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For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?


Veteran Member
For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Muhammad himself told of Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi so he knew the rank of a person after him, right?
When Muhammad himself prophesied for the Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, so he was clear that an End-time reformer of all religions from among his followers is to come after him, right?
Since Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, has not brought any new Law so his advent is not against the status of Muhammad being the last last Prophet of G-d, right?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 claims that he is the same Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi for whom Muhammad had himself prophesied and has abrogated nothing from Quran and the sunnah/acts/deeds of Muhammad, so there in no new teaching , absolutely none from him, please, right?
On this very topic he wrote a treatise/short piece of writing of only 21 pages, one may like to read:
"A Misconception Removed"*

*"Eik Ghalati Ka Izala"- the original name in Urdu


Veteran Member
Premium Member
For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Muhammad himself told of Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi so he knew the rank of a person after him, right?
When Muhammad himself prophesied for the Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, so he was clear that an End-time reformer of all religions from among his followers is to come after him, right?
Since Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, has not brought any new Law so his advent is not against the status of Muhammad being the last last Prophet of G-d, right?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 claims that he is the same Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi for whom Muhammad had himself prophesied and has abrogated nothing from Quran and the sunnah/acts/deeds of Muhammad, so there in no new teaching , absolutely none from him, please, right?
On this very topic he wrote a treatise/short piece of writing of only 21 pages, one may like to read:
"A Misconception Removed"*

*"Eik Ghalati Ka Izala"- the original name in Urdu
But he interpreted some of Quran in ways that are wrong and proven wrong. Maybe the next claimant won't screw up in that regard. See what I said about verse 42:23 earlier.


Veteran Member
What you say has to do with HALAL ritual. That's the purpose Halal ritual to refer all matters of knowledge back to the name of God (Imams). You can see the context is that Shayateen would misguide.

However, the true Uluma are a sign collectively as hadiths show and confirmed in this verse:

أَوَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُمْ آيَةً أَنْ يَعْلَمَهُ عُلَمَاءُ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ | Is it not a sign for them that the learned of the Children of Israel recognize it? | Ash-Shu'araa : 197

The Quran also praises the Christians that were guided to Mohammad (s) and says the reason was due to humbleness as well as the priests and monks who instilled that in them:

لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُمْ مَوَدَّةً لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لَا يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ | Surely You will find the most hostile of all people towards the faithful to be the Jews and the polytheists, and surely you will find the nearest of them in affection to the faithful to be those who say ‘We are Christians.’ That is because there are priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogant. | Al-Maaida : 82

Of course hadiths talk about evil scholars too.

وَمَا كَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنْفِرُوا كَافَّةً ۚ فَلَوْلَا نَفَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِيَتَفَقَّهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنْذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ | Yet it is not for the faithful to go forth en masse. But why should not there a group from each of their sections go forth to become deeply versed in religion, and to warn their people when they return to them, so that they may beware? | At-Tawba : 122

Also, it's not expected scholars get everything right in Ghayba period. Because Islam is going to be revived by Imam Mahdi (a). And so our standards must not be the same regarding them only teaching correct teachings per Quran and Imams as it was during lifetime of Imams (a) in the open.

This also why Jesus (a) laxed laws and put it halt to them. Because too many laws, too complicated, and no chosen representative of God to show the truth of it, it was better to put a halt.

Same reason that Friday prayers are not an obligation in Ghayba nor appearing at the Eid prayers an obligation. It became optional. This is because Imam is not here to choose the apparatus and for all we know, a city we live in can have corrupt uluma only and there can be times were wisdom and knowledge is more hidden then manifest.

So it's up to our discretion.

A lot of things scholars can know but it's not the right time to cause division. So there is the Haroun (a) wisdom when he waited for return of Musa (a) too, some things, we just got to wait for proper time.

"Thus He saith: “O people of the Book! Why disbelieve the signs of God to which ye yourselves have been witnesses?” And also He saith: “O people of the Book! Why clothe ye the truth with falsehood? Why wittingly hide the truth?” Again, He saith: “Say, O people of the Book! Why repel believers from the way of God?” It is evident that by the “people of the Book,” who have repelled their fellowmen from the straight path of God, is meant none other than the divines of that age, whose names and character have been revealed in the sacred books, and alluded to in the verses and traditions recorded therein, were you to observe with the eye of God."

