I understand.
1) Please don't tell me what I should believe since I have the Hebrew and Greek background and am in the scriptures daily and in apologetics studies as well.
Ah. Now I see where my problem lies with you: "apologetic studies".
Whether the themes of apologetic writinsg be political, philosophical or religious in nature, they (apologists) all have one thing in common, they were written as excuses for readers to accept their very biased belief.
I have not known a single apologetic literature written by people that weren't very biased.
Well, it is very obvious to me, that your agenda is about convincing people that creationism is scientifically and historically true, when clearly it is not.
Second, apologists have another thing in common. Not only will they present one-sided arguments so that the readers will follow his agenda (whether it be political, philosophical or religious), they will also resort to manipulating data, misrepresented any contrasting views, or even deliberate deceptions.
I don't trust any view from apologists, because they are not reliable.
As to your "Hebrew and Greek background", I can say that I don't have experiences in these languages, as I rely solely on English translations on these texts of those languages.
I do have a number of translations of the bible, almost half dozen on my bookshelf, but more in kindle and PDF formats.
The reasons why I have so many translations, is because I cannot read Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic, and because I like to be thorough, when comparing against each other.
In the last 7 years, I have been favouring the NJPS Tanakh for the Old Testament, and NRSV for both OT and NT.
But I have translations including JPT (Judaica Press Tanach), KJV, Dead Sea Scrolls, NETS (translation of the Septuagint), and translations of Samaritan Torah, Targum Onkelos, Pe****ta and Vulgate on the Net.
I also have various texts, such as the Rabbinical Midrash and Aggadah, the non-canonical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (in particular the Book of Jubilees and all 3 books of Enoch), the Gnostic Nag Hammadi codices, and even one translation of the Qur'an. A number of these are sources to my website
Dark Mirrors of Heaven.
I have been interested in myths and history for a long time, and the Genesis, from Exodus to Judges, are clearly myths, not history.
The Abrahamic religions are not my only interest, because I love reading myths in my free time, and these include Greek & Roman, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Hittite & Hurrian, Ugaritic & Canaanite, Egyptian, Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian. And I even have a book on Japanese book, that contained some Shinto myths, but I haven't got far, because the Kojiki is a very recent purchase.
Like with other things I read, I preferred to read translations of ancient and medieval texts for myself, instead of relying on people's thoughts on myths.
2) The type and formation of fossils seems consistent with the Flood narrative. Just today I came across something in this vein from the Grand Canyon if you have an interest. My desire was not to reopen the "science proves and everyone should believe X date on fossils" argument, but to mention to you the extraordinary circumstances in which fossils form.
Your argument--and if I don't understand it accurately please let me know--seems to be "science dates trump Bible dates" when you a) have different dates than I b) are ignoring anomalies of geology that have moved scientists in recent decades from an anti-Flood bias held since the 1800's to "Wow! There were HUGE localized floods in different places!"
Highlighted in red: I think that a load of BS.
You are attempting to move the goalpost, BB.
You were the one who brought up marine fossils were discovered in the Himalayas as if it happened due to Genesis Flood, without even finding out how old any of those fossils are.
You cannot make claims about the fossils, without knowing how old, geologists can date these.
But now that I have refuted your claims by actually putting date one of the fossil evidences, the whale jawbone being 53 million years old, you want to change subject so that we don't talk about any of the fossil age.
This misdirection and redirection, are completely in line with dishonest tactics used by any other apologist and creationist.