Not being able to prove God does not exist, you must necessarily have faith that He does not exist. The only other option is that you don't know if God exists or not. He might or might not exist. Pure logic dictates it be such.
Yes, it is impossible to prove a negative. That is my whole point and precisely why one must deny the existence of God by faith and nothing but faith.
Lack of belief is the epistemic default position. It's logical and reasonable. Lack of belief is not a belief.
Maybe the Abrahamic god exists. Maybe the Greek gods exist. Maybe an invisible pink unicorn, Cthulu or the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. Do you give these equal credence?
everything until contrary evidence is produced is unworkable and unreasonable. It's not 'logical'.
The reasonable position is to begin with a blank slate and add belief as evidence comes to light. A blank slate does not require faith.
Faith is a type of belief. How can it apply to a lack of belief?
I'm sure you're tired of our demands of concrete evidence by now, but it's apt.
There are hundreds of different 'faiths', and different gods, and different scriptures, and different creation stories. Often they "interpret" their scriptures to accord with current scientific thought, when possible. Yet they stilldisagree, and have no concrete evidence justifying their particular take on the issue..
They have only faith.
Scientists disagree, too, but they don't duel with scripture or tradition. They follow the evidence, they test their assumptions, and accept the conclusions regardless of faith or orthodoxy.
Unlike religion, basic science is homogenous worldwide -- because it's fact based. Controversy does occur at the cutting edge, but it doesn't invalidate the basics. With continuing research the controversy's are clarified and new ones appear at the expanding edges.
Pointing to the controversies does not support magical religious belief. That's a false dichotomy. Only evidence would do that. Thus far I see none, and what's
claimed as evidence is inconsistent, untested and variable.