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Evidence Against Gravity Being Absolute


Active Member
I've been thinking a bit on the Law of Gravity and came to the conclusion that it's not absolute at all. Here's some good reasons.

1. When you drop a ball, the ball bounces up and then comes down. The reason being is that there's not enough acceleration for the ball to go up, hence the reason why it comes down.
2. If that example I gave was due to gravity, then why is it that when rockets launch, they don't come down? After all, in the Law of Gravity (please correct me if I'm wrong) says that what comes up must come down, right?
3. If gravity is absolute then why is it that we are weightless outer space on not on Earth?
4. If gravity was absolute, then that would mean all life forms would be subjected to it. Things wouldn't fly; we would all be subject to the ground of planet earth.

All inputs are welcome.


All inputs are welcome.



*sets self on fire*

*runs around the room screaming*


Why did you pick gravity? Why not oranges or pink pong palls or peanuts? The same argument would defeat the existence of those items just as effectively.

Do you have some hateful grudge against it?

It breaks my heart to see stuff like this. Somebody did you a great disservice, and I am sorry to see it.



Active Member
Why did you pick gravity? Why not oranges or pink pong palls or peanuts? The same argument would defeat the existence of those items just as effectively.

Do you have some hateful grudge against it?

It breaks my heart to see stuff like this. Somebody did you a great disservice, and I am sorry to see it.


You know, if you wanna actually debate me on gravity, then actually give me some information that addresses it instead of trolling like some idiot who just goes along with what his/her "teacher" says.


You know, if you wanna actually debate me on gravity, then actually give me some information that addresses it instead of trolling like some idiot who just goes along with what his/her "teacher" says.

You said all input is welcome. :facepalm:

You don't have anything to debate, by the way. I would tell you to read Newton and Einstein, but CLEARLY you already have.


Active Member
That's unfortunate.

How's that unfortunate? ****, I feel good being self-taught, because it gives me a bigger picture with broader perspectives. Way better than having your potential being taken away by some charlatan who calls himself "master", or "teacher", who likes to indoctrinate children into believing lies and deceit. :rolleyes:

Not that there aren't any good teachers out there. But most definitely not in some public school where you're talk a bunch of hoo-haa-hee about gravity being "absolute".

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Lol I typed out a couple facepalms..afew hours ago..then decided against it..seemed like a waste of precious forum space..


Veteran Member
I've been thinking a bit on the Law of Gravity and came to the conclusion that it's not absolute at all. Here's some good reasons.

1. When you drop a ball, the ball bounces up and then comes down. The reason being is that there's not enough acceleration for the ball to go up, hence the reason why it comes down.
2. If that example I gave was due to gravity, then why is it that when rockets launch, they don't come down? After all, in the Law of Gravity (please correct me if I'm wrong) says that what comes up must come down, right?
3. If gravity is absolute then why is it that we are weightless outer space on not on Earth?
4. If gravity was absolute, then that would mean all life forms would be subjected to it. Things wouldn't fly; we would all be subject to the ground of planet earth.

All inputs are welcome.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Dear Sheikh,

The quesitions you posed..seemed to be lacking..a decent google search..

try typing "gravity in space".. you will realize wow no one will take this discussion seriously..


How's that unfortunate? ****, I feel good being self-taught, because it gives me a bigger picture with broader perspectives. Way better than having your potential being taken away by some charlatan who calls himself "master", or "teacher", who likes to indoctrinate children into believing lies and deceit. :rolleyes:

Not that there aren't any good teachers out there. But most definitely not in some public school where you're talk a bunch of hoo-haa-hee about gravity being "absolute".

True learning would temper that arrogance.