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Evolution, maybe someone can explain?


King Phenomenon
I don't have a rock in my hand. I'm just happy to see you.

Describing the evidence of the rock is telling you something.

That is an interesting philosophy and not one I can share. I accept evidence and rational explanations using it. I also hold personal beliefs on faith. But I cannot use those as a reason to dismiss evidence, rational explanation and sound conclusions on that evidence and explanation. I don't believe that God would want me to, since it would be tantamount to false witness in my belief.
You may think you’re telling me evidence of something but you’re not. Your merely describing an object.

Dan From Smithville

These are not the droids you're looking for. O-WK
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Premium Member
God. Your turn
That isn't really an answer.

Tree. If just saying things is all that counts.


Beetle. God must have an inordinate fondness of them given that the evidence indicates they are the most numerous group of species. But then, you don't believe in evidence whatever that means.


King Phenomenon
That isn't really an answer.

Tree. If just saying things is all that counts.


Beetle. God must have an inordinate fondness of them given that the evidence indicates they are the most numerous group of species. But then, you don't believe in evidence whatever that means.
So why do you think life is a miracle?

Dan From Smithville

These are not the droids you're looking for. O-WK
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Premium Member
Existance is a miracle. What’s there to convince me of?
Believe as you like. It is a statement without explanation and only tells me you believe something. It does not tell me that what you believe is a relevant and demonstrably explanatory claim.


King Phenomenon
That isn't really an answer.

Tree. If just saying things is all that counts.


Beetle. God must have an inordinate fondness of them given that the evidence indicates they are the most numerous group of species. But then, you don't believe in evidence whatever that means.
To bad you couldn’t answer me.

Dan From Smithville

These are not the droids you're looking for. O-WK
Staff member
Premium Member
So why do you think life is a miracle?
I gotta go to bed and while I appreciate you belief, I suspect that no matter what I say, if isn't some creationist sound bite that doesn't really provide the explanation that those sounding it claim.

Good night.


King Phenomenon
I gotta go to bed and while I appreciate you belief, I suspect that no matter what I say, if isn't some creationist sound bite that doesn't really provide the explanation that those sounding it claim.

Good night.
That just tells me you don’t think existence is a miracle if you can’t even give me a reason why you think it is.


The Lost One
It may seem that way to you -- I find the idea that God made Adam from the ground and took Eve from Adam's rib a better explanation than first primordial soup, maybe a meteor, then emerging evolution from that to now.

Humans have always being born, not created from the ground.

That's humans being created from soil like clay or silt, as implied by Genesis creation myth, was adapted from much older Babylonian-Assyrian religion or that of Egyptian religion. The Genesis as texts, didn't exist prior to the 6th century BCE, where as those of Egyptian and Mesopotamian predated Genesis by 2000 years.

But it doesn't matter when the Genesis creation originated, it is scientifically and naturalistically WRONG.

Silicon-based mineral, cannot turn into carbon-based biological compounds, like proteins, lipids or nucleic acids (eg RNA or DNA) that formed important parts of every living cells. You simply don't understand science, not the biology, and certainly not the chemistry.


The Lost One
The miracle is the alternative. The scientific evidence you have about existence is evidence of nothing. I would say the rock in your hand is a miracle. You would say the rock in your hand is made up of this that and the other thing and is 2 billion years old. But you have really told me nothing. The so-called evidence that you told me is evidence of nothing.

Miracles are belief in the supernatural, like believing in magic.

There are no evidence to support such miracles, certainly not a complete human being be created from soil (Genesis 2), or water turning into wine (John 2).

These types of miracles, completely unrealistic and unnatural, and it would only be possible if you actually believe in any supernatural.

There are many different types of rocks, but the earliest rocks would have been made of molten silicate that cool down and hardened into igneous rocks. These rocks can over time, break down piece by wind, rain (water) and acidity of the air or water, pieces or as minerals, known as deposits of sediments (the weathering process), that over time, being buried under tonnes of more sediment, the pressures and heat would harden these sediments into sedimentary rocks.

There are no miracles in how rocks form, if you can understand how igneous rocks form or how sedimentary rocks form.

No rocks were ever form from "nothing". That you think that's what science say, then you are being ignorant.

