So Far All calculations of potential mass have been calculated based on the hadron content of the universe. When added up this falls short of the expected amount. Dark matter has been suggested as the repository of the missing matter but it also falls a bit short.
I would now like to offer my theory.
That which has been excluded from this standard universal gravity calculation is the photo-shell, because it is considered massless. I contend that in a closed universe this photosphere must be part of the equation. Hence I suggest much of the missing matter is in fact that mass which was converted to energy E=mc^2 ie light photons (and mega heaps of them at that) which I now represents mass as M=E/c^2=hv/c^2.
If I am correct, then we may indeed have sufficient total Mass/Energy Equivalent to generate enough gravity to arrest the universes expansion allow a contraction back to our initial condition (alpha/omega point) and further to suggest it is quite possible we have a cyclic universe. Lets call it The Phoenix theory.
The problem then becomes, if it has been there the whole time, and will continue to be there forever more, cycling through the phases of explosion expansion, contraction, infinitum. If so, is there a need for a god, when it simply just "is" ie it exists full stop. No start, no finish. In other words the big bang may have occurred as a direct consequence of the previous universes collapse, passing through the alpha omega point and not by chance.
Now this isn't science, it is me hypothesizing a theory based on my knowledge as a scientist, but I would think a bit before dismissing it out of hand.
From my understanding the energy density of the universe was dominated by photons (with a minor contribution from neutrinos) only 10^-5 seconds (ie 0.00001 seconds) after the initial Big Bang. Some theories indicate, similar to a black hole, gravity retained light for a short period. I am not sure I agree totally with their interpretation. But that is another discussion. It is not particularly important as we all concur that a some point, shortly after the big bang there was a very large burst of light, predominantly in the gamma region from nuclear interactions rather than Xray-UV-Vis-IR typical of far weaker electronic transitions.
The evidence we have would seem to bring us very close in time to the actual Big Bang event. In fact we can go back to within 10^-37 of a second of it, with some degree of certainty and evidence. If these are correct I think it would be fair to say that processes which are causal resulted in a predictable out come ie light is emitted.
Surely Particle Physics after 50 years has demonstrated enough evidence overwhelmingly supporting the theory for even the most skeptical. Again Particle Physics is a wonder world of probabilities but its macro effects are very predictable.
The Hydrogen was clumped into heavier clouds until the gravitational fields spawned nuclear furnaces, the first stars not so much by Chance, by GRAVITY.
As we all know the heavier metals ie those beyond iron up to uranium and possibly short lived ones beyond, can only be created under the most extreme stellar explosive conditions. ie that of an exploding star and not just a little one it has to be a whopper. One that was fed on the ashes of stars that reached the iron threshold.
The type of explosion you need is called a super nova. Hence the 3 generations of stars referred to. Our little sun will only go to the carbon threshold cause its tiny. But being small has its advantages it burns a lot longer. All the better for us earthlings. Bigger stars go critical and explode a lot quicker. You also forgot to mention the Iron threshold, that aside, again overwhelming evidence regarding size of star, its emission spectrum, age and the nuclear fission transitions possible due to its fundamental mass limitations. Why did you leave out the discussion of why carbon and iron are significant in stellar life cycles. Would that defeat the religious "anti-chance" argument, because again we are showing very high probability cause and effect?
Most primary school children in my country could give you a number of causal events, in sequence, that would show this process hardly occurred by Chance. Gravitational aggregation of an exponential behavior. The bigger the lumps formed, the bigger the local gravity effect, the more they could attract and hold until we end up with spherical planet and sun sized objects (and a lot in between). All this aggregation of large chunks of rock flying together at thousands of kilometers per hour generates a bit of heat. Even after the planets have swept up most of the debris in their paths it will still take a while for things to cool down
Next look at the make up of the planets as we move from the inner to outer solar system. We have zones, the physical properties of matter govern its behavior, we see an order not chaos and randomness. Hard dense metaliod planets orbit close to the sun in the hot zone, while the huge gaseous planets orbit in the frigid outer reaches. Is this magic, no the volatile liquids and gases are boiled and blown off by the intense heat and solar winds of the Sun to the outer reaches of the solar system where they condense and are gradually assimilated into the gas giants. Not Chance, Not God, plain simple physics.
Of course earth just happens to sit nicely in a most fortuitous position. Now that is actually Chance. However it has quite a high expected probability of occurring. Just like Goldilocks its not too hot, not too cold, its just right. Don't take this as a sign of godly intervention, it simply means if earths orbit was outside this "nice" zone then we would not be having this discussion, because we would not be here. It seems to me completely logical that an early atmospheric water vapor could only start creating oceans once the temperature of the surface dropped below 100C (assuming STP). Again causal not chance.
Religious literalists try to write off the probability that the natural creation of complex "life" chemicals is some how impossible. eg In the reducing atmosphere of this newly formed planet a lightning bolt struck a pond that was rich in complex amino chance creating ribonucleic acid (RNA) and, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), were synthesized. chance.
I believe as observed on Venus Jupiter Saturn Uranus, Neptune and now Mars, lightning is very prolific in these primordial gaseous atmospheres. Nitrogen , carbon dioxide and a tiny amount of oxygen are smashing these molecules ionizing and deionizing them into very reactive free radicals which tend to condense with other molecules usually the next one they bump into forming increasingly more complex organic and hetrocyclic compounds. The molecules formed from lightning in this Archean atmosphere, are not random either. These organic compounds fall into distinct groups ie cyanates, simple alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, various aldehydes, ketones, amines, imines, cyanides, isocyanates nitriles even simple amino acids such as glycine and sugars etc etc.
These compounds are washed into the oceans. One might conclude they would be diluted into practical non-existence in the huge volume of the oceans, (1.4 x 10^9 cubic kilometers) with a low probability of ever getting together to form more complex compounds. The fact is actually the opposite, while some of these compounds dissolve forming very dilute concentrations, most organic compounds don't. In fact they ACCUMULATE (READ CONCENTRATE) forming a tarry oily scum layer that floats ON THE SURFACE of water. This hydrophobic interaction guarantees we get significant concentration of organics and hetro-cyclics.
Then from the surface of the oceans, like sea foam, it is whipped up and splashed with wind and rain against the ancient shores of this hostile new world. So instead of being diluted out of existence (as your argument would have us believe) they are in fact being concentrated and forced together billions of times along thousands of miles of ancient coastlines.
We also have a moon, whose regular tidal influence causes alternating changes of flood and dry in the coastal literal zones, continuously mixing and separating, combining and recombining these highly concentrated organic environments, over and over again. NOT EXACTLY RANDOM IS IT. BTW the moon was lot closer then and its tidal effect was far greater.
It is now easy to envisage with extremely high probability 99+%, that small bubbles of this oily scum form, capturing a small packet of water from the sea immediately around, isolating and protecting it, giving us a very simple but non-living cell (These are referred to scientifically as micelles). Every so often the chemical make up of the membrane is such that it has some integrity and is there fore stable for a time.
This could be a day, a month, a year or even a million years. Remember these seas have no life yet so they totally pristine and STERILE. If we left a partially finished organic bubble on the beach today it would be destroyed and assimilated by a host of organisms in short time. But this is pre-life, so this micelle's "life" undamaged could be indefinite.
Continued Part 4 ....