"Again in another instance, He saith: “Woe unto those who, with their own hands, transcribe the Book corruptly, and then say: ‘This is from God,’ that they may sell it for some mean price.” This verse was revealed with reference to the divines and leaders of the Jewish Faith. These divines, in order to please the rich, acquire worldly emoluments, and give vent to their envy and misbelief, wrote a number of treatises, refuting the claims of Muḥammad, supporting their arguments with such evidences as it would be improper to mention, and claimed that these arguments were derived from the text of the Pentateuch."

Baha'u'llah, Book of Iqan

You might also be interested in this Hsdith:

تفسير علي بن إبراهيم: أبي، عن الحسين بن خالد، عن أبي الحسن الرضا (عليه السلام) إلى أن قال: قلت: * (الشمس والقمر بحسبان) * ؟ قال: هما بعذاب الله. قلت: الشمس والقمر يعذبان ؟ قال: سألت عن شئ فأيقنه، (فأتقنه هو الظاهر، كما في موضع آخر)، إن الشمس والقمر آيتان من آيات الله، يجريان بأمره، مطيعان له، ضوئهما من نور عرشه، وحرهما من جهنم، فإذا كانت القيامة عاد إلى العرش نورهما، وعاد إلى النار حرهما، فلا يكون شمس ولاقمر وإنما عناهما لعنهما الله، أو ليس قد روى الناس أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) قال: الشمس والقمر نوران في النار ؟ قلت: بلى، قال: أما سمعت قول الناس فلان وفلان شمس هذه الامة، ونورهما، فهما في النار، والله ماعنى غيرهما - الخ

Tafsir Ali ibn Ibrahim: My father, from Al-Hussain ibn Khalid, from Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ridha (peace be upon him) until he said: I asked, "And the sun and the moon are with reckoning?" He said: They are under the punishment of Allah. I asked: The sun and the moon are punished? He said: You have asked about something, so understand it (perfect it, as it is apparent in another place), indeed the sun and the moon are two signs of Allah's signs, they run by His command, obedient to Him. Their light is from the light of His Throne, and their heat is from Hell. When the Day of Resurrection comes, their light will return to the Throne, and their heat will return to Hell, so there will be no sun and no moon. He meant (لعنهما الله - may Allah curse them), or has it not been narrated by people that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family) said: The sun and the moon are two lights in Hell? I said: Yes, he said: Have you not heard the people say that so-and-so and so-and-so are the sun and moon of this nation and its light? They are in Hell, by Allah, he meant no one other than them - etc.

"That the term “sun” hath been applied to the leaders of religion is due to their lofty position, their fame, and renown. Such are the universally recognized divines of every age, who speak with authority, and whose fame is securely established. If they be in the likeness of the Sun of Truth, they will surely be accounted as the most exalted of all luminaries; otherwise, they are to be recognized as the focal centers of hellish fire. Even as He saith: “Verily, the sun and the moon are both condemned to the torment of infernal fire.”
Baha'u'llah, Book of Iqan


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Quran is balanced. It condemns some leaders (religious) but praises others like the verses I showed.


Well-Known Member
In Christianity, pork was allowed according to Bible..
No .. the NT does not specifically say that. There were concessions made by the community
in Jerusalem to Paul's mission to the Gentiles (no circumcision and so on).
It is a myth that 'the law' was abrogated by Jesus .. it wasn't.

Both the OT and Qur'an consider it 'unclean' .. impure .. to eat pig-meat.
A coincidence? I think not.
The NT did not exist in the time of Jesus, in any case.

Jesus is reported to have said "It's not what you put into your mouths, but what comes out of it",
and those who desire to eat pig-meat interpret this as they can eat what they like.
G-d knows why we insist on eating bacon .. when there is no need.

God, in every Age, gave different Ordinances to different people.
..so does that mean that G-d will allow us to commit murder or adultery in a few years time? No.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I don't believe the reason Islam prohibited Pork, has to do with health effects, spiritually or physically. It is about obedience to God.
Just for the sake of it, you mean?
Nah .. there are reasons why G-d forbids things .. it is in our own interest.
G-d is not in need of our worship.

