What happened to them?
Ever heard of Atlantis?? The submerged cities?... Whatever you say it is established by science that these submerged cities belong to prehistoric civilizations and nobody could carve such buildings by hand...
Anyway, let´s go several HUNDRED MILLIONS YEARS BACK:
Archaeologists have found in the world a kind of organism called "three-leaves insect", which came into being between 600 million and 260 million years ago, and became extinct thereafter. An American scientist found a fossil of "three-leaves insect", on which there was also a human footprint, left by a shoe he was wearing, and clearly printed on the fossil. Aren't they joking with the historians? How could there possibly have been human beings 260 million years ago according to Darwin's theory of evolution?
Footprints on Trilobite Fossil | Pureinsight
Resultat av Googles bildsökning efter http://photo.minghui.org/images/u_science_related/life_research/images/2002-4-25-20020418footprint01.jpg
Fossilized Human Footprints
Epoch Times | The History Before History, Part I
Sandwalk: The Three Fatal Flaws in the Theory of Evolution
Dear atheists, are you not stubborn beyond common sense? Do you not blindly believe in the new religion called science? It never occurred to you that this onedimensional science can be controlled by people or other beings in power with a hidden agenda?
Have not science become the only religion of the west? And it has spread like wildfire in a short time and it includes nothing about moral or ethics. It is an alien culture and atheists believe in it - for a specific reason...
You believe that man could stay isolated and unaffected by extraterrestrials for a few million years while slowly evolving? And some species of the apes were coincidentally left behind in the process...
What are the mathematical stats of aliens being non-existing, all gods being non-existing while mother earth is showing us archaelogical ancient cities, giant skeletons, ancient footprints and engravements showing hightech? Plus we find ancient nuclear reactors 500 million years old...
I tell you that evolution is statistically impossible to ever have existed. There is no mathematical formula for evolution and it has no scientific basis at all. It was invented by people with ulterior motives and we have all heard about the cover ups from archaelogists finding strange stuff....
All the time while we have a sinus curve representing the natural oscillation in nature indicating mankind should go up and down in an eternal cycle of civilizations. Annihilation, creation, annihilation etc....
And then we have the Veda:
Ancient Sanskrit from India tell of UFO visit in 4,000 B.C. -
Secrets of the Vimana - UFO Evidence
Ancient Anomalies
If the aliens are so superior to us, why don´t they kill us all and take over immediately?
There is a reason for everything, someone up there protects mankind as long as he is good and humble...