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Evolution My ToE


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Getting on to evidence as it is called, is there any evidence showing beyond doubt that a virus transforms or evolves to anything but a virus?

Has anyone claimed that they do?

Taken from Khan Academy, "Not only do viruses evolve, but they also tend to evolve faster than their hosts, such as humans."
OK, so they evolve "faster than their hosts." Hmmm...evolve to ?? other viruses? and humans evolve to ?? other humans?? Evolution of viruses (article) | Viruses | Khan Academy

Yes, we are talking about genetic mutations in viruses versus genetic mutations in humans here. So we are talking about viruses to viruses and humans to humans. The reason for this restriction is that we are dealing with a human time scale: months to years as opposed to millions of years.

On the longer time scale, humans will evolved to adapt to their environment, like all living things do. And the viruses will evolve to be able to infect their evolved hosts, like viruses tend to do.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
So...evolution, like gravity, is basically mindless. And because it's mindless, it doesn't think what 'form' the next step will take.

Well, it matters in the sense that gravity can keep planets in orbit. And evolution can change the form of living things over many generations.

What sort of 'mattering' are you looking for? Why is it relevant?

Perhaps you can say how someone thinks that evolution and the Bible are compatible. But...carry on. Back to conjectures changing based on evidence, it is said.

I'm not concerned with what the Bible says. It is a book written by people well before the advances of science and directed to a mostly agrarian society. I have read it and found it pretty boring and useless.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, it matters in the sense that gravity can keep planets in orbit. And evolution can change the form of living things over many generations.

What sort of 'mattering' are you looking for? Why is it relevant?

I'm not concerned with what the Bible says. It is a book written by people well before the advances of science and directed to a mostly agrarian society. I have read it and found it pretty boring and useless.
That's you. I've met people who don't believe in global warming or the Bible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, it matters in the sense that gravity can keep planets in orbit. And evolution can change the form of living things over many generations.

What sort of 'mattering' are you looking for? Why is it relevant?

I'm not concerned with what the Bible says. It is a book written by people well before the advances of science and directed to a mostly agrarian society. I have read it and found it pretty boring and useless.
Gravity can keep planets in orbit? But of course, you don't believe in an intelligent "Lawmaker," do you? But then viruses said to be evolving still remain as viruses insofar as you know, isn't that true.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Has anyone claimed that they do?

Yes, we are talking about genetic mutations in viruses versus genetic mutations in humans here. So we are talking about viruses to viruses and humans to humans. The reason for this restriction is that we are dealing with a human time scale: months to years as opposed to millions of years.

On the longer time scale, humans will evolved to adapt to their environment, like all living things do. And the viruses will evolve to be able to infect their evolved hosts, like viruses tend to do.
Yes, viruses obviously affect their hosts. They still remain viruses, however, they don't become other than a virus. And the hosts so far have not become anything but a host. Yet you're counting on millions of years of conjectural proof.* Viruses are viruses, while interesting, it is science to be seen and the effects of which are observable, sometimes.
*Oh, no, sorry, proof is not the right word there, is it? No, I guess conjectural 'evidence,' not proof, is a more acceptable term to some.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, it matters in the sense that gravity can keep planets in orbit. And evolution can change the form of living things over many generations.

What sort of 'mattering' are you looking for? Why is it relevant?

I'm not concerned with what the Bible says. It is a book written by people well before the advances of science and directed to a mostly agrarian society. I have read it and found it pretty boring and useless.
That gravity can keep planets in orbit is not quite the same as the conjecture that evolution can change the form of living things over many generations. Form, like what? Like a cat becoming a dog, or vice versa? What forms are you talking about?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Maybe look up "dinosaurs" at Wikipedia and then scroll down and see what it says about this, plus the links they provide.

Your continued insults are appallingly anti the Gospel. I have repeatedly stated that I use the Bible daily and believe in it, but you simply cannot accept that, such as with the above. You are the kind of person that Paul warned the Church about, namely that we should be wary of "those who cause division".

You are basically taking the position that anyone who disagrees with your approach probably is not a true Christian, and that is highly unethical of you. If your church teaches you that doing this is somehow moral under Jesus' teachings, maybe look for a church that actually teaches the Gospel, and then maybe consider actually living out of what it says. I did.

Yes, goodbye in a way. Now as for the links you talk about, do they show the genetic proof or 'evidence' of evolution until dinosaurs? And after dinosaurs? Hmmm I doubt it. But naturally you guys will tell me to look it up while you provide not one iota of evidence in the links you say I should read, but probably haven't read them yourselves. You remind me of the religious leaders that threw a man out that Jesus healed. Humpf they said. This dumkupf telling us anything. Sacrilege, they cried!


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Has anyone claimed that they do?

Yes, we are talking about genetic mutations in viruses versus genetic mutations in humans here.
There is nothing I saw in the following article to suggest that viruses 'evolve' to anything but viruses. Maybe there is, but I didn't see it, maybe you can show it with certainty. But I found Nothing. Zilch, to show that viral matter evolves to anything but different viral matter.
Viral evolution - Wikipedia
Please point out something there that shows that viruses evolve to a form other than another form of virus, mutated of course, if you do see it.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There is nothing I saw in the following article to suggest that viruses 'evolve' to anything but viruses. Maybe there is, but I didn't see it, maybe you can show it with certainty. But I found Nothing. Zilch, to show that viral matter evolves to anything but different viral matter.
Viral evolution - Wikipedia
Please point out something there that shows that viruses evolve to a form other than another form of virus, mutated of course, if you do see it.
If humans evolved from monkeys why is Chevy still making Corvettes?

Is it your understanding that evolution only occurs when new taxa evolve?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There is nothing I saw in the following article to suggest that viruses 'evolve' to anything but viruses. Maybe there is, but I didn't see it, maybe you can show it with certainty. But I found Nothing. Zilch, to show that viral matter evolves to anything but different viral matter.
Viral evolution - Wikipedia
Please point out something there that shows that viruses evolve to a form other than another form of virus, mutated of course, if you do see it.
Gravity can keep planets in orbit? But of course, you don't believe in an intelligent "Lawmaker," do you? But then viruses said to be evolving still remain as viruses insofar as you know, isn't that true.
But there is evidence that new species arise and species diverge, even if you refuse to recognize it or purposefully ignore it.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, viruses obviously affect their hosts. They still remain viruses, however, they don't become other than a virus. And the hosts so far have not become anything but a host. Yet you're counting on millions of years of conjectural proof.* Viruses are viruses, while interesting, it is science to be seen and the effects of which are observable, sometimes.
*Oh, no, sorry, proof is not the right word there, is it? No, I guess conjectural 'evidence,' not proof, is a more acceptable term to some.
How do you know with such certainty when you have no idea and refuse to examine any evidence?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, goodbye in a way. Now as for the links you talk about, do they show the genetic proof or 'evidence' of evolution until dinosaurs? And after dinosaurs? Hmmm I doubt it. But naturally you guys will tell me to look it up while you provide not one iota of evidence in the links you say I should read, but probably haven't read them yourselves. You remind me of the religious leaders that threw a man out that Jesus healed. Humpf they said. This dumkupf telling us anything. Sacrilege, they cried!
You remind me of every science denier I ever met. Long on denial, but empty on evidence and understanding. You get mad over honest appraisal of your denial and offer nothing substantive as a rebuttal.