Take sheep .. look at their nature .. completely different from swine. (who are not vegetarian)

..and blood contains hormones and what not .. yuk!
Some primitive tribes drink blood .. G-d teaches us not to, and how to become part of a civilized nation.


Veteran Member
No .. the NT does not specifically say that. There were concessions made by the community
in Jerusalem to Paul's mission to the Gentiles (no circumcision and so on).
It is a myth that 'the law' was abrogated by Jesus .. it wasn't.

Both the OT and Qur'an consider it 'unclean' .. impure .. to eat pig-meat.
A coincidence? I think not.
The NT did not exist in the time of Jesus, in any case.

Jesus is reported to have said "It's not what you put into your mouths, but what comes out of it",
and those who desire to eat pig-meat interpret this as they can eat what they like.
G-d knows why we insist on eating bacon .. when there is no need.

..so does that mean that G-d will allow us to commit murder or adultery in a few years time? No.
Have you seen verse 3:50?

And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me."(Quran 3:50)

Now, also see verse 13:38-39

Then compare with 3:50


Veteran Member
Just for the sake of it, you mean?
Nah .. there are reasons why G-d forbids things .. it is in our own interest.
G-d is not in need of our worship.

Take sheep .. look at their nature .. completely different from swine. (who are not vegetarian)

..and blood contains hormones and what not .. yuk!
Some primitive tribes drink blood .. G-d teaches us not to, and how to become part of a civilized nation.

There is no scientific reason.
If you go by science, should limit consumption of all animal products.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen verse 3:50?

And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me."(Quran 3:50)
..but that does not include the eating of pig-meat.

The Qur'an is clear that the eating of pig-meat is abominable.
..so are you trying to say that G-d through Moses made it forbidden,
and then through Jesus made it lawful,
and then through Muhammad made it unlawful again?

That makes no sense whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
There is no scientific reason.
If you go by science, should limit consumption of all animal products.
..and by the Qur'an.
We are instructed to eat that which is wholesome in the earth, and
not to be greedy.

Not everything is about physical science .. you know that.
We are what we eat .. too much meat vexes the spirit, and can increase temptation to
commit evil.
Gambling, intoxicants and drinking blood or eating pig-meat is sinful.
i.e. is not good for us .. individually and collectively


Veteran Member
..but that does not include the eating of pig-meat.

The Qur'an is clear that the eating of pig-meat is abominable.
..so are you trying to say that G-d through Moses made it forbidden,
and then through Jesus made it lawful,
and then through Muhammad made it unlawful again?

That makes no sense whatsoever.

You only need to compare Laws of Torah with the Laws in the Christian Bible to know what was changed.

But, that is getting outside of the subject of this thread.

The point is, the Laws of Quran are likewise not forever. God changes them, in the same way, He changed the Laws of Torah, as you saw the verse of the Quran clearly says that.


Well-Known Member
The point is, the Laws of Quran are likewise not forever..
Nothing is forever, but would-be prophets are numerous.
The Qur'an was not written by Muhammad .. it was dictated to him by angel Gabriel.

It cannot be replaced by the writings of Guru Nanak or Abdul Baha or Ghulam Ahmed etc. :)


Veteran Member
Nothing is forever, but would-be prophets are numerous.
The Qur'an was not written by Muhammad .. it was dictated to him by angel Gabriel.

It cannot be replaced by the writings of Guru Nanak or Abdul Baha or Ghulam Ahmed etc. :)

What if Quran and Hadith themselves said who and when the next Revelation from God comes to replace the Laws of Quran?
And then exactly that same person, at the same time that was prophesied, came and did?


Veteran Member
Nothing is forever, but would-be prophets are numerous.
The Qur'an was not written by Muhammad .. it was dictated to him by angel Gabriel.

It cannot be replaced by the writings of Guru Nanak or Abdul Baha or Ghulam Ahmed etc. :)
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 - the Second Coming, Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi, the End Time Reformer never replaced Quran, his call was that everybody should return for guidance to Quran, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 - the Second Coming, Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi, the End Time Reformer never replaced Quran, his call was that everybody should return for guidance to Quran, please, right?

It's just too easy for people to claim they are prophets .