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FINALLY, the Proof That There Is No GOD!!


I like logic.
lol This is all too funny. The only proof I need is the cold hard facts that I'm facing now and his utter abandonment of me and others. I watch tv commercials about children hooked up to machines, crying because their bodies are dying and really, that's all the proof that I need. Dying children in pain = no god. He lets children suffer. Prayer and faith, words to describe what is more closely definied logically as coincidence, that's all it is. If god loved us and wanted us to follow him, if there was one, then we wouldn't see children scared out of their wits. I wonder how many people here have a terminal disease. To those that do, I exclude you from this and if faith and god gets you through, then great. To those that don't, you can't begin to imagine the pain and the fear to be inside of a body that is breaking down and shutting down. To inflict pain on human beings and to inflict fear on human beings like that is unimaginable and very selfish of a god to give to those he supposedly loves.


Well-Known Member
God does everything before us because we live in an after-world. Every event we can know of has already happened: every thing, every idea, every thought, is already done by the time we know it. Existence has happened by the time we can know of it. God comes before because what we experience is the after.

Very doubtful.


Please no sarcasm
lol This is all too funny. The only proof I need is the cold hard facts that I'm facing now and his utter abandonment of me and others. I watch tv commercials about children hooked up to machines, crying because their bodies are dying and really, that's all the proof that I need. Dying children in pain = no god. He lets children suffer. Prayer and faith, words to describe what is more closely definied logically as coincidence, that's all it is. If god loved us and wanted us to follow him, if there was one, then we wouldn't see children scared out of their wits. I wonder how many people here have a terminal disease. To those that do, I exclude you from this and if faith and god gets you through, then great. To those that don't, you can't begin to imagine the pain and the fear to be inside of a body that is breaking down and shutting down. To inflict pain on human beings and to inflict fear on human beings like that is unimaginable and very selfish of a god to give to those he supposedly loves.

We're all terminal.

A lot of people here deny God because of suffering. To them, I ask--why do you only see the bad? There's a lot of good in this world. What about that?

What about the medicines that are curing diseases?
What about the technology that has greatly advanced the comfort and improvement of our lives?
What about the wonderful, kind people who care for others who suffer?
What about the air, soil, water, sunshine that enable us to grow food?
What about pineapple? (Personal favorite--had to throw it in.)
What about the billions of healthy children, free from diseases and suffering?

This is meager list; but the point is that the list of good things in this world is endless. Suffering children are tragic, but (to me) God has stepped by giving us brains, and means to help them. He sends his spirit to comfort them and the atonement to take away the emotional suffering. He gives them parents, loved ones, for comfort.

Often children suffer because of the actions of adults. Those adults will have to answer to God.

God gets blamed for the bad and given no credit for the good.


New Member
Science has not proven the existence God and, because it is impossible to prove a negative, can not prove that God does not exist. History hasn't proven the existence of God, but it has certainly proven what people do when they believe in Him--and it's not good.


Well-Known Member
I keep involving myself in these debates with religious minded people who think that there will pandemonium if the existence or the affects of GOD are proven false. They mention that there will be blood in the streets but they do not mention who will be shedding it. They mention stealing and rioting on a grand scale but they do not mention if law enforcement will be participating in these riots. They mention that normal, stable people who were once moral will lose all sense of control of their ethics. They mention that the world will become one pile of enmeshed humans engaging in one united orgy and engorging their sexual prowess in anything that moves or still contains a pulse.

Is this scenario accurate?
Will the proven non-existence of GOD mean that we have carte blanche?
What will keep some people in control of their disappointment? Who will people turn to for goodness, love and justice?

what you dont know is this my friend... these things above is already happening as it is written

1 Cor 6:9-10

"Don't you know that evil people won't have a share in the blessings of God's kingdom? Don't fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual will share in God's kingdom. Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others"

These things are not happening because there is no God .... these things are happening because there are people with no LIVING God in their lives ....


Well-Known Member
It's very doubtful because there is no god.

The proof that their is a God is that you were mentioned in the Bible that a person like you will exist ...

Psalms 14:1
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good

I guess somebody out there knew you were going to come ....


