Well-Known Member
You missed the logical proposition that an idea doesn't need to be disproved to not be believed. Nothing in scripture can be said to be factual without external, empiric confirmation.
But you refuse to discuss this in my terms. You refuse to consider your premises and assumptions that nothing exists outside of science as you just clearly stated above. But then you compound this error by failing to recognize that many of your beliefs are not even founded in science but rather in extrapolations, definitions, and assumption. You don't understand metaphysics so you don't understand that even the most basic extrapolations are not really justified. You understand the concept of gravity causing air pressure but then you extrapolate this to believing no pockets of vacuum can exist on the face of the earth even momentarily. You assume that gravity is universal not only here but on the other side of the cosmos. You assume math can be used to reflect all of reality. You assume that the current paradigms for interpretation of reality are all correct and that they will merely be tweaked going forward. You assume that expert opinion is founded not so much in metaphysics but in reality itself. On this basis you say "Nothing in scripture can be said to be factual". This might be acceptable if you defined "factual" in such a way as to leave open the possibility that all of scripture is literally correct as I do. In your world with your assumptions and inductive reasoning this is simply an impossibility. Yet you never even consider definitions and parsing of the words of those with whom you disagree or even those with whom you do agree. You just can't imagine that you don't understand some medical jargon or the Bible. You can't imagine someone intending a different definition for a word that you choose to parse in a way that was unintended or don't notice you do. All of your premises are invisible to you and you might not have noticed when you adopted them and not noticed as you built your constructs with them in your mind chiefly as blueprints and mnemonics but also for thought itself. You don't know what thinking is or what consciousness is.
You don't want to talk to somebody to explore their premises you want to understand why they don't share yours.
In college I was very adept at thinking what you call "scientifically'. I could see all the forces acting on everything and knew how everything worked. But I was fully aware that I had enormous holes in my understanding and the picture I saw of reality wasn't really complete because it was largely extrapolation. Of course I was young and fixated not on what I didn't know but what I did. I saw reality much like you do but more in terms of chemistry and physics. I saw reality play out in time more than most do. I could always run between the raindrops because I had a 6th (168th) sense of where the next would fall. We were much the same.
All that has changed first as a gradual evolution and then suddenly when I discovered the nature of thought. I've had to tear down parts of my models and rebuild because of new learning.
If I believed there was any chance at all of you considering your premises and definitions I'd be happy to have any conversation with you in this thread or through pm's. I really can't see it happening because You can't consider either of our premises and you will simply try to get me to "see the light" that science is a reflection of everything real. It is not. Even to the degree science is correct it will always be nothing but spectra of different aspects of reality. Seeing the big picture is an impossibility using reductionistic science and science today is hamstrung by believing in math as the basis of reality because it is logic that underlies all. Reality is binary. Consciousness is binary. Homo omnisciencis is confused and do not understand the nature of life or how it changes.