Are you aware of this tradition? Tomorrow is rabbit, rabbit, rabbit day:
Rabbit rabbit rabbit - Wikipedia
My wife and a girlfriend of hers in California nicknamed Bunny write emails to one another every day. The other gal is into this tradition, so I remind my wife when it's the last day of the month as I did this morning so that she remembers to include that phrase in her note that she will write this afternoon after reading her friend's AM message, which the friend will see tomorrow morning.
Disagree. If our reality has a cause, it too is a part of nature. Whether than be a multiverse of a deity, if these things exist, they are natural. There is no justification for calling either of those things supernatural. Nature and reality are synonymous, and each can be defined as the collection of objects and processes that are causally connected, that is, can affect one another.
It works fine in predicting outcomes. That's how casinos make money. That's why the lottery is profitable for those running it. That's how insurers make money (until their statistics are no longer valid as with climate change and worsening extreme weather).
Casino's depend on accurate statistical analyses.
Since you chose to inject politics into this, it was a prominent conservative who declared bankruptcy TWICE owning casinos.
All of them. None were good enough to survive, and thus went extinct. If you want to see a partial list, you can start here:
Lists of extinct species - Wikipedia
That's the table. If the object on the table is an unattended steak, the dog will get it from the table.
I'm guessing that you meant that an animal can't say table.
I define these words thusly: Truth is the quality that all facts and only facts possess, a fact being a linguistic string (sentence, paragraph) that accurately maps a piece of sensible reality.
If I say that I live five blocks north and three blocks east of the pier, and a walk from my front door of five blocks south and three blocks west gets me to the pier, then the claim is a fact derived from testing reality which (literally in this example) maps a piece of reality and is useful for accurately predicting outcomes. If I follow the directions, I will end up where I intended and expected.
There is no deduction without prior induction. When you solve a problem like, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ? you do so first by making a general rule (the nth element of the series is 2n), and then a deduction from it (the 6th element will be 12)
data -> induction (general rule) -> deduction (new datum)
No, it can't.
Observation that can be predicted is confirmation that the method of predicting is valid. Sometimes, that requires experimentation as with the Higgs particle, which had to wait for very large and powerful machines to be built and operated to perform experiments which confirmed Higgs's hypothesis. Thales and Einstein also made predictions (deductions) which, when confirmed, established that their inductions (a method for predicting eclipses and a theory that predicted gravitational lensing respectively) were valid.
That was great work of great value that should have a profound impact on something - I think.
Except that opinion, right?
I do. That's how we avoid walking into walls and closed doors. Unless they're glass (trigger alert: f-bombs):
Glad to be of service.