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Evolution and Creationism: because ...


Look, I apologize to everyone. Creationism isn't one of the Noahide 5 principles of faith. The pope does lip service to the Creator by saying the Big Bang was the moment of Creation. It doesn't matter if we agree or not. One can be a good Noahide as long as he believes in a First Cause, a Prime Mover. I have been pushing a principle of faith, I should not push. It isn't essential to my faith.
I don't know that you should get off that easy. You have made some serious accusations blanketing anyone who is an evolutionary biologist (and more). I happen to be an evolutionary biologist and I feel that we are owed, at least, a specific retraction and a real apology.
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Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
I don't know that you should get off that easy. You have made some serious accusations blanketing anyone who is an evolutionary biologist (and more). I happen to be an evolutionary biologist and I feel that we are owed, at least, a specific retraction and a real apology.
Retraction of which statements? Be specific.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
All that crap about evolutionists and the holocaust to begin with.
Do you admit that all people have the right to pursue procreation if they perceive that will make them happy? Regardless of any belief about whether they are fit to procreate or not? And having done so, they are free to seek government help on an equal footing with anybody else?

Consider that I receive a middle-class income from my father's social security and could easily afford a wife and two children.


No I do not, but that has nothing to do with evolution or Darwin and is a whole 'nother story involving the lack of knowledge of most people concerning child rearing and the carrying capacity of the environment. I'd like to see all parent read and understand the "owner's manual" and I would like to see policies that encourage (not require, but encourage or incentify) keeping family size at or below the replacement rate. I do not see procreation as a right but a rather as a privilege though I remain uncertain about how to "manage" the privilege and I do not favor any intervention that is more intrusive than a really good propaganda campaign that teaches good child rearing and encourages family planning.

What's to consider concerning your income? If you are unable to hold down a job I'm happy that the system affords you a decent existence, that should be (IMHO) amongst the highest priorities for a civilized culture. I am retired, so the system does the same for me, but I'd rather go back to work (something I enjoyed) than see someone who really should not be working forced to do so. I am not my brother's keeper ... but I am happy to help him out, if just as a conspecific.
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Active Member
Premium Member
There are NO intermediates between Kinds, there are other Kinds, and any changes in kinds are called Ontogenetics, meaning variations within a kind.
Many fossils of Modern Man have been found, in lower areas than, what is thought to be prehistoric man.
About the eye! How and why would an animal develops an eye, when it did not know there was sight, and especially when they were getting along perfectly without eyes???
You should recognize that science is not exact, in fact everything about evolution is a theory, because not one Hopeful Monster has been found.
The giraffe and the sheep are of the same kind. Did a giraffe survive because it developed a long neck, while a sheep survived because it had a short neck.
As I said, and is absolutely true, if evolution were true, over millions of years, there would be no distinct kinds, but a jumble of animals in the process of changing to a higher kind. Not one found!!!
Evolution is called a theory, because it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution, than creation. Every part of evolution has been found to be false! If there was some other theory they could think up evolutions would believe it, no matter how far fetched, because the irreligious, Atheists say that Creation is just unthinkable.
I wonder why, that the Bible says that everything will reproduce after it's own kind, and after scientists, having tried to manipulate this law have been unable to stimulate one kind to reproduce other than it's own kind, either in vivo or Invitro. The law about reproducing after it's own kind is for both animal and plant kinds, Prestabilism, cannot be thwarted!!!


Veteran Member
There are NO intermediates between Kinds, there are other Kinds, and any changes in kinds are called Ontogenetics, meaning variations within a kind.
Many fossils of Modern Man have been found, in lower areas than, what is thought to be prehistoric man.
About the eye! How and why would an animal develops an eye, when it did not know there was sight, and especially when they were getting along perfectly without eyes???
You should recognize that science is not exact, in fact everything about evolution is a theory, because not one Hopeful Monster has been found.
The giraffe and the sheep are of the same kind. Did a giraffe survive because it developed a long neck, while a sheep survived because it had a short neck.
As I said, and is absolutely true, if evolution were true, over millions of years, there would be no distinct kinds, but a jumble of animals in the process of changing to a higher kind. Not one found!!!
Evolution is called a theory, because it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution, than creation. Every part of evolution has been found to be false! If there was some other theory they could think up evolutions would believe it, no matter how far fetched, because the irreligious, Atheists say that Creation is just unthinkable.
I wonder why, that the Bible says that everything will reproduce after it's own kind, and after scientists, having tried to manipulate this law have been unable to stimulate one kind to reproduce other than it's own kind, either in vivo or Invitro. The law about reproducing after it's own kind is for both animal and plant kinds, Prestabilism, cannot be thwarted!!!
You really need to educate yourself on evolution because pretty much everything you've said in this post in inaccurate. Maybe visit some academic sites on the subject and brush up.


