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Evolution not God


My own religion
Let me expand...

We have a process which includes a holistic approach that even includes all types of counseling (free), budget review, situations that precipitated current situation, et al.

Our position, "we are here to help"! But when the answer is "I can't really make that phone call or go to that session but could you give me some food and gas money after they went to the last two churches and got the money there?" when they have a car and no job to stop them from going to the session?

It's called "professional system workers". Experience has taught us to let them fall until they really give you their hand. Once their heart is in their hand, they can progress and then you have success.

Okay. Thank you for your answer.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Did you ever historically look at the customs of the people at the time and what could possibly be another issue beyond thinking the un-pure thoughts?
You didn't answer the question. Why do you think they took only the virgin girls as the spoils of war? Are only virgin girls "pure"?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
But that is just one type of capitalism. Just as socialism was tried before and it never work. But there is capitalism with a heart.
Yes, and "capitalism with a heart" we call "mixed economy", which is a mixture of capitalism and socialism and which now all countries are using in varying proportions.

Personally, I would not like either taken to an extreme, and I believe you're also on the same page.


Veteran Member
Fairly typical fundamentalist response....."I don't see how taking only young virgin girls as spoils of war = sexual slavery." Yet another reason why I've never been a Christian.
No way I would want "fellowship"
with such people and their vile accusations.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
No way I would want "fellowship"
with such people and their vile accusations.
Honestly, having grown up around them, reading their news outlets, lurking in their forums, etc., IMO fundamentalists are some pretty messed up people.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
To make loving wives of them.
I've seen that excuse.
Right, because after a young "pure" virgin girl watches a soldier slit the throats of her mom and dad, and run a sword through the belly of her baby brother, she will gladly marry and have sex with that soldier! That's "God's way" after all. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Right, because after a young "pure" virgin girl watches a soldier slit the throats of her mom and dad, and run a sword through the belly of her baby brother, she will gladly marry and have sex with that soldier! That's "God's way" after all. :rolleyes:
So shall it be written so,shall it be done.
Orders from the throne.

If there isca God it did not sanction that atrocity.


Veteran Member
No, to the pure all things are pure. If you think it is about sex slavery, then maybe the persons' thinking isn't so pure.
Nobody is pure, and the story is about capturing girls for sex slavery. That is not a reflection on the reader, though denying what it's about sure is.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Nobody is pure, and the story is about capturing girls for sex slavery. That is not a reflection on the reader, though denying what it's about sure is.
No, that is an interpretation of how one reads it. Would you like them to die of starvation or be killed instead? Or should one investigate with the question, "Could there be another reason other than "option 1"?" After all, it wasn't the status quo of each time they took possession of the land.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
No, that is an interpretation of how one reads it. Would you like them to die of starvation or be killed instead? Or should one investigate with the question, "Could there be another reason other than "option 1"?" After all, it wasn't the status quo of each time they took possession of the land.
Why just the girls Kenny?


Well-Known Member
I am the one who called it sex slavery.
You accusing me of being a perv who gets
off, thinking of other girls being harmed?

Say it straight out, to me by name! Or are you going to slink away, afraid to stand by your own words?
What I said was not meant to be any accusation against anyone. I just said, when it is not said in the Bible, it comes from readers mind, if one sees it there.


Well-Known Member
What exactly do you think is the purpose for specifying "virgins only" other than that they
would bring the nest price when sold along with the rest of the loot?
Whatever I would imagine, would be just my imagination, why would it matter? Only thing that matters is what really happened and we both don't know it. You can make all kind of scenarios, but in the end of the day, it is just purely your imagination. And you imagination is not enough in a court, when people or God is judged.