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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.


Veteran Member
I guess I'd rather go with the guy who went 4 years without getting us into any new wars
We were already occupying nations we were at war with and Trump didn't get us out. And why is this one trivia issue relevant since other nations start the wars we have been engaged with? What wars did Obama start? What wars did Biden start? However Obama, Trump, and Biden have all used the military for international hostilities. So it's not as if Trump is different.
instead of the guy who has us battling Russia (through Ukraine), Gaza (through Israel), and Iran (through the Houthis), and no doubt North Korea as well soon.
Nice hyperbole. We aren't at war with any of them. And are you really surprized that there is conflict in the Middle East? News flash: there always is. Islamic extremists are just getting whipped up into a frenzy as they like to do.
All in just 3 years.
No wonder he can't find time to secure the border. Too busy!
There has been time to write new legislation to limit people coming across the border, and managing those who do. But Trump has told republicans not to work with the democrats, so the problem won't be fixed unless Trump decides to help Americans.

Do you follow me here, there is a solution that both democrats and republicans wrote, and Biden will sign, but Trump is sabotaging it. This is the guy you want, and think you can trust? Work on your reasoning skill, because it is absent.


Not of this world
There has been time to write new legislation to limit people coming across the border, and managing those who do. But Trump has told republicans not to work with the democrats, so the problem won't be fixed unless Trump decides to help Americans.

Which liberal news source told you that?
Did they also tell you that the proposal was to allow 5,000 illegals per day to cross the border before stopping anyone?

Do you follow me here, there is a solution that both democrats and republicans wrote, and Biden will sign, but Trump is sabotaging it. This is the guy you want, and think you can trust? Work on your reasoning skill, because it is absent.

What makes you think Trump has anything to do with it? He's not in Congress. Maybe your TDS is flaring up again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Which liberal news source told you that?
Did they also tell you that the proposal was to allow 5,000 illegals per day to cross the border before stopping anyone?

I see that you still do not understand US law.
What makes you think Trump has anything to do with it? He's not in Congress. Maybe your TDS is flaring up again.
LOL! Please, you should be the last one to accuse anyone of TDS considering how bad yours has been lately/ Don't you follow the news at all? Trump has been urging Congressmen not to work with the Democrats. He does not want a solution. He also wants the economy to crash because he knows that it looks really bad for him politically right now.


Not of this world
There is really no difference between that and your normal right wing extremism.

Maybe I should masquerade as a geometry professor. Or is it genealogy? Whichever one works at elitist universities where students spend all their time protesting since they'll end up getting jobs based on skin color equity rather than grades.


Not of this world
I see that you still do not understand US law.

LOL! Please, you should be the last one to accuse anyone of TDS considering how bad yours has been lately/ Don't you follow the news at all? Trump has been urging Congressmen not to work with the Democrats. He does not want a solution. He also wants the economy to crash because he knows that it looks really bad for him politically right now.

"Working" with democrap has never resulted in solutions. It only results in the can being kicked down the road. The "continuing resolutions" resulting from working with dems is an ongoing example.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
"Working" with democrap has never resulted in solutions. It only results in the can being kicked down the road. The "continuing resolutions" resulting from working with dems is an ongoing example.
More of your BS that you cannot support. Ever since George Bush and actually even before that, the Democrats became the party of fiscal conservatism.


Veteran Member
Which liberal news source told you that?
It's being covered by every reputable news outlet because it's a fact, even FOX has republicans interviewed about this.

Did they also tell you that the proposal was to allow 5,000 illegals per day to cross the border before stopping anyone?
So you did hear about it.

Yes, they can put a limit on the numebr, but that has to be passed into law by Congress. Right now there is no limit. And the bill will add more border control officers, and add more courts to speed up the process of migrants who have filed for asylum. Remember, most migrants are allowed to stay in the USA until their court date, and the system is way behind schedule. This is the law, and the Biden administration is following it. It's absurd that repblicans in congress are impeaching Mayorkas because he is following the law, and they should be passing new laws so that Mayorkas can act the way they want. Trump is behing that, and behind the sabotage of the legislation. This will be in ads all over the country before election time, assuming Trump hasn't been convicted by then, and/or kicked off ballots for insurrection.
What makes you think Trump has anything to do with it? He's not in Congress. Maybe your TDS is flaring up again.
From republicans themselves, like Lankford from Oklahoma. He was centured by republicans for working with democrats.

And Trump's involvement behind the scenes:



Veteran Member
"Working" with democrap has never resulted in solutions. It only results in the can being kicked down the road. The "continuing resolutions" resulting from working with dems is an ongoing example.
Gingrich tried that back in the 90's, along with an impeachment due to consentual sex, and do you know what happened? Bill Clinton was re-elected (with a strong economy like we have now) and the republicans got tossed out of congress because they weren't doing their jobs.

So great, let the republicans not learn from history and help the democrats win in November.


