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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.


Not of this world
LOL! The events that caused the virus were beyond the power of either. The economic turmoil and Russia's attack on Ukraine would also be beyond either's power. How would Trump do anything differently?

As for Ukraine, Trump showed strength on the world stage. Notice how biden takes over, and then Putin decides to invade Ukraine, Iran-backed militias somehow find it safe to attack United States troops and warships, Hamas decided it was a good time to launch a massive attack on our closest mid-east ally, and governments all around the globe discovered it was a good time to release their inmates from prison to illegally cross our border and commit crimes here.
Want to see a change for the better? Vote for Trump in November. If you don't like him, at least the 4 year countdown to not having to contend with the idea of him being president again will start. That could have happened in 2020, and we'd only have 1 more year of Trump. But now you've had 3 years to complain about him, another one to go, and 4 years of him being president again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
As for Ukraine, Trump showed strength on the world stage. Notice how biden takes over, and then Putin decides to invade Ukraine, Iran-backed militias somehow find it safe to attack United States troops and warships, Hamas decided it was a good time to launch a massive attack on our closest mid-east ally, and governments all around the globe discovered it was a good time to release their inmates from prison to illegally cross our border and commit crimes here.
Want to see a change for the better? Vote for Trump in November. If you don't like him, at least the 4 year countdown to not having to contend with the idea of him being president again will start. That could have happened in 2020, and we'd only have 1 more year of Trump. But now you've had 3 years to complain about him, another one to go, and 4 years of him being president again.
When? When did he ever "show strength"? He was a laughing stock. Please provide evidence for once. From reliable sources.


Veteran Member
As for Ukraine, Trump showed strength on the world stage.
Global leaders thought poorly of Trump. WHAT STRENGTH? Remember, Trump wanted to be an isolationist, so how does that translate to global influence? This was also a time when Ukraine had elected a new president and Trump tried to blackmail him. The Russian incursion of the Donbas and occupation of the Crimea had already happened. Did you forget about the Dutch airline that the Russians shot down over Ukraine?
Notice how biden takes over, and then Putin decides to invade Ukraine,
putin had eyes on Ukraine for over a decade. If putin losing an ally in Trump led to him being frustrated and invading Ukraine then that's on putin. We Americans can't be blackmailed to vote for a corrupt and inept candidate just to help putin.
Iran-backed militias somehow find it safe to attack United States troops and warships,
All because Hamas decided to start a massive conflict with Israel, which it new had powerful allies. Islamic extremists thrive in chaos and conflict, and these groups are taking advantage of each others attacks. They aren't going to win. But the West has no choice but to respond, and Biden has excellent and professional advisors who are designing an appropriate strategy. If it was Trump in office, who knows what kind of unprofessional nutcase he would have in charge. Remember, Trump struggled to find replacemenst for people in his administration by the time he was fired by the American people.
Hamas decided it was a good time to launch a massive attack on our closest mid-east ally, and governments all around the globe discovered it was a good time to release their inmates from prison to illegally cross our border and commit crimes here.
Hamas is an extremist group, whatever they decide will be irrational. They want to destroy Israel, that's all.
Want to see a change for the better? Vote for Trump in November.
Trump offers nothing. He has no solutions. Just look at his comments about any topic he mentions, it is childish rambling, often confusing names of those he's attacking. The man is disturbed and unfit for any public office.
If you don't like him, at least the 4 year countdown to not having to contend with the idea of him being president again will start.
Sooner than that if and when he's convicted. Over 25% of republicans say they won't vote for him if convicted, and all the indictments against him are very strong.
That could have happened in 2020, and we'd only have 1 more year of Trump. But now you've had 3 years to complain about him, another one to go, and 4 years of him being president again.
He could have accepted his loss and not stolen classified documents from the USA and avoided most all the legal problems. He could have settled with Carroll and apologized, and work out deals with New York on his real estate and tax fraud. If he hadn't lied about election fraud Jan 6 never would have happened. Imagine all the Trump supporters who would have never been arrested and jailed. Their lives wouldn't have been ruined. But Trump doesn't care. He keeps lying and grifting his supoprters, and does nothing more than cause society and himself problems. The man is disturbed and just plain dumb. There's a chance he isn't aware of what he's doing because he has a problem that needs help.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
There's not much left in this world that could make Biden look good.
You reveal your prejudice here. Whatever it is that you approve of in Trump or would want him to do that makes Trump look good to you, if Biden did it, it wouldn't.
Passing it wouldn't solve the problem, so it's bad legislation
I'm sure that you have no idea what the bill includes or what effect it would have, nor do I doubt that you would support it if it came from a Trump administration.
doesn't make biden look good
The Republicans disagree with you. They are trying to scuttle the legislation for fear that it would be understood as a win for Biden. If they thought it a failure, they would support it. They're Republicans and have zero interest in what's good for America.
Trump blamed for biden's actions!
What he wrote was, "The record deficit does not belong to Biden, but is very very related to this. Who is the President with the record spending?" He blamed Trump for Trump's actions. It's YOU trying to displace Trump's failures onto Biden.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

The world rightfully viewed Trump as trash.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's been obvious to a lot of people for a long time. Time to just retire him and either plunk him in a home, or think about getting him a caretaker of some sort. He was always an obnoxious and belligerent moron, however.
It appears that he's headed for institutional living soon, where he'll have caretakers and a very structured life.