How the planet, like the Earth would form, would be more complex, and take longer for me to explain, but one for certain, it didn't come from "nothing".

The question is why you bring up "nothing" in your post? Why do you assume rock have to form from a miracle?

The Bible or any other religious scriptures cannot teach you anything in science, and these so-called miracles that you believe in, would be no better than any creation myth or any fairytale.

If you have learn anything about geology before in school or at university level, then that's what you would need to read up, instead of being mired in Genesis myth.

Btw, the "evidence of nothing" is oxymoron.

Evidence is something that can be observed or detected, something that can be measured, or to learn about it physical properties.

Nothing cannot be evidence, as nothing require there be no observation at all, nor can it be measured.

Nothing is the complete opposite of evidence. Hence, it is oxymoron, like a married bachelor.

You really are absurd. Evidence of nothing?!!! LOL What other new absurdity will you think of next? Clearly you weren't thinking rationally.
Last edited:


Veteran Member

You can find the number of the physicians by yourself and ask them of their expertise and knowledge.

Maybe they will tell you also with how many other physicians did they talked about this kind of cases.

Just do it.

There is no point otherwise to continue the discussion.

You think that you will find everything explained in a paper?
You are so naive if you think like that.

I did however look on your reply , maybe i did some mistakes in how i wrote my answers.I could have done better to explain my point.
I apologize for that.
I will do better in future.

But the point is that all kinds of miracles happen.To us is very strange that most of the numbers are in Christianity.
This is not preaching , this is what Historians say.

I am not saying these things in the sense of theology , i am saying them in the sense of History.

You said that you are not interested in biblical preaching , but nothing that i wrote is considered biblical preaching.
About biblical preaching you should adress the Church , but it doesn't matter , I can forget the straw-man and the incredulity.
These are conclusions by actual Historians.
Check , why do you just not check?

That is study in History and not in the Church.
Honest advice to reconsider that again.

This has two ways.
Either you continue what you are doing either you just call and check.
That is an example of a "personal testimony" and it literally says "they believe it is a miracle".

No proper research done. No attempts at all at properly documenting it. No attempts at all at investigating.
And most of all, no methodology whatsoever to confirm any "miraculous" or "supernatural" things.

Instead, only the bare claim "they believe it is a miracle" based on nothing more then "we expected something else".


As usual, confirmation bias coupled with an argument from ignorance. "we don't know why we didn't see what we expected to see, therefor miracle".

Dan From Smithville

These are not the droids you're looking for. O-WK
Staff member
Premium Member
That just tells me you don’t think existence is a miracle if you can’t even give me a reason why you think it is.
It tells you that someone doesn't want to play a meaningless game to reinforce the unspecified belief of someone who has no apparent argument. It seems your belief can only be sustained by beating on the beliefs of others and trying to marginalize them. Is that really a loving expression of Christianity? Is that sincere belief? Too many seem to think that is. I find that sad.

But that seems to be what you are telling me. And I have personally experienced that very thing on this forum from others. I certainly can see why others that appear to operate that exact same way would agree with you.

I believe that Christ taught love of God, others, oneself and even of the world we live with. But the message I am getting doesn't seem to have much love in it. Rather it seems to be about inflating the personal and petty ego of those that have to employ such tactics. In good Christian conscience, I couldn't council anyone to take that path or take what I see as abuse from others that are on it themselves. But experience tells me it won't stop. Doesn't mean I am compelled to feed into it.

You have made your position clear to me. I don't know of anything else there is for us to discuss. You have a wonderful day:).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
"The origin of life on Earth stands as one of the great mysteries of science. Various answers have been proposed, all of which remain unverified" University of Chicago. The origin of life on Earth, explained.
"We know how life, once it began, was able to proliferate and diversify until it filled (and in many cases created) every niche on the planet. Yet one of the most obvious big questions—how did life arise from inorganic matter?—remains a great unknown." https://www.americanscientist.org/article/the-origin-of-life#:~:text=The Origin of Origins&text=They showed that organic molecules,without the mediation of enzymes.
That is not an answer. That is just a quote to an article that you did not understand. Articles that you did not understand do not help you.