Chemistry is the source of life. A dog is just as much alive as you are.
No....not quite.
Chemistry by itself is dead.
Try thinking of it this way.
If a spirit having the will to do so could make something....move.
The substance would respond to the touch of mind....not the hand.
But if the spirit doesn't have the will....the desire might be there.....
but the substance won't respond.
How do you train a new spirit?
Give it the power and turn it loose?
That would be chaos.
So many spirits, each having desire of any kind, and all in conflict.
Perhaps a blend between substance and spirit?......such as Man.
This situation allows a few years as we learn some restraint of desire.
Maybe....just can learn what it takes to be a righteous soul
before you die.
If not....maybe....just maybe....the angelic will be waiting with sword in hand.
After all...
Heaven is a place of peace.
I believe that peace is guarded.
They can't let just any spirit in the Door.