Yes, he's always been obnoxious and belligerent, as well as a liar, a grifter, a scofflaw, and a sexual predator, but this year, he added or will add demented, broke, convicted felon, and incarcerated as his brand, his business, and his legacy are trashed and he is publicly humiliated, making 2024 a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" year for him.

Can it get worse? At this point, a terminal illness might be a godsend unless it was protracted over years and limited his life more than just being behind bars with almost no freedoms or pleasures.


Active Member
No, and this as was mentioned may be partially due to a stuttering problem that he used to have. He has made verbal gaffes throughout his entire career. To call it decline you would have to show that it has gotten worse. Like Trump has. And it appears to be occurring at a faster and faster rate.
Think people need to be careful.Both Biden and Trump are accused of Dementia.My People who have no practicing medical board certification.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Think people need to be careful.Both Biden and Trump are accused of Dementia.My People who have no practicing medical board certification.
That is true. But the errors that Trump has been making have been increasing in number and severity. But we will see. If it is dementia it can only get worse and and at a faster rate.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Time to just retire him and either plunk him in a home, or think about getting him a caretaker of some sort.
It appears that he's headed for institutional living soon, where he'll have caretakers and a very structured life.
Is that not an accurate description of Mar-a-lago? He has people to cook his meals, wash his clothes, make his bed and generally take care of him. And the same is true everywhere he goes.


Veteran Member
"women hold up half the sky, and in order to be able to succeed"
"no matter what you say, you cannot, I cannot understand and fully appreciate what it means to walk in her shoes, to be an African American woman, with a Indian American background, child of immigrants.”

Yes, ramblings that don't justify choosing a VP based on skin color. The past 3 years of her own word-salad speeches are evidence that "black woman" alone didn't qualify her to be VP. Her record-low approval numbers indicate that the public has realized it as well.
You ignored the part where what he said contradicted your claim that he chose her because she's black.
Passing it wouldn't solve the problem, so it's bad legislation. Doesn't secure the border, and doesn't make biden look good. Just makes him (and the country) look weak.
Still didn't address the point.

It's legislation that contains everything the Republicans have asked for. They're not voting for it because Trump wants the issue to remain an issue until he becomes President and because fixing it would make Biden look bad. They've said as much.

So, the Republicans now own the "open borders" they're so scared about.
If they were valid, I would have answered. Since they were not, I didn't.
You frequently ignore valid points presented to you. See above for examples.
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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Think people need to be careful. Both Biden and Trump are accused of Dementia [by] People who have no practicing medical board certification.
We also have those opinions: 350 health professionals sign letter to Congress claiming Trump's mental health is deteriorating dangerously amid impeachment proceedings

Nor do all medical diagnoses require a medical degree to make. Advanced dementia is easily identified by most people. The hard part is determining its cause. Alzheimer's dementia is different from pre-senile dementia, as are dementia from B12 deficiency or a career in football or boxing. And there's hypothyroidism, chronic alcoholism, and tertiary syphilis.

But the symptoms of the dementia are the same in all of these - impairment of memory, orientation, insight, judgment, problem solving, the performance of simple tasks, and the ability to understand and speak/write language. That describes Trump but not Biden.
Is that not an accurate description of Mar-a-lago?
Yes, but it's not the one he's headed for following these upcoming trials unless they allow him house arrest, which would be an insult to American interested in justice just as Ford's pardoning Nixon was.


Veteran Member
As for Ukraine, Trump showed strength on the world stage. Notice how biden takes over, and then Putin decides to invade Ukraine, Iran-backed militias somehow find it safe to attack United States troops and warships, Hamas decided it was a good time to launch a massive attack on our closest mid-east ally,
Fox News talking points, not in evidence.
and governments all around the globe discovered it was a good time to release their inmates from prison to illegally cross our border and commit crimes here.
I can't believe anyone seriously believes this crap that Trump tells you guys. Come on.
Want to see a change for the better? Vote for Trump in November. If you don't like him, at least the 4 year countdown to not having to contend with the idea of him being president again will start. That could have happened in 2020, and we'd only have 1 more year of Trump. But now you've had 3 years to complain about him, another one to go, and 4 years of him being president again.
The man is a dumpster fire and a civilly liable rapist. That's your guy? Eesh.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
What the actual? And this could be the next president? Tell me I'm dreaming....

"Donald Trump has said he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance."

- Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills
He thinks NATO should operate like a protection racket. "Nice little country ya got here, same if Russia were to destroy it". "Ya gotta pay"

Secret Chief


The world rightfully viewed Trump as trash.

We did. First seen in London, before going on tour...