There are NO intermediates between Kinds, there are other Kinds, and any changes in kinds are called Ontogenetics, meaning variations within a kind.
Many fossils of Modern Man have been found, in lower areas than, what is thought to be prehistoric man.
About the eye! How and why would an animal develops an eye, when it did not know there was sight, and especially when they were getting along perfectly without eyes???
You should recognize that science is not exact, in fact everything about evolution is a theory, because not one Hopeful Monster has been found.
The giraffe and the sheep are of the same kind. Did a giraffe survive because it developed a long neck, while a sheep survived because it had a short neck.
As I said, and is absolutely true, if evolution were true, over millions of years, there would be no distinct kinds, but a jumble of animals in the process of changing to a higher kind. Not one found!!!
Evolution is called a theory, because it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution, than creation. Every part of evolution has been found to be false! If there was some other theory they could think up evolutions would believe it, no matter how far fetched, because the irreligious, Atheists say that Creation is just unthinkable.
I wonder why, that the Bible says that everything will reproduce after it's own kind, and after scientists, having tried to manipulate this law have been unable to stimulate one kind to reproduce other than it's own kind, either in vivo or Invitro. The law about reproducing after it's own kind is for both animal and plant kinds, Prestabilism, cannot be thwarted!!!
Sigh ... here we go again.

Please define "kind."

Please define "theory."


Well-Known Member
There are NO intermediates between Kinds, there are other Kinds, and any changes in kinds are called Ontogenetics, meaning variations within a kind.
Many fossils of Modern Man have been found, in lower areas than, what is thought to be prehistoric man.
About the eye! How and why would an animal develops an eye, when it did not know there was sight, and especially when they were getting along perfectly without eyes???
You should recognize that science is not exact, in fact everything about evolution is a theory, because not one Hopeful Monster has been found.
The giraffe and the sheep are of the same kind. Did a giraffe survive because it developed a long neck, while a sheep survived because it had a short neck.
As I said, and is absolutely true, if evolution were true, over millions of years, there would be no distinct kinds, but a jumble of animals in the process of changing to a higher kind. Not one found!!!
Evolution is called a theory, because it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution, than creation. Every part of evolution has been found to be false! If there was some other theory they could think up evolutions would believe it, no matter how far fetched, because the irreligious, Atheists say that Creation is just unthinkable.
I wonder why, that the Bible says that everything will reproduce after it's own kind, and after scientists, having tried to manipulate this law have been unable to stimulate one kind to reproduce other than it's own kind, either in vivo or Invitro. The law about reproducing after it's own kind is for both animal and plant kinds, Prestabilism, cannot be thwarted!!!
You might want to research how evolution actually works before forming arguments against it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There are NO intermediates between Kinds, there are other Kinds, and any changes in kinds are called Ontogenetics, meaning variations within a kind.
Many fossils of Modern Man have been found, in lower areas than, what is thought to be prehistoric man.
About the eye! How and why would an animal develops an eye, when it did not know there was sight, and especially when they were getting along perfectly without eyes???
The giraffe and the sheep are of the same kind. Did a giraffe survive because it developed a long neck, while a sheep survived because it had a short neck
.What is a "kind?" You mention a giraffe and sheep. They're in the same biological Order (Linnaeus), but that's as close as the relationship comes. Family, Genus, &c are different, so, if Kind = Order, that would make humans the same Kind as lemurs, monkeys and apes.
I assume you haven't thought this out very well.

Modern man in lower areas? Can you give an example?

THE EYE! Are you serious? This argument's been put to rest so many time's it's brain-dead. Just Google evolution of eye. There are hundreds of videos explaining the sequence and citing intermediate examples.

Giraffe vs sheep? I'm not following. What point are you trying to make?
Species survive when they can exploit their environment well enough to leave offspring.

As I said, and is absolutely true, if evolution were true, over millions of years, there would be no distinct kinds, but a jumble of animals in the process of changing to a higher kind. Not one found!!!
Again, I don't understand. There is a jumble of evolving animals, and what is a "higher kind?" Evolution doesn't necessarily increase complexity. It can simplify just as easily.

Evolution is called a theory, because it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution, than creation. Every part of evolution has been found to be false! If there was some other theory they could think up evolutions would believe it, no matter how far fetched, because the irreligious, Atheists say that Creation is just unthinkable.
Evolution's called a theory 'cause, on a continuum of confidence, "theory" is at the very top. In science nothing is higher than a theory. Moreover, a theory can also be a fact. Do you believe the Earth is round, rather than flat? that it revolves around the Sun, rather than vice versa? These are theories!

Why does it take more faith to believe something with zero evidence than a scientific theory with overwhelming evidence? Creationism is magic; it's action without mechanism; it's the assertion "Godidit!"

The mechanism's described by theToE are not only intuitively obvious, but they're supported by mountains of evidence from multiple scientific disciplines. There's not a scrap of real evidence for magic poofing.

I wonder why, that the Bible says that everything will reproduce after it's own kind, and after scientists, having tried to manipulate this law have been unable to stimulate one kind to reproduce other than it's own kind, either in vivo or Invitro. The law about reproducing after it's own kind is for both animal and plant kind cannot be thwarted!!!
The Bible says what it does because it's an anthology of ancient folklore. It's full of contradictions, scientific inaccuracies and magical events the like of which no contemporary witness has ever seen. The Bible is not a peer reviewed biology textbook. Why do you cite it?

Scientists have observed new species arising, and have created them, both in vivo and in vitro.

What is "prestabilism?" Is this a made-up, scientific-sounding creationist term?


What is "prestabilism?" Is this a made-up, scientific-sounding creationist term?

I believe he is referring to a sort of god induced Lamarckism, an extension of Kant's views to the theory that each critter has a "goal" put there by a supreme being, that directs the changes in its "kind" when it reproduces.