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Fate of the Earth


Veteran Member
I believe the chances are good we will be raptured before the End of the World (as we know it). The Bible teaches us not to worry. Everything God gives us is good.
This is why Christian extremist views like this is dangerous to the whole planet and the future of mankind. The belief of rapture or the end times is a religious concept that is part of revelations and that book barely made it into the Bible in the first place. When so many Christians believe a certain thing where the future doesn’t matter and they behave in a way that is indifferent to future generations and people who are not Christians or don’t prescribe to the Christian end times scenario you affect everyone else. You don’t care. You care about your dogma, that is all. And that is why this Christian extremist view among other views is immoral.
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Veteran Member
I believe the end has three distinct things: The rocks (stars) that fall from the skies and strike earth and most likely the largest causing a conflagration over all the earth and a gigantic earthquake that can move the tectonic plates changing what is under the ocean and what is above it. A large impact as that can also alter the declination, rotation and annual path of the earth. That would cause the ice caps to be in different places. I believe the earth has already moved a little which is why we have climate change.
Your poorly informed belief is irrelevant. What is relevant is what experts in climate change and climate science have to say about all this. Again it is immoral for Christian extremist yo have beliefs that affect their behavior causing dire consequences to the rest of society and the future. This is why the well educated and moral don’t care what religious beliefs a person has as long as they are not acted upon in a way that affects people who don’t agree with those religious beliefs.


Veteran Member
On the contrary..
It is VERY relevant, but you perceive reality as something transient,
whereas I do not.
Of course you don’t. You are a believer and you are invested in the meaning you have adopted and now hold. but the Bible is no longer relevant in regards to reality. Some 200 years ago people believed the genesis myths as true at face value. Science has revealed in the last several hundred years that none of it is true at face value. So it best the Bible and whatever interpretation a person might have as superfluous and unnecessary and optional, and none of it is relevant in a way that helps us understand what is real about the world we live in.

That is absurd.
The JW's will explain to you that "the end times" are due to our turning away from God .. not knowledgeble religious people purposely causing distress to others.
The Jehovahs witnesses are a fringe group of Christians. What they believe has no relevance to other Christians who believe differently. And what does turning away from God mean. There are over 40,000 sects of Christianity and all of them claim to have some version of the truth at the exclusion of all others. Who is turning away from God? Heaven wants to slice of the pie and objective thinkers like myself and others on this forum see no purpose. There is no way to distill truth in any religious perspective. Theorist like yourself make bold claims but failed to offer any sort of facts nor any coherent explanation of those facts. You make claims, you’re expect those claims to be excepted, and you are indignant when they are rejected.

You confuse religion with politics. Forget 'Trump' .. he only exists to mislead.
False. Christianity and the republican party have commingled their ideologies. There is no effective way to separate republican political policies from Christian ideology. Of course you want there to be a separation. Christians and Republicans want a lot of things. But one thing they can’t do is pretend there is a separation between Christianity as a whole And republicanism in the 21st-century. Trump has exploited evangelicals for political gain. The republican party has done the same. As seen in the posts above this one Republicans in Congress have used religious views in their political statements. That is a huge failure of responsibility to the people they represent, and fail objectively, factually, scientifically by allowing religious dogma to affecttheir judgment.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
If we did not have very restrictive energy policies the cost of heating would be much more reasonable. Grandma would be able to afford heat, fuel and food with minimal trouble

If we were keen on listening to scientists and progressing our energy technologies earlier Grandma might already have a safe electrical heating system based off of safer energies. She might also be able to be outside more without the negative health effects of fossil fuels.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
If your lawn was harboring a deadly new form of tick that was going to kill your neighbor's you may not have that choice.
Maybe, but when all the major “the tic will kill you” folks live near those laws and spread tic food how seriously can you take the warnings.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
If we were keen on listening to scientists and progressing our energy technologies earlier Grandma might already have a safe electrical heating system based off of safer energies. She might also be able to be outside more without the negative health effects of fossil fuels.

we have had the Nuke option for a long time. It’s been all but killed in the US and not by the party beholden to the oil companies.


Veteran Member
False. Christianity and the republican party have commingled their ideologies. There is no effective way to separate republican political policies from Christian ideology.
That's ridiculous.
Christian "ideology" has nothing to with the Republican party.
The Bible does not promote the Republican party.

Trump has exploited evangelicals for political gain.
It would seem so..
Educated Christians have a duty to speak out.
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Veteran Member
So you trust data sets (which are easy to fake) Over people acting in their own best interest and survival?
That's the whole point.
People are NOT acting in their best interests if they ignore truth.
Nobody is told to be cold .. just use less energy.
If somebody is already using little energy, they need to encourage others to do the same.

"For the rich man to enter heaven is like the camel going through the eye of a needle."
I smell hypocrisy.


Veteran Member
That's ridiculous.
Christian "ideology" has nothing to with the Republican party.
That's news to Evangelicas and Republicans.

The Bible does not promote the Republican party.
Why would it. No one has ever claimed this. Absurd.

It would seem so..
Educated Christians have a duty to speak out.
Educated Christians know to keep their personal religious beliefs to themselves.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
That's the whole point.
People are NOT acting in their best interests if they ignore truth.
Nobody is told to be cold .. just use less energy.
If somebody is already using little energy, they need to encourage others to do the same.

