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Feeling Squashed


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey @JustGeorge, my imaginary talking monkey just told me that he's recently developed imaginary trans-dimensional materialization technology.

I only sort-of believe him so I'm going to conduct an experiment:

I'm going to put something in his hand. Then he'll dematerialize here and materialize on your computer desk, open his hand and show you what it is.



Staff member
Premium Member
The key is to lift the spirits of those around you rather make it about yourself. You will find if you get them off the ground that your will be off the ground as well.

If you are a true extrovert, this should be candy to you or at least a challenge you can not refuse or ignore.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Sometimes that works. Most of the time, its all about the kids, and I'm fine with that. But some days, the kids are occupied, there isn't anyone else around, or people just aren't necessarily open to others.

(And sometimes people just look at me like "why is this crazy lady talking to me?)


Staff member
Premium Member
Hey @JustGeorge, my imaginary talking monkey just told me that he's recently developed imaginary trans-dimensional materialization technology.

I only sort-of believe him so I'm going to conduct an experiment:

I'm going to put something in his hand. Then he'll dematerialize here and materialize on your computer desk, open his hand and show you what it is.




Staff member
Premium Member
Hmmmm ... sounds like a story I'm familiar with.
Here's what happened to us last week. Boss went to the dentist for a cavity fixin' but it didn't really help with the pain. Doc said that that tooth may need to be removed some day anyway. So 2 days later she decided for an extraction. I drive and wait in the parking lot cause of Covid. An hour later a woman comes out and taps on my window. Apparently they need me inside. So I oblige. Boss has fainted from blood and/or the extraction and panic attack. So we sit there holding hands, I'm joking with nurse attendant, and after about an hour she's ready enough to go, or so she thinks. She says she feels like puking so doctor provides us with a bag. Last thing I want is puke in the NEW CAR. She makes it through the office to about 10 feet outside the door. ... and then it comes ... the puke and the blood from the extraction. So we spend about ten minutes getting to the car. It's a cold drizzly day and she just stretches out moaning and groaning in the back seat while I drive home. Every bump is a new adventure in puke control, but we finally make it.

Life, eh?

Teeth... they give us hell when we're babies, and they never really stop...until they all fall out.

Sometimes I feel we'd be better off if we were just equipped with dentures at birth.

Is Boss doing better now? Tooth pain is nothing to joke about. (I wish my husband would go get his fixed, because these toothaches are getting to be frequent.)

Okay here he goes!
(If you don't see him right away you might want to look in the refrigerator)

He's not in the fridge... but neither is anything else.

And my son's train seems to be missing its battery.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Teeth... they give us hell when we're babies, and they never really stop...until they all fall out.

Sometimes I feel we'd be better off if we were just equipped with dentures at birth.

Is Boss doing better now? Tooth pain is nothing to joke about. (I wish my husband would go get his fixed, because these toothaches are getting to be frequent.)

He's not in the fridge... but neither is anything else.

And my son's train seems to be missing its battery.

As imaginary talking monkeys go he's exceptionally motivated, and astonishingly hungry.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do, though I felt I needed to vent a little. Think I'm feeling just a tad lonely. I got some pretty fish, though...

I guess it can be tough and you got tough in spades but you are strong and creative. Make a start on your decorations, grab some me time, do a some exercise, try herding the cats and vent every now and again.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes that works. Most of the time, its all about the kids, and I'm fine with that. But some days, the kids are occupied, there isn't anyone else around, or people just aren't necessarily open to others.

(And sometimes people just look at me like "why is this crazy lady talking to me?)

Hmmm? Are you telling them anything they want to hear?? Get in the door first then your area is boundless!!!


Staff member
Premium Member
He's back now.

You aren't missing a 500 lb psychodelic platypus by the way,are you?

We are, thank God/dess! That things been clogging up the toilet all week.

Have fun!

I guess it can be tough and you got tough in spades but you are strong and creative. Make a start on your decorations, grab some me time, do a some exercise, try herding the cats and vent every now and again.

I'm surrounded by four of them now. We're all sitting at the screen door watching the kids play outside. At least one of them likes my dress... he curled up in the folds of it.

Hmmm? Are you telling them anything they want to hear?? Get in the door first then your area is boundless!!!

I find most people in my vicinity don't want to hear much other than cell phone notifications. Unfortunately, I'm really bad at imitating those sounds.


Premium Member
Teeth... they give us hell when we're babies, and they never really stop...until they all fall out.

Sometimes I feel we'd be better off if we were just equipped with dentures at birth.

Is Boss doing better now? Tooth pain is nothing to joke about. (I wish my husband would go get his fixed, because these toothaches are getting to be frequent.)

He's not in the fridge... but neither is anything else.

And my son's train seems to be missing its battery.
Boss is much better now. It did take longer than expected. My last tooth adventure was a misdiagnosis. I had 4 root canals, 2 extractions, all on the same 2 teeth, and nothing about teeth was wrong. It was neuralgia (nerve damage) and they missed it. Good thing is I have less teeth to brush.

I hope your guy gets if figured out.


Staff member
Premium Member
Boss is much better now. It did take longer than expected. My last tooth adventure was a misdiagnosis. I had 4 root canals, 2 extractions, all on the same 2 teeth, and nothing about teeth was wrong. It was neuralgia (nerve damage) and they missed it. Good thing is I have less teeth to brush.

I hope your guy gets if figured out.

That sounds like torture... I'm glad you got to the bottom of the problem, but sorry you went through all that to get to it.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I'm surrounded by four of them now. We're all sitting at the screen door watching the kids play outside. At least one of them likes my dress... he curled up in the folds of it.

Cats can always get me out of a funk, im sure they can sense moods. Make the most of their company


Staff member
Premium Member
Cats can always get me out of a funk, im sure they can sense moods. Make the most of their company

They can. The eccentric feral gets me... The one that spent too long outdoors to ever quite fall into line with the domestics, but enjoys being inside too much to ever want out again. (He's the one sleeping in my skirt.)

Venting has helped some, too. It feels good to talk, even if through my fingertips.


Premium Member
That sounds like torture... I'm glad you got to the bottom of the problem, but sorry you went through all that to get to it.

I was working my way across the top right. Those two were molars. Looking back, health problems are kind of funny. When yer in it, not so much. The guy who found it had the rare double degree ... dentistry, and oral mouth specialist.