Actually we believe that Neanderthal was much brighter than we previously thought, and the evidence of such is the significant tool culture they developed along with the first solid evidence of religion.
Dear metis, Neandertal was an animal and not a Human, just as Cro-Magnon had animal intelligence and
NOT Human intelligence. This is clear since these people lived for some 6 Million years and
NEVER planted a crop or built a house, or displayed
ANY evidence of having Human intelligence, which
ONLY God and Adam have.
Gen 3:22
This is because the LORD made Adam on the
3rd Day,
Gen 2:4-7 which was Billions of years
BEFORE every other living creature was created and brought forth from the water on the
5th Day, or some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.
Gen 1:21 When the sons of God (prehistoric people) were created from the water, Adam was already there and Adam was a Special Creation, destined to have dominion or rule over
EVERY other creature.
Gen 1:28
God, the Trinity, created the sons of God (prehistoric people), from the water, with the ability to produce offspring with Humans, the descendants of Adam.
Gen 6:1-4 In this manner Humanity was spread over the face of our Planet Earth, when Noah arrived here some 10k years ago.
Gen 11:8
This is
EASY to confirm Historically, since Human Civilization, on Planet Earth, can be traced to the
FIRST Human farming, city building, math, writing, and
EVERY other modern Human trait, which arrived on our Earth in the Ark. Below is Empirical Evidence of the arrival of Noah and the spread of Human civilization which began in the Cradle of Human Civilization, which is in the Valleys of Northern Mesopotamia, just southwest of Lake Van, in the mountains of Ararat. God Bless you.
Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE
In Love,