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EVOLUTION, what a lie.


Intentionally Blank
Man has played the part of DESIGNER in his own right. It would be ignorant to assume there is no design demonstrated by nature or that it hasn't been manipulated by a designer.
I don't agree that it would be ignorant, but what it would not be would be science.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Here's what I'm having trouble following regarding MysticPhD's arguments....

He seems to be arguing that "god" is natural, and maybe even "nature" itself (whenever someone seperates "nature" from "god", he objects).

But then when folks point out that mutations occur via understood natural means, he objects even though he seems to be arguing that "natural = god". Why would someone who holds that "nature = god" object to natural explanations for phenomena?

He also seems to be arguing that everything is "god"...that the entire universe is "god". He further continues this argument by objecting to anything at all occuring randomly. This is at least consistent, in that it is based on the belief that every single event in the universe is carried out/directed/guided by this "god".

But, if this is so, then none of us (MysticPhD included) are really having this conversation. If absolutely every event in the universe is under the control/guidance of this "god", then our conversations are just god talking to himself. "MysticPhD" isn't writing his posts and putting them on the internet, god is. And god is responding to god.

Perfectly sensible, eh?
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Well-Known Member
You're tied because you are motivated under your own power. Science doesn't present any explanation. Secularists have learned to present the data they discover in that light... They have learned to ignore divine revelation leaving any equation they develope incomplete.

Because divine revelation can only ever be personal, to the person who experiences it. science has no and should have no say on that.


Intentionally Blank
If there is no design in nature, then there can be no rules of nature, and if there are no rules of nature, experiments could not be designed to be repeated because there would be no track record or series of measurable events to consider. Everything would be random and without form or direction.

You're making a lot of assumptions.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
There are bible believing men who happen to be biologists. The problem is that these men are not allowed free access to present their spiritual considerations throughout a secularized society without offending those in places of power.
LOL! Look guy...we live in the age of the internet...the information age. If these wonderful "Bible believing biologists" can't get their data and results past this vast conspiracy, there are certainly no shortages of other means to publish it.


Intentionally Blank
Well, acceptance by a community may be simply coercion and the acceptance of secular propaganda that a group is comfortable with.

And I'm sure you have a lot of experience with the community in question--Biologists--that leads you to make such an outrageous assumption about them?

So, again, are all scientists a bunch of liars and idiots, or just Biologists?


Intentionally Blank
I would prefer not to be painted with the tainted label of Intelligent Design . . . which is a Creationist ploy and fraudulent attempt by the Discovery Institute to inject religion into science curricula. Since I know (personally . . . no one need believe me) that the universe is conscious . . . I would prefer to consider the design deliberate (not capricious or random or indifferent or . . . whatever).

Well you're entitled to your personal preference, however peculiar, but why would it interest the rest of us.


Intentionally Blank
What I say is totally in error and you know everything about science and evolution in particular. It would be so nice if the world and science were that simple, but that is a different subject.
No, I only know a little bit, which is much more than you.

There are bible believing men who happen to be biologists.
Yup, and they also accept the ToE.
The problem is that these men are not allowed free access to present their spiritual considerations throughout a secularized society without offending those in places of power.
You seem to be confusing the scientific theory of evolution with atheism. Do you even know what evolution is?


Intentionally Blank
You're tied because you are motivated under your own power. Science doesn't present any explanation. Secularists have learned to present the data they discover in that light... They have learned to ignore divine revelation leaving any equation they develope incomplete.

So you're against science as a way to learn about the world?


Well-Known Member
No, I only know a little bit, which is much more than you.

Yup, and they also accept the ToE. You seem to be confusing the scientific theory of evolution with atheism. Do you even know what evolution is?

What are you specifically referring to when you say evolution? Evolution of what exactly? You tell me that and I will not be confused.