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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


"Nope, sorry."

Regarding the existence of God, there is no scientific evidence upon which to base a conclusion.

It's one thing to refuse to share someone's beliefs when they can't provide compelling evidence, but quite another to deny their right to believe without providing evidence you find compelling.
They may, privately, believe any sort of tripe that they desire, I don't care, I have no issue with that. But when they take it out into the agora, when it threatens the future of the planet, when it attempts to warp the way future generations think, I have a right to demand that they justify their beliefs with something more than "I believe" or "it could be" or "you can't prove that is isn't so."
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Why would you ask for factual evidence, that makes no sense.
You are free to present your theories, we'll wait.

Due to the complete absence of any objective or rationale evidence of there every having been a god, I propose the hypothesis that no god exists or has ever existed. Arguments from ignorance will be summarily dismissed.

Please falsify if you are able.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
The may, privately, believe any sort of tripe that they desire, I don't care, I have no issue with that. But when they take it out into the agora, when it threatens the future of the planet, when it attempts to warp the way future generations think, I have a right to demand that they justify their beliefs with something more than "I believe" or "it could be" or "you can't prove that is isn't so."
That sounds rather like the first thing, don't you think?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
There are too many indefinite pronouns in your sentence, I do not understand it, what is "That" and what is the "first thing?"
Your pardon, sir. It seemed clear enough, but I'd just read through both relevant posts and phrased as if in real time conversation.

"But when they take it out into the agora, when it threatens the future of the planet, when it attempts to warp the way future generations think" sounds rather like "It's one thing to refuse to share someone's beliefs when they can't provide compelling evidence", don't you think?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You just don't get it, science it always incomplete, which is quite different than wrong. Wrong is when you have been shown a better and more logical conclusion and rather than embracing it reject it because of an a priori bias, that is the egotism of the religionist.
Personal attacks again...... science is incomplete, and therefore wrong to one degree or another, that is why it changes, or if you like improves. Was there a need to tell me that? I don't hink so. Me thinks you have no answers. Paper bag...


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Oh? It's only to be taken as an admonition for believers to wash the feet of other believers? So Jesus was urging the faithful to preach to the choir?

I see.
Somehow I think you don't. But thank you for the engaging discussion. Any ideas where everything coemes from yet? or is it I don't know?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Because you're claiming to know ... when you cannot possibly know. You can only make wild claims.
It is spiritually discerned my friend, whether you like it or will accept it or not. Therefore it is known.
Again, I'm not the one asserting Knowledge With Certainty. That's you.

I'm not the one pretending that there is a known answer to why we're here. That's your approach. And it isn't that I don't want to know ... it's that your answer (Gawdunnit®) fails to satisfy. If your answer was convincing, you wouldn't continue to find the door unceremoniously slammed in your face.
If you don't know the answer, don't tell me mine is wrong
You're equating "I Don't Know" with "blind faith?
That is what you have, blind faith in something natural somehow bringing about everything.
That spewage is complete gobbledygook.
That shows how much you know
- "Inner witness" is not proof. It is just another empty claim.
- Claiming that there is no difference between the natural and the supernatural and then reversing yourself to claim that "in some ways there is" reeks of special pleading.
It is a definition of a word which obviously you don't accept. The prefix ''super'' only means above or beyond like supermodel or supercool etc
The inner witness is proof. To you it is not as you have not received it. It is personal, and fool proof.
Prove it.

1.) You've failed to demonstrate that there is a god of any sort (to say nothing about whether it's the Judeo-Christian god or not) and ...
2.) You've failed to demonstrated that this alleged god possesses intelligence.

All you've done so far is make wild assertions interspersed with snarky remarks about paper bags.
One does not prove God exists, as I keep telling atheists, and you refuse to accept. God proves not man. You will never accept this argument because, if you do, you have no argument. So you keep making a metaphysical argument into a physical argument, knowing then that you are an argument, however false. It won't do, sorry. You need to understand and accept what you are arguing.
And as for paper bags, one is either saying it is intelligence or it is not, or they don't know, hence the paper bag.
God's intelligence evolves?
yes... but this is before the concept that you know as God. This is a bigger topic than you think. Your rudimentary ideas are not sufficeint to deal with it.
Please square that assertion against what the Bible has to say about God's Unchanging Nature:

"God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind ..." ~ Numbers 23:19

"I am the LORD, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed." ~ Malachi 3:6

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." ~ James 1:17
see above
---> God created the universe before there was sin. True or false?

If true, your assertion "we are here, as universe, because we were cast out as unclean" appears to be utter nonsense.

If false, then it appears that you're asserting that God created an unclean universe.

I wonder which is correct?
there was sin before the univese as sin is error, and error is the reason we are here. Each realm is separate though, so this universe would still be seen as clean and not in error, when in fact, if one were to compare it with the One that it comes from, ir clearly would be, but ONLY in comparison, not as a singular part.

AGAIN: Please explain how your belief in an arbitrarily created universe is different from "luck & magic."

So far, you're doing a perfectly terrible job of drawing a distinction.
False question. One is through intelligence and one through luck and magic (the atheist universe it seems). There is no other answer, though I stand to be corrected if you think you have an answer.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Just because you don't even have a hypothesis concerning the correct answer does not mean that you do not know that a specific possibly answer is incorrect.
If you read a little more carefully, Oh wise one, you would find i am saying the opposite to that. Your answer no doubt is that you don't know where everything comes from, is that right?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Just because you don't even have a hypothesis concerning the correct answer does not mean that you do not know that a specific possibly answer is incorrect.
Firstly, there are theories of where all things come from.
Secondly, if you know that ''a specific possible answer is incorrect'' which is probably God, then go ahead, show us how it is incorrect. I'm waiting..... and waiting..............and waiting...................