Well-Known Member
lol This is all too funny. The only proof I need is the cold hard facts that I'm facing now and his utter abandonment of me and others. I watch tv commercials about children hooked up to machines, crying because their bodies are dying and really, that's all the proof that I need. Dying children in pain = no god. He lets children suffer. Prayer and faith, words to describe what is more closely definied logically as coincidence, that's all it is. If god loved us and wanted us to follow him, if there was one, then we wouldn't see children scared out of their wits. I wonder how many people here have a terminal disease. To those that do, I exclude you from this and if faith and god gets you through, then great. To those that don't, you can't begin to imagine the pain and the fear to be inside of a body that is breaking down and shutting down. To inflict pain on human beings and to inflict fear on human beings like that is unimaginable and very selfish of a god to give to those he supposedly loves.

sir, human beings have free will... if a mother who CHOSE to try to get a baby aborted and failed in the process ... and eventually delivered a baby with no arms and legs ... is it GOD's fault? why blame it on God and think like "if he exists why does he not stop suffering"

"MEN HAVE FREE WILL ... YOU CAN CHOOSE TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE SUFFER RIGHT NOW" the living God cannot do anything about it ... unless think that there is no free will....


Done here.
God gets blamed for the bad and given no credit for the good.
On the contrary. Maybe it's because I live in the Bible Belt, but the vast majority of the people I know are eager to give god credit for anything at all good ("The tumor's not as big as they were afraid it might be! Thank you, Jesus!") and don't even consider blaming him for the bad things ("Well, his ways are higher than ours, you know").


Please no sarcasm
On the contrary. Maybe it's because I live in the Bible Belt, but the vast majority of the people I know are eager to give god credit for anything at all good ("The tumor's not as big as they were afraid it might be! Thank you, Jesus!") and don't even consider blaming him for the bad things ("Well, his ways are higher than ours, you know").

I've never been to that region. They sound like sweet, humble people.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Wow, I just read 'briefly' through this thread and i must say the majority of you all are extremely without gnosis. I'm going to go over the posts and comment on them.
Please bear with me . . . lol !


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
On the contrary. Maybe it's because I live in the Bible Belt, but the vast majority of the people I know are eager to give god credit for anything at all good ("The tumor's not as big as they were afraid it might be! Thank you, Jesus!") and don't even consider blaming him for the bad things ("Well, his ways are higher than ours, you know").

This seems pretty much the case here in Colorado too. But of course, I don't know everyone in Colorado.


Well-Known Member
I've never been to that region. They sound like sweet, humble people.

There exists a congregation who does very good things ... things that you will not find in other congregations.

a religous congregation who does this;

James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

church proceeds goes to free clinics, free legal advice, free bus rides, later on free vocational courses and the like ... you will know, because this congregation is poor, because their money goes to the good projects that they do.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
I've never been to that region. They sound like sweet, humble people.

I keep involving myself in these debates with religious minded people who think that there will pandemonium if the existence or the affects of GOD are proven false. They mention that there will be blood in the streets but they do not mention who will be shedding it. They mention stealing and rioting on a grand scale but they do not mention if law enforcement will be participating in these riots. They mention that normal, stable people who were once moral will lose all sense of control of their ethics. They mention that the world will become one pile of enmeshed humans engaging in one united orgy and engorging their sexual prowess in anything that moves or still contains a pulse.

Is this scenario accurate?
Will the proven non-existence of GOD mean that we have carte blanche?
What will keep some people in control of their disappointment? Who will people turn to for goodness, love and justice?

Let me begin here . . . . first who are "they" ?
God can only exist.
Perhaps the word 'God' creates superficial images in everyone's mind. God is certainly not a person, or a being that resembles a person or thing. God is the conscience of the Universe.
Your scenario above is describing the outcome of how the Abrahamic religions will act. This has no bearing on the rest of the World in their reaction.
The death of our Eidolom and it's resurrection due to our Daemon is the allegorical story of The Christs' rebirth and every GodMan's resurrection, including our own.


Please no sarcasm
There exists a congregation who does very good things ... things that you will not find in other congregations.

a religous congregation who does this;

James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

church proceeds goes to free clinics, free legal advice, free bus rides, later on free vocational courses and the like ... you will know, because this congregation is poor, because their money goes to the good projects that they do.

Impressive. That's Christianity.