think that he is guilty of those cries, but whether if you knew he was whether it would affect your opinion of Trump's fitness for public office or your posting demeanor.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Trump pinned a woman against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers against her will.

That's an actual crime.
He was not convicted of that crime. There is no good evidence that he did abuse her except her testimony which she did not know the year this happened. No one will ever know if this happened or not, you certainly don't know.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
He was not convicted of that crime. There is no good evidence that he did abuse her except her testimony which she did not know the year this happened. No one will ever know if this happened or not, you certainly don't know.
After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood...
-- https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


Veteran Member
He was not convicted of that crime. There is no good evidence that he did abuse her except her testimony which she did not know the year this happened. No one will ever know if this happened or not, you certainly don't know.
He was found liable for it. The judge said he raped her.

Seriously, why are you people quibbling over the semantics of this?! The actions are those of a rapist. He was found to have take the actions described by E. Jean Carroll.

Oh, she didn't know the exact date?! Who gives a ****. I don't know the dates when I was raped either. But I know I was raped twice. And by whom. And how. She proved in a court of law that he did the things she said he did. And she told people about it around the time he did them. Do you have any idea how much courage such a thing takes to do? And she did this all the while knowing he wound be defaming and slandering her the entire time - which he did and continues to do TO THIS DAY.

This is the same old rape apologetics crap people have been trying for years. I'm sick of it.
You support a person who was found liable of sexually abusing another person. Them's the facts. Maybe think on that instead of arguing ridiculous technicalities. Good grief.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
He was found liable for it. The judge said he raped her.

Seriously, why are you people quibbling over the semantics of this?! The actions are those of a rapist. He was found to have take the actions described by E. Jean Carroll.

Oh, she didn't know the exact date?! Who gives a ****. I don't know the dates when I was raped either. But I know I was raped twice. And by whom. And how. She proved in a court of law that he did the things she said he did. And she told people about it around the time he did them. Do you have any idea how much courage such a thing takes to do? And she did this all the while knowing he wound be defaming and slandering her the entire time - which he did and continues to do TO THIS DAY.

This is the same old rape apologetics crap people have been trying for years. I'm sick of it.
You support a person who was found liable of sexually abusing another person. Them's the facts. Maybe think on that instead of arguing ridiculous technicalities. Good grief.
Just because a woman accuses a man of rape dosent make it true. Some women have done that and it proved later she was full of ****.

It could be true and it could not be true.

That's what criminal court is for. To prove things. Not Judge Judy courts 16 to 20 or whatever years later for a quick money grab.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yes, there is one lady that made such allegations. But you know why that is in doubt and Trump's are not? Sexual predators very very rarely limit themselves to one victim. Trump himself claimed that he had many victims when it came to his peeping at underaged girls. When it comes to violent assaults there have been at least 26 women that have accused him of some sort of sexual assault up to and including rape:

When only one women comes out and makes such charges and her coworkers do not seem to believe her then doubt is reasonable. When a person has admitted to underaged peeping, when he openly says "Grab them by the *****", when 26 women accuse him of sexual assault, then we are far past alarm bells ringing.
I know many guys saying stuff like that and they are not rapists and where did you get that underage allegation? Your left wing echo chamber?

First time I heard of that one.

Show me where Trump actually says that he peeps underage girls and I'll believe you on that one.


Not of this world
You're either terribly informed, or disinformed, or being deliberately naive. There is plenty of explanations of Trump's indictments and the evidence against him in these cases reported in reputable media. You're like a student who shows up on the day of the test and trying to get away with not knowing answers to the questions because you didn't study. That's on you.

I watched some of the New Hampshire primary coverage and some voters were interviewed. I was stunned how many didn't know much about the candidates, including the legal trouble Trump is in. These voters aren't informed. My thoughts were why are they bothering to show up for a primary with such little research on the candidates.

