Since it can not be proven there is no God any more than it can not be proven there is a God, it would take no less faith to believe there is no God than it would take to believe there is a God.
Without faith in one or the other, the only true thing someone could say is they don't know if there is not, or there is a God. At least that would accord with the lack of evidence one way or the other.
If there is a difference in the faith required to believe one way or the other, I'd be curious to hear about that difference.
Faith - strong belief in something which are not proven.
Proven - demonstrated by evidence or argument to be true or existing.
Believe - accept that (something) is true.
Some theists have strong belief in god; some other theists have half strong half weak belief in god; some other theists have weak belief in god.
The more strong a belief become, the more confidence that something is true; vice versa.
Same might apply to strong atheists: some of them have strong belief in no god; some have half strong half weak belief in no god; some have weak belief in no god.
If something is not proven, as in demonstrated by evidence or argument to be true or existing, why would someone believe that something is true/exist?
Why would someone have strong belief in something which are not proven?
Is it rational if one believe in something which are not proven?
Is it rational if one have strong belief in something which are not proven?
What scenario can cause one believe something is true/exist?
What scenario will cause one believe something is true/exist?
All theists - have the belief that at least 1 god exists; have been convince to believe at least 1 god exists.
All atheists - don't have the belief that at least 1 god exists; haven't been convince to believe at least 1 god exists.
Subset of all atheists:
Atheist subset A (known as strong atheist) - have the belief that no god exists, all gods don't exist, the total number of god who exists are 0. Have been convince to believe no god exists.
Atheist subset B (known as soft atheist) - don't have the belief that no god exists. Haven't been convince to believe no god exists.
Subset of atheist group B:
Atheist subset C - have the belief that at least 1 god doesn't exist. Have been convince to believe at least 1 god doesn't exist.
Atheist subset D - don't have the belief that at least 1 god doesn't exist. Haven't been convince to believe at least 1 god doesn't exist.