"For the rich man to enter heaven is like the camel going through the eye of a needle."
I smell hypocrisy.

trying to not make people suffer needlessly is now hypocrisy???

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So you trust data sets (which are easy to fake) Over people acting in their own best interest and survival?

I suspect he's like me and trusts valid reasoning applied to evidence over faith-based ideas. It really isn't difficult to conclude soundly that climatological catastrophe is here as was prophesied by the scientists, is manmade, is getting worse, and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. One can conclude that himself just by looking at CO2 ppm and global temperatures trends over the last few decades, and assorted proxies for warming such as glacial melting, sea-level rising, and coral blanching. This is as simple and straightforward as vaccination rates versus severe illness and death rates for Covid.

Those that can't do that but recognize the power of critical thinking and the existence of experts and expertise will also come to the correct conclusions because of that. It's just the cohort that isn't aware of what critical thinking is let alone that it exists and what can be known because of it. This is the Dunning-Kruger cohort, who think that all opinions are arrived at the way that they arrive at theirs - guessing who to trust - and therefore, no opinion is better than any other including their own uniformed opinions. This is sometimes described as thinking too highly of their own skills, but I think that that is not correct. They think that everybody else is down in the guess zone with them because there is no other zone to rise into.

On the contrary.. [The Bible] is VERY relevant

The Bible is entirely irrelevant to unbelievers. It plays no part in their lives. They consult it for nothing because it explains nothing and doesn't address the relevant issues of modern life like reproductive freedom and democracy, stem cells and greenhouse gas emissions, vaccines and the value of a college education. Open it to a random passage and find nothing that one can use. Let's look at the fifth scripture of the fifth book of the Bible, the tenth of the tenth, fifteenth of the fifteenth, twentieth of the twentieth, etc., for pearls of wisdom. Where not possible, I used 5:5 again

Deuteronomy 5:5 - "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
2 Samuel 10:10 - "In the course of time, the king of the Ammonites died, and his son Hanun succeeded him as king."
Ezra 15:15 (doesn't go that high; here's 5:5) - "But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped until a report could go to Darius and his written reply be received."
Proverbs 20:20 - "If someone curses their father or mother, their lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness."
Lamentations 25:25 - (doesn't go that high; here's 5:5) "Those who pursue us are at our heels; we are weary and find no rest."
Amos 30:30 (no such verse; here's 5:5) - "do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba. For Gilgal will surely go into exile, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing."

The whole book is filled with that kind of language. Believers consider it important, but that is different from relevant. Where is the relevance in any of that or anything else in the book? Occasionally, I stop on a TV preacher's show, usually an American with a southern accent and big hair. Recently, I heard one discussing a story of Elijah and Elisha from 2 Kings. Take a look at the link, and then try to imagine this man trying to make this story relevant to his audience.

That is absurd [snip] You confuse religion with politics.

You responded to, "Just look at how many evangelicals want to destroy the planet because they believe it is part of their theology, the End Times." He didn't mention politics, and that's not absurd. It's accurate. Do you know why evangelical Christians are Zionists? It's not because they love Israel or the Jews.

Christian "ideology" has nothing to with the Republican party.

Yet somehow, the Republicans managed to impose Christian ideology on the women of America.


Veteran Member
trying to not make people suffer needlessly is now hypocrisy???
You're a joker !
There are 1000's of people right now suffering due to climate change..
flloods, bush fires .. losing life, losing homes
The list goes on, and it's only going to get worse, because a lot of people think like you .. selfishly.


Veteran Member
Yet somehow, the Republicans managed to impose Christian ideology on the women of America.
Well, naturally, "the devil" sells his wares.

It's not particularly difficult .. you just mention God and say a few "God bless America", and convince people that it's all a hoax.
Wake up everybody. Are you all hypnotised over there?
Danger! Danger! Will Robinson.

Tell me, do the "evangelicals" think that the moon landing was really a set filmed in a studio?
If not, why not? Those same scientists who took you to the moon tell us climate change is very real.

Don't you see? It's all hypocrisy. It's merely an excuse. It's all about money.
What do you expect, when a vast number of people [who perhaps happen to be Christians] vote for a filthy rich person like Trump, who sells them "Make America great again".

I guess that's the trouble with a binary party system .. us against them. A divided nation.
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Veteran Member
I saw yet another “climate change will ruin everything” post. I also just finished some Bible reading with the family Isaiah 13:10-13
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. So this is coming why would I worry about the little stuff? Thoughts?

In Scripture there are both figurative uses and symbolic uses.
Heavens can stand for earthly governments because they are ' elevated ' so to speak, lofty over people, and earth as in the overthrowing of nations as in Isaiah's day with the overthrowing of Babylon.
The literal earth abides forever - Ecclesiastes 1:4 B; Psalms 104:5
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Truth in love

Well-Known Member
You're a joker !
There are 1000's of people right now suffering due to climate change..
flloods, bush fires .. losing life, losing homes
The list goes on, and it's only going to get worse, because a lot of people think like you .. selfishly.

I see so you can’t discuss you just insult.