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Evolution, what evidence is there and what does creationism have?


Well-Known Member
You said TOE does not disprove God, I responded by saying TOE has nothing to do with God. Although many YEC and ID proponents feel that TOE is a threat to their beliefs, and therefor will reject accepted scientific theory.

And why are telling this to me? I believe that the earth is billions of years old and as I have said before scientific discoveries fill me with awe at the power and wisdom of our creator.


Resident Liberal Hippie
My position is that Humans have evolved, that today's humans are different from humans that lived hundred of thousand of years ago, that they are evolved human not apes that evolved into humans, I don't believe that human are evolved apes any more than I believe that apes evolved from monkeys and that they in turn evolve from Lemurs.

Why? What is your reason for disbelief in a common ancestor for all modern primates?


Well-Known Member
Why? What is your reason for disbelief in a common ancestor for all modern primates?
Apes produce more apes, they may be deferent than those that lived in a distant past but they have always been apes, human the same and they are purposely designed to be what they are.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Apes produce more apes, they may be deferent than those that lived in a distant past but they have always been apes, human the same and they are purposely designed to be what they are.
So, for billions of years, apes have been apes, and humans have been humans?
Dogs have been dogs, and wolves have been wolves?
The gazelle has always been a gazelle, and the deer has always been a deer?
(With only minor changes?)


Intentionally Blank
Now I don’t know what make you think that ToE says that the explanation for why creatures appear to be designed is that they evolved via descent with modification plus natural selection to fit their ecological niches.
Because that's what ToE says. As I said, I don't think you've really grasped the theory.
I search it and found that there are different kinds of OETs but none like you said, what do they call this theory?
What is "OET?"
I found these ones:
Progressive Creationism: they don’t believe in evolution
Theistic Evolution.: These ones believe in evolution and ID
No, no one who understands it and has a conscience believes in ID in the sense of the Discovery Institute. It's a scam pure and simple. Theistic Evolution is I think where you're at. It means you accept all of ToE, and believe that's compatible with an omnipotent God who created the universe, using ToE to accomplish His ends.
Is a way to reconcile an old earth with a possible reading of Genesis, inserting gaps between the days to get to 4.56 billion years. A bit odd.

"Intelligent Design," or ID. You can find themes of intelligent design in both old and young-earth theory. The basic premise is that the universe and our world shows overwhelming evidence that it was designed by some higher being, and could not have happened by chance.
As a theological or philosophical stance, yes, O.K., fine. But as soon as it asserts that science can support this, it goes wrong, which is what modern ID tries to do. It goes wrong both scientifically and theologically, theologically because you get a puny, tinkering, miniscule, impotent God, instead of the all-powerful Maker of All. Avoid like plague. Also they're a bunch of big fat liar heads, as the Judge found at the Dover trial. They literally committed perjury, and were reprimanded by the court.


Well-Known Member
Apes produce more apes, they may be deferent than those that lived in a distant past but they have always been apes, human the same and they are purposely designed to be what they are.

Pretty bold statements. Care to back them up with....ummm evidence?


Intentionally Blank
My position is that Humans have evolved, that today's humans are different from humans that lived hundred of thousand of years ago, that they are evolved human not apes that evolved into humans, I don't believe that human are evolved apes any more than I believe that apes evolved from monkeys and that they in turn evolve from Lemurs.
This statement directly contradicts ToE, which you say you accept. You either buy it or you don't, emiliano, that's how science works.


Well-Known Member
Evedence? I presnt to you. yourself.

I am only evidence of me, not how I got here. Thats not evidence, just like the bible is proof of the bible, not it's authorship. So, got any of that stuff called evidence? It might help to prove your case.


Well-Known Member
This statement directly contradicts ToE, which you say you accept. You either buy it or you don't, emiliano, that's how science works.
What Old Earth Theory do I contradict, there are several, and am not a scientist, I believe what scientist discover, none of their discoveries disproves ID and the creator our mighty God.


Well-Known Member
What Old Earth Theory do I contradict, there are several, and am not a scientist, I believe what scientist discover, none of their discoveries disproves ID and the creator our mighty God.

Not old earth, but evolution. We're all aware your not a scientist. It's fairly obvious. It's not science's job to disprove anything, let alone a god. It's you the claimant, who has to provide evidence for ID.


Well-Known Member
I am only evidence of me, not how I got here. Thats not evidence, just like the bible is proof of the bible, not it's authorship. So, got any of that stuff called evidence? It might help to prove your case.

I hape that you have realised by now that this debate is going no where and is time to move on, anyway I have so, it was a pleasure but, so long, adios:)


Well-Known Member
I hape that you have realised by now that this debate is going no where and is time to move on, anyway I have so, it was a pleasure but, so long, adios:)

Are you leaving or am I supposed to leave? I'm not sure what you meant by that comment. But adios!


Intentionally Blank
What Old Earth Theory do I contradict, there are several, and am not a scientist, I believe what scientist discover, none of their discoveries disproves ID and the creator our mighty God.

You contradict the Theory of Evolution. Do you accept it or not?


Intentionally Blank
What Old Earth Theory do I contradict, there are several, and am not a scientist, I believe what scientist discover, none of their discoveries disproves ID and the creator our mighty God.

You're a bit slow. We've said this many times. Scientific theories do not disprove God. Nor do they prove Him. They have nothing to do with Him. Your attempt to make science prove God is as doomed as those who try to make it disprove Him.


Well-Known Member
I always find this little factoid funny when I see people trying to make the micro/macro distinction. When Darwin published his theory and it gained acceptance it was macro that was accepted. The long term change of creatures over time was actually accepted before genetics provided evidence to accept the micro as well.


Resident Liberal Hippie
So, apparently, emiliano accepts ToE, as long as it does not contradict his personal religious beliefs.

Picking and choosing different parts of biology to support his beliefs, and disregarding those that contradict those beliefs.

And by his constant mention of "none of their discoveries disproves ID and the creator our mighty God", he seems to be stuck on the idea that science is somehow a threat to God.

So he falls into the category of those whose faith is so weak, they ignore scientific discoveries in order to support their personal beliefs.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Count me in among those who are totally confused as to what Emiliano's position is. When presented with a summary of one part of the chromosomal evidence that supports the common ancestry between humans and chimps, he says "I agree" and throws his support behind evolutionary theory. But now he says "apes have always been apes and humans have always been humans", completely contradicting evolutionary theory.

Maybe Emiliano should take a bit of time and contemplate his own position, thoroughly think it through, and fully understand it, so future conversations won't be so scattered and frustrating.