Most of the people you are arguing with in this forum are well informed, and know how to look for reporting. You don't. This is not just a flaw for indifferent voters, it is a flaw for America. The attraction for the Mango Rapist is unbelievable, and illustrates the power of corrupt leaders over the poorly informed.
I saw coverage of the NH primary as well. Interviews with voters indicated that a good amount of those who voted for Haley were democrats who wanted to interfere in the GOP primary. Still, Haley lost by double digits, and yet the MSM tries desperately to make it look like some type of win for her.


Not of this world
Trump mistook Carrol for his wife Marla in a photograph during a deposition. Not his type?

There is far more to a woman that makes her someone's type than looks. Carrol is the type that looks for rich men to sue for big money and fame. That's not the type of woman any man would want.


Not of this world
You mean, like, the judge? The Judge knows he's a rapist too.

How come his supporters can't figure it out? He even told Billy Bush exactly what he does: Grabs them by the ****. Turns out he did exactly that to E. Jean Carroll. Plus worse.
So, was he convicted of rape? If so, what was his prison sentence?


Not of this world
No proof? Hmmm ...

Except for raping several women

Proof: He has been found liable in a court of law for sexual abusing E. Jean Carroll.
He is on tape talking about how he grabs women by the genitals without their consent.
25+ Women in total have accused him of very similar behaviour.


, peeping at underaged girls when they were undressed (self admitted),

Proof: This is on tape. He said he does this.

More Proof: Several contestants said he did exactly that.


paying a porn star and a Playboy Playmate to have sex with him,

Michael Cohen (Trump's lawyer) went to prison for this.


cheating on his taxes,

The Trump Organization was found guilty of this in New York.


and of course trying to cheat in the last election.


Also, Trump was impeached for this.

Why do we say rape so much? Well, because we can't wrap our minds around the fact that you Trump supporters don't seem to care at all that he raped a woman. It doesn't seem to affect you in the slightest. And that's extremely disturbing. We can't figure out how anyone could support such a disgusting person.
Show me where he was ever convicted of rape.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.
Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood...
-- https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/
He was not found to have raped her by the jury. Like I said the only evidence was her testimony about an incident 30 years ago and she could not remember important details. That is pretty flimsy evidence to convict someone of rape. That is why it was a civil trial not a criminal one. Unfortunately no one knows what actually happened and never will.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
He was found liable for it. The judge said he raped her.

Seriously, why are you people quibbling over the semantics of this?! The actions are those of a rapist. He was found to have take the actions described by E. Jean Carroll.

Oh, she didn't know the exact date?! Who gives a ****. I don't know the dates when I was raped either. But I know I was raped twice. And by whom. And how. She proved in a court of law that he did the things she said he did. And she told people about it around the time he did them. Do you have any idea how much courage such a thing takes to do? And she did this all the while knowing he wound be defaming and slandering her the entire time - which he did and continues to do TO THIS DAY.

This is the same old rape apologetics crap people have been trying for years. I'm sick of it.
You support a person who was found liable of sexually abusing another person. Them's the facts. Maybe think on that instead of arguing ridiculous technicalities. Good grief.
Ok, from what I have read about the evidence it should not be enough to come to the conclusion he raped her. He denies it, she claims he did, you or I don't know what happened. I do not think we believe the accuser no matter what. That is not justice.


Not of this world
I wonder to what extent Magas believe that
even with his failing mental health, Trump is
still the hand of God, which means that he
will do righteous deeds anyway.

The whole "Trump's failing health" narrative is just more disinformation put out by the extremist Left who want to deflect from Biden's health problems, which the whole world has repeatedly witnessed.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ok, from what I have read about the evidence it should not be enough to come to the conclusion he raped her. He denies it, she claims he did, you or I don't know what happened. I do not think we believe the accuser no matter what. That is not justice.
This is a strawman argument since you are ignoring that when it happened to two friends that confirmed her claims. That was long before Trump became political.