It is certainly possible intelligent life could exist in other parts of the universe.
If intelligent aliens were discovered to exist I imagine literalist would have to pretend they do not since they are not mentioned in the Bible. Or they would have to radically re-interpret some part of the Bible to force it to fit the new information.
God O planetary natural evolution history said that O burning bodies of the eternal formed into gases.
G the value of O the cell form of a planetary cosmological body and the A S S.
Inference in science symbolism was the value of E. Owning I and 3 bars.
I the value science gave to intensity of magnetism and how a O body changes by 3 places in timed conversions.
How science of God explained what God meant, as the original O stone traveller through space around a Sun owning the original mantle as the coat of many colours.
Without male or female interpretations, just scientific explanation.
The stories said that science converting of stone mass, God Earth was known by visions, being after the fact recordings as cooling answers, meaning water conditions. How to convert Earth by Sun UFO radiation. And only water and microbes was in the flooded water. The UFO metal was above the stone mountain.
Converting stone not covered by water.
Science says that God, the planet in the face of the great deep was on the water.
For 2 conditions spiritually were explained. All God O eternal bodies fell out of the mass of eternal, why space holds circular bodies as space is a O circular body itself. Space was once owner of no space and non burnt eternal mass existed.
Eternal still exists for it was the Creator that released God so that we can spiritually talk about it. Having come out of that body only after gases were returned to space emptiness.
The UFO is a known sucker up of water. Our Earth microbes, microbial energy was in that water. The UFO was already burnt, converted and cooled, sucked in our atmospheric gases and left.
If it were not true, then Earth owning cold clear night time gases would be owner of cold, clear night time gases.
We knew that they became satellites in out of space converted to be like Earth radiation fusion. How else do you propose that you can send signals from off Earth by Earth fused machines and then get signals back from out of space?
God science themed creation said the eternal mass surrounding not once owning O God sounds sung up became thin, and when it burst, burnt in space into water.
O God bodies burnt as their owned mass.
Consciousness a higher percentile of water in a human life knows that water came from out of space as bio life owner, first intelligence by description of human sciences.
Where your alien theme comes from. When you built the temple/pyramid first time transporter by your say so, meant conversion of Earth mass back in time.
You knew how to force Earth to be water mass flooded returned as its higher form of life without Garden Nature or your bio existence. As the human owned theory. Status of order.
It was why the UFO came back and sucked up water again, for your theory NATURAL ORDER was to put water back into out of space if you thought upon natural order and God theories.
Back and forth recorded signalling owned the Garden Nature converting its natural form, and your own self bio life. Back and forth communications between Earth transmitting machines into out of space and back again owned recording of in between converting modules of changes to Nature.
Why today many movie themes depict the alien cell hidden in the Garden tree Nature invisible, simply due to feed back and recordings of feed back recording.