Veteran Member
I guess I'd rather go with the guy who went 4 years without getting us into any new wars instead of the guy who has us battling Russia (through Ukraine), Gaza (through Israel), and Iran (through the Houthis), and no doubt North Korea as well soon. All in just 3 years.
No wonder he can't find time to secure the border. Too busy!
Yeah totally. You give Republicans an immigration bill with pretty much everything they want in it. And what do they decide to do, at Trump's urging? Forget about it and wait til the next election, because passing legislation might help Biden look good and we can't have that.

That's where the Republicans are at right now, at the command of Dear Leader.
Republicans now own the "open borders" they claim Joe Biden wants.



Veteran Member
Maybe I should masquerade as a geometry professor. Or is it genealogy? Whichever one works at elitist universities where students spend all their time protesting since they'll end up getting jobs based on skin color equity rather than grades.
Maybe you should try masquerading as a person who reads the news and stays informed about current events instead.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So just obstuct, obstruct, obstruct.
Never compromise, never pass any legislation that actually helps the American people.
Great plan. :rolleyes:
The one good thing about politics is that when one side has one or even both houses of Congress, but not the White House, and that party is not being rational or honest, is that it will usually take only a few patriots switching sides on an issue to get it to pass. Especially in election years. Let's say that you are a Republican (I'm sorry, it is only a hypothetical) and your race was very close. Would you block a bill that is good for America just to save Trump's sorry donkey? (burro? I don't know something in that family)

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm anxious to see what he does to those people once he becomes president once again.
I'm anxious to see how the guards and other inmates treat him.
He won't be paying her anything.
She'll have to compete with Letitia James for the money assuming that he has less than half a billion, but Carroll get money from him up to the total of the judgment if that money exists. If he doesn't pay her soon or appeal, the courts will disgorge it from him by seizing bank accounts and selling off assets. If he does appeal, the money is still frozen and unavailable to him. She grabbed him by the pursey!

I understand Smith is looking at him for campaign collection fraud. Apparently, tens of millions of money contributed for his campaign has gone to his lawyers. That's no-no, and might lead to another huge cash judgment.
Fine. Then I will choose to vote for Joe Biden. He's been supporting Israel and unilaterally launching attacks against those who attack merchant ships and our troops. He may even get us into a war with Iran before the week is over (based on Iran being the supplier of weapons to terrorists). Then Russia would have an excuse to launch attacks on the USA since we provide weapons for Ukraine (another war biden got us into).
You don't mind saying it out loud, do you? You would vote for a man because you think that his election would lead to a nuclear attack on America.
what if I claimed you to be a rapist? Will you deny it?
I would to others who heard your accusations and asked me about it, but probably not to you.

But back to Trump, because his situation is singular. You're essentially making an argument that Trump is being treated unfairly, but even though I don't believe that, I wouldn't mind anything done to diminish his wealth, power, freedom, or legacy except his death within the next ten+ years.

How can one be unfair to a man like that? I can't think of anything that could be done to him that would make me say, "Now they've gone too far." Well, maybe if they blinded him or removed his legs. I would be conflicted, but not because it was unfair treatment, but rather, because it would be nauseating to read. What if you read that somebody close to Putin did either of those things to him? Would you consider it unfair? You might object, but would it be because you thought that it was unfair or because you thought it gross or inhumane, assuming that you have such feelings?

You CAN'T be unfair to somebody that vile, malicious and devoid of any positive human quality. He exists only to harm others, to enrich himself or satisfy his need for vengeance, and attempt in vain to fill his black hole of need for adoration. He can only make the world better by leaving it, but not yet please. Now that would be unfair to those who want to see him caged and taunted.


Not of this world
More of your BS that you cannot support. Ever since George Bush and actually even before that, the Democrats became the party of fiscal conservatism.
Which explains the record-deficit spending by the current dem in office.
Trump blamed for biden's actions in 3.....2....1......


Not of this world
It's being covered by every reputable news outlet because it's a fact, even FOX has republicans interviewed about this.

So you did hear about it.

Yes, they can put a limit on the numebr, but that has to be passed into law by Congress. Right now there is no limit. And the bill will add more border control officers, and add more courts to speed up the process of migrants who have filed for asylum. Remember, most migrants are allowed to stay in the USA until their court date, and the system is way behind schedule. This is the law, and the Biden administration is following it. It's absurd that repblicans in congress are impeaching Mayorkas because he is following the law, and they should be passing new laws so that Mayorkas can act the way they want. Trump is behing that, and behind the sabotage of the legislation. This will be in ads all over the country before election time, assuming Trump hasn't been convicted by then, and/or kicked off ballots for insurrection.

From republicans themselves, like Lankford from Oklahoma. He was centured by republicans for working with democrats.

And Trump's involvement behind the scenes:

News reports aren't evidence.
Try again.