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Evidence Against Gravity Being Absolute


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Why do rockets not come down?

Boot up Kerbal Space Program (there's a free demo, so you won't have to pay anything), and see how long it takes for your rocket to stay up.


Why do rockets not come down?

Boot up Kerbal Space Program (there's a free demo, so you won't have to pay anything), and see how long it takes for your rocket to stay up.

I have played that game before. And I won.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking a bit on the Law of Gravity and came to the conclusion that it's not absolute at all. Here's some good reasons.

1. When you drop a ball, the ball bounces up and then comes down. The reason being is that there's not enough acceleration for the ball to go up, hence the reason why it comes down.
2. If that example I gave was due to gravity, then why is it that when rockets launch, they don't come down? After all, in the Law of Gravity (please correct me if I'm wrong) says that what comes up must come down, right?
3. If gravity is absolute then why is it that we are weightless outer space on not on Earth?
4. If gravity was absolute, then that would mean all life forms would be subjected to it. Things wouldn't fly; we would all be subject to the ground of planet earth.

All inputs are welcome.
How do you define "absolute"? Also, keep in mind that gravity is not the only force at work in the universe. In comparisment to other forces, gravity is actually very weak.

On number 3, you are weightless in orbit because you are in a constant state of free fall.


Well-Known Member
Rockets do not fall down because they are pushing themselves from the Earth with enough force to counteract gravity. As I have said, gravity isnt the only force in the universe. Apply enough force against it and you will move from it. That said, it takes a lot to do so. Gravity is constantly pulling at us, so it would have a constant deaccelerating effect on whatever moves in the other direction. Thats why you cant throw a ball into space. You apply enough force to make it move away from gravity once, but it will slow down and eventually reverse. Then it hits the ground and bounces, once again having enough force to move away from gravity. But gravity is constant, and the ball slows down and eventually falls again.
Rockets do not fall down because they are pushing themselves from the Earth with enough force to counteract gravity. As I have said, gravity isnt the only force in the universe. Apply enough force against it and you will move from it. That said, it takes a lot to do so. Gravity is constantly pulling at us, so it would have a constant deaccelerating effect on whatever moves in the other direction. Thats why you cant throw a ball into space. You apply enough force to make it move away from gravity once, but it will slow down and eventually reverse. Then it hits the ground and bounces, once again having enough force to move away from gravity. But gravity is constant, and the ball slows down and eventually falls again.

That's one addressed. What's the latest argument now?

Also, as an FYI, gravity is a very weak force. Try using a magnet to lift a paperclip. The magnet will win, despite the fact that the entire Earth is pulling on the paperclip. In general, electromagnetivity trumps gravity.


Well-Known Member
That's one addressed. What's the latest argument now?

Also, as an FYI, gravity is a very weak force. Try using a magnet to lift a paperclip. The magnet will win, despite the fact that the entire Earth is pulling on the paperclip. In general, electromagnetivity trumps gravity.
Yep, its the weakest force if I remember correctly. Think it has a larger "scale", though. For example it dominates over electromagnetism on an astronomical scale dispite being weaker because it has a larger range or something.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
That's one addressed. What's the latest argument now?
Also, as an FYI, gravity is a very weak force. Try using a magnet to lift a paperclip. The magnet will win, despite the fact that the entire Earth is pulling on the paperclip. In general, electromagnetivity trumps gravity.

How about something with more mass than a paperclip..say a dumbbell/weights, who wins gravity or the magnet?


Active Member
How do you define "absolute"? Also, keep in mind that gravity is not the only force at work in the universe. In comparisment to other forces, gravity is actually very weak.

On number 3, you are weightless in orbit because you are in a constant state of free fall.

Well if gravity is weak, then it's not absolute.

If we're in free fall in space, then why don't anyone in space just be subjected to "what goes up, must come down"?


Active Member
Rockets do not fall down because they are pushing themselves from the Earth with enough force to counteract gravity. As I have said, gravity isnt the only force in the universe. Apply enough force against it and you will move from it. That said, it takes a lot to do so. Gravity is constantly pulling at us, so it would have a constant deaccelerating effect on whatever moves in the other direction. Thats why you cant throw a ball into space. You apply enough force to make it move away from gravity once, but it will slow down and eventually reverse. Then it hits the ground and bounces, once again having enough force to move away from gravity. But gravity is constant, and the ball slows down and eventually falls again.

Gravity cannot pull down at rockets, dude. Otherwise, why would some of them be successful at launch? And why would gravity pull down a ball when it's common sense that not enough speed is what slows down things? Simple. Because gravity is not absolute.


Well-Known Member
Well if gravity is weak, then it's not absolute.
Which I have never claimed. I really dont understand what you mean by "absolute".

If we're in free fall in space, then why don't anyone in space just be subjected to "what goes up, must come down"?
Because in orbit we have such a high speed we "miss" the Earth. Basically imagine that a ship has two directions. One towards Earth and one forward. By the time it has fallen x meters towards Earth, it has moved y meters forward, causing it to never actually hit the planet because by the time it has moved "closer", it has also moved forward enough to negate that. Or something like that. If you want a better understanding, take a look at Kerbal Space Program. If I remember correctly it actually simulates how orbits work pretty well.

Also, keep in mind that "up" and "down" are relative concepts. They depend on your point of reference. If you stand on the Earth, the moon is up. If you stand on the moon, the moon is down and the Earth is up. The law of gravity isnt that "what goes up comes down". Thats a similification due to our point of reference.


Well-Known Member
Gravity cannot pull down at rockets, dude. Otherwise, why would some of them be successful at launch? And why would gravity pull down a ball when it's common sense that not enough speed is what slows down things? Simple. Because gravity is not absolute.
Gravity pulls rockets. It just doesnt pull enough to keep them down. Kind of like if you would try and drag a car backwards while its moving forwards. You pull it, but its not enough to stop it.


Active Member
Gravity pulls rockets. It just doesnt pull enough to keep them down. Kind of like if you would try and drag a car backwards while its moving forwards. You pull it, but its not enough to stop it.

Wow. Gravity pulls down rockets? If it's a force, then obviously it sucks at it. :facepalm::no::D:D:D:D:D