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
As already pointed out - there is a difference between using a few Bible quotes to prove your point, and giving a sermon, or copy pasting a religious site, or posting pages of Bible verses to confuse everyone.

As to canned Spam, I used to eat it too (Hawaiians in my family.) Now I wonder how I ever ate it. I do however keep a couple cans of it in my speedboat locker, for emergencies. In Alaska you never know when you are going to have to duck into a sheltered cove, possibly for days, to weather a storm.

Its nice fried or grilled, well done, beautiful.
You have a boat it seems.
As for the spamming, if you don't want to read it, don't read it. You make too much out of it.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
If you really believe in the scientific method then you would know that anecdotal evidence is not accepted anywhere in any scientific setting. Your friend who was brought back from the dead is an example of anecdotal evidence, so regardless of whether his story "lined up with scripture" it should be tossed out the window as not being valid scientific evidence.
Anecdotal means hearsay or secondhand accounts, which the resurrection was not. So false argument. You are right though, he is my friend.
Arguing faith with science is like arguing Jewish tradition with a Nazi. The two organizations are completely opposed.
Agreed. So what?
Science means accepting things only with proper evidence, while faith means accepting things in spite of evidence that goes against it.
Evidence has to be interpreted though as it does not necessarily prove anything. Faith is because of evidence also, that being inward. It is not something that one plucks out of the air. You cannot believe in something you don't know.
And any common sense would dictate that basing your beliefs off of a book that was written long after the supposed events happened must be allegory.
It was not, even though that is the common understanding. You must understand that you speak of scripture, and scripture is always hidden, even to beleivers to a degree.... so what chance an atheist?
Humans can't even keep facts straight in a court room, let alone decades after something "miraculous" has already happened. Scriptures about Jesus did not appear until about 70 A.D. long after he would have supposedly been crucified.
see above
Now if we turn to actual evidence, there is not one piece of physical evidence for the existence of Jesus other than the bible which is actually a copy, of a copy, of a copy of the original book which was lost over a thousand years ago.
So? It is still true as it stands, whether many copies later or not. what point you think you have made there I really don't know. It obviously satisfies you though.
We do however have plenty of contemporary writings by people that the bible claims Jesus met, yet not in one of those writings does anybody describe a person matching the description of Jesus Christ. The journal writings of Pontius Pilate (the man who supposedly executed Jesus) are enough to fill a small library, but nowhere does he mention a man named Jesus or even someone matching the description of Jesus in the bible. Furthermore we do have writings about other prophecy nut jobs who preached similar things and people claiming to be Gods themselves, yet none of them were crucified or matched the story of Jesus.
Everything valuable is always hidden. It is not on display to keep people out. It is spiritually discerned, something atheist can't and won't accept.
Finally, there are so many religious stories before the Jesus claim that are very similar: Osiris, Hercules and Thor were all Gods that were persecuted for their miracles, executed and then rose from the dead to become Gods themselves. Yet these stories came about in history hundreds of years before the Jesus myth came about. So in short: it is not logical to believe in Jesus, it is the rejection of logic and science.
There would be expected stories the same as Yahshuah, the consciousness of the logos works in a fractal way, hence the reason they sacrificed animals. That is not evidence against, but for, my friend.
No one believing in God has to reject logic or science..... but one can reject spiritual truth without the spirit of God. Your realm then is the physical and your life short.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Nope, sorry. Based on all of the available evidence, the room is empty. We're not saying with any degree of absolute certainty that the room is empty, we're saying that we see nothing there. It is incumbent on anyone who claims there is anything in the room to present their evidence that it's actually so, otherwise we will continue to find no reason to take your claims seriously.
But the point is, you come out of the room with a Rolex..... yet there was nothing in there. Don't you see the problem? That was the crux of his argumentc


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
So let us know when you have any objective evidence at all for the factual existence of your god. We'll wait.
You are trying to make a metaphysical argument a physical one again... It won't do you know. False argument!


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
There isn't any objective evidence *AT ALL*. There just isn't. Therefore, it isn't our job to prove God doesn't exist, it's your job to prove he does.

Get on that, won't you?
It is not our job to prove God exists, it is YOUR job to turn your heart to him. God proves, man gives evidence.... evidence that atheist don't accept, because it is not proved first. A delusion is a delusion at the end of the day and as it is from God, impossible to break.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Oops, nice try...but I am NOT convinced. Most every attempt to prove the existence of God...or the legitimacy of a particular sect or faith is fated to fail...absent a resort to "special pleading" (usually served with ample "true believer" propaganda) which is exceedingly common.

Some variety of spirituality? No problemo... but please don't try to ram some particular faith down my throat, based on specious reasoning.

Incidentally, were we able to manifest JC right here and now...I VERY SERIOUSLY doubt that he'd be a Christian. He'd say..."You people are friggin; crazy!!"...and likely advocate good behavior (like a Buddhist or Hindu), meditation and mysticism....not all this negative junk about being sinners (and a "fallen" race), based on a silly fairy tale "once upon a time." I mean, "Get real!!"
Why not get real yourself and show us a theory of where everything comes from then. We can wait. I wonder if it will be We don't know.