Cosmology has to do with evolution. Cosmology deals with the origin and general structure of the universe, so to say that this is all cosmology and not evolution is kind of an illogical statement.
No, that is false. Evolution is biology, not cosmology.
These are definitions of evolution meaning, in lack of better term, they are the topics that evolution deals with.
No, evolution deals with changes in species over time.
First let me address that there is no possible observation of the creation of elements. How do you get Uranium from Hydrogen? Scientists claim it to be a fusion within the stars, however you can't fuse past iron. And the rest are supposedly created only when stars explode. However how could the elements possibly get to earth after a star explosion. The elements would completely incinerate or burn from the stars energy and if they were to fall into the earth's atmosphere it it would completely burn up. So i do not see a possible way to observe elements being created from hydrogen.
Nuclear fusion was first acheived in the lab many years ago. You ask how the elements created in a stellar explosion got to the earth? Well the earth formed out of those elements.
Sure origin of stars and planets has to do with cosmology but is also dealt with evolution. I can get into this but i don't want to make this an extremely long reply. Maybe i'll address it in another reply if asked for.
No, evolution is about how species change over time.
Sure i will agree that organisms change over time but not into a new species such as macro-evolution.
Who has ever seen a dog produce a non-dog?
A dog producing a non-dog would DISprove evolution and be evidence of magic. If somebody had observed a dog giving birth to a non-dog the theory of evolution would be destroyed, not proven.
People claim that horses had a common ancestor; yeah it looked like a horse.
No, it looked like a cat sized deer.
Many examples commonly cited, such as the evolution of the horse family or of sabertooth 'tigers' can be readily shown to have been unintentionally falsified and not to be really orthogenetic. There are problems with horse evolution. One, made up by Othniel C. Marsh in 1874 from fossils scattered across the world, not from the same location. Modern horses are found in layers with and lower than ancient horses. The ancient horse hyracotherium, is not a horse but is just like the hyrax and is still alive in Turkey and East Africa.
Sure i also would agree with some allele changes and mutations but not so dramatically to the point of a new species, there has been no observation of an animal changing from one species to another. Please show me one observation of this.
There are many examples, millions in fact.
You used the example of a dog - well dogs are canines, there are four species of canines. That is four examples of speciation.
There are about 42 species of felines, that is 42 examples of speciation.
There are some 30,000 species of fruit fly - that is 30,000 examples of speciation. In fact fruit fly speciation has been directly observed under scientific conditions (as have mamy other instances of speciation).
Science observed speciation for the first time more than a century ago.