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FCC wins........


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Its just one more item with President Obama's signature that Trump has to erase.
I like the quote: "If Obama cured cancer, Trump would fund research to bring it back."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So the only rule, that no one can regulate the internet, is gone. Now Corporations can make any regulations they want. There's a reason hundreds of internet pioneers and creators of the internet were against the ruling.

So it might be a win for corporations but not for consumers or free speech.
How do you think speech will be regulated?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Do you mean you remain with your uninformed opinion on the subject ?
Not all opinions are made equal because not all opinions are equally informed.
Oh, don't get all puffed up with claims of expertise with me, bub.
As though any of us really know how it will play out.
I'm up for experimenting with this brave new world.
When Trump exits the presidency, if things hadn't worked out,
you can always return to the old ways.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What is useful about it, specifically? Who will benefit and how?
As I've already covered, heavy bandwidth users can be managed better.
They can either be slowed, allowing others more elbow room, or they
can pay for the extra resources used.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
As I've already covered, heavy bandwidth users can be managed better.
They can either be slowed, allowing others more elbow room, or they
can pay for the extra resources used.
When has this ever been an issue? I have never had latency and thought to myself "Man, of only Phil 2 doors down would be regulated more so I can watch Friends re-runs. Screw Phil!" It doesn't and shouldn't work that way. Speaking of resources, did you know how much it costs ISPs to serve data?

Calculations based on Internet transit costs, as detailed below, suggest an ISP cost per gigabyte measured in fractions of a penny.
How Much Does Data Really Cost an ISP? - Broadband Now

So for someone to make the argument "Oh well, the resources are expensive" is misinformed. Sorry, this acme is the product of years of lobbying and you think it is for resource management? To offer benefits to the consumer as a detriment to their own profits? HA! Why would they spend billions to pass financial benefit to the consumer? Answer: they don't, why would they?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
When has this ever been an issue? I have never had latency and thought to myself "Man, of only Phil 2 doors down would be regulated more so I can watch Friends re-runs. Screw Phil!" It doesn't and shouldn't work that way. Speaking of resources, did you know how much it costs ISPs to serve data?

How Much Does Data Really Cost an ISP? - Broadband Now

So for someone to make the argument "Oh well, the resources are expensive" is misinformed. Sorry, this acme is the product of years of lobbying and you think it is for resource management? To offer benefits to the consumer as a detriment to their own profits? HA! Why would they spend billions to pass financial benefit to the consumer? Answer: they don't, why would they?
I've had issues with service slowing a times of day linked with usage hogging.
And don't forget, this is a reversible decision.
I'll wager your left one that in 4 years, we'll have a different Prez.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not quite sure what effect this will have. As for me, I use the internet for various things, such as posting to message boards like this one. Also, for listening to music, watching movies on Netflix, surfing the net for news and information (although that's become a bit iffy since a lot of news sites put up paywalls now, even before this). Internet gaming might suffer, as I've downloaded a few games here and there, but if the price gets out of reach, then I can do without. Besides, the game companies often force people to have use services like Steam, since they're so afraid of illegal downloads. That's already an inconvenience. YouTube started up a pay service as well, even though they're already making money through advertising.

I imagine this could hurt small to mid-level sized businesses which use more bandwidth than the individual user. Same for online-based companies.

But if the price gets too far out of reach, then I'll do without, just like so many other things I can't afford. Some of us remember that there was life before the internet.


Well-Known Member
Your ISP will be able to charge a toll for every YouTube video you play. Receiving data is no longer all created equal. Or, on the business side, YouTube servers will not be accessible at all unless YouTube pays access fees to the ISP. Either way, content will be censored and qualified according to ISP business rules.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
I've had issues with service slowing a times of day linked with usage hogging.
And don't forget, this is a reversible decision.
I'll wager your left one that in 4 years, we'll have a different Prez.
Really? I haven't had that issue myself. We shall see, I suppose. I am just knee-jerky because I don't trust corporations motivated by shareholder profit to make any sort of ethical decision.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Really? I haven't had that issue myself. We shall see, I suppose. I am just knee-jerky because I don't trust corporations motivated by shareholder profit to make any sort of ethical decision.
For some of us, it's government more than corporations.
For others it's corporations more than government.
We'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
For some of us, it's government more than corporations.
For others it's corporations more than government.
We'll see what happens.

Corporations ARE the government.

The problems with our country are not rocket science. The lobbyists force the politicians to pass laws creating cartels and monopolies in exchange for campaign financing. The lobbyists own the politicians. And the CEOs own the lobbyists. The elimination of net neutrality in putting laws in place that favor the corporations is just another example of the corporations ARE the government. Money talks, everything else is just BS.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolini


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I wonder if this may lead to an even more extensive "internet underground" where people might learn to become hackers. I used to know a guy who used to sell his expertise to people who wanted free cable, so he would hook them up illegally. My aunt and uncle hooked up a "black box" to their phone so they could make free long distance calls. Sure, it's illegal and a stiff penalty if caught, but if more and more people do it, then the big companies will start to lose control (and money).

People have a natural tendency to resist at the lower levels, and if the cost of enforcement becomes too great, then the big companies may have to reevaluate their position. It's just like copyright infringement. Sure, the government went all out to make an example of Napster, but if they get too obsessive over things like that, then there will be political consequences down the road.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
I wonder if this may lead to an even more extensive "internet underground" where people might learn to become hackers.
Nah. An alternative will be forced to enter the arena. Elon Musk has already been developing a satellite constellation to provide internet at an alternative. Current launch date is estimated to be around 2019-2020.