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Far Right - German Election

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
From the link:

'If confirmed, it would give the far right its first vote win in a state parliament since World War Two, although it is unlikely to be able to form a government in Thuringia.'

Also, virtually all their strength is in regions that were part of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. They have not had 80 plus years of democracy and free education like those in what used to be West Germany.



Veteran Member
Lewis Goodall's take ....
"Success for far right AfD in former East German states of Thuringia/Saxony. In Thuringia, they top the poll. Worth noting how poorly SPD generally does here. Nonetheless a big day in German politics- first time a far right party has won an election in Germany since the 1930s. Should also say that just because AfD top the poll in Thuringia, they likely won’t form the next govt there as other parties will keep them out. Cordon sanitaire is proving more robust in Germany than other European countries where it has completely broken down. Worth remembering how extreme some of the forces are in AfD. Germany’s domestic intelligence agency has designated AfD’s Saxony and Thuringia parties as “rightwing extremist” organisations, In Thuringia the party is led by Björn Höcke, an ethno-nationalist who many call a fascist, who has been fined twice by local courts this year for using banned Nazi slogans in speeches to supporters."


Veteran Member
A couple of very important facts to note:

1. 70% of the German people did NOT vote for this party.

2. Of the 30% that did vote for this party, nearly ALL of them did so based on the issue of immigration. And NOT because they are aligned with right wing extremist ideology.

It would be a mistake to presume that this election signals some great shift to the right. All it signals is that a third of the German people are sufficiently fed up with the country's immigration policies that they are willing to vote extreme, to get some change.

Secret Chief

From the link:

'If confirmed, it would give the far right its first vote win in a state parliament since World War Two, although it is unlikely to be able to form a government in Thuringia.'

Also, virtually all their strength is in regions that were part of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. They have not had 80 plus years of democracy and free education like those in what used to be West Germany.

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All true, but they will be big enough in parliament to be influential.

Secret Chief

From the link:

'If confirmed, it would give the far right its first vote win in a state parliament since World War Two, although it is unlikely to be able to form a government in Thuringia.'

Also, virtually all their strength is in regions that were part of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. They have not had 80 plus years of democracy and free education like those in what used to be West Germany.

View attachment 96625View attachment 96623 View attachment 96624
All true, but they will be big enough in parliament to be influential.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens to people who were pampered by the USSR (relative to the other Warsaw Pact satellite countries) thinking they are the hottest stuff, while their entire economy was completely backwards and couldn't compete in a free market.
Until not so long ago areas of the former GDR looked as if WW2 had been just a few years ago.

So let them vote for the Putin parties. Let them even secede. I always enjoy people jumping off a cliff.
Perhaps they'll learn through it.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The far left, Die Linke and BSW, also got many votes, together about the same as the AfD. It's not looking good for moderate parties. People in the East are fed up with the establishment, they vote extremist, left and right.

Excuse me, but...
I had told you guys that siding with the elitist cabal of warmongers overseas would just cause the undoing of the Left...
Being pro-war causes this.

The USA want a world war and want Europe to be turned into a battlefield.
It's obvious that people vote for AfD. The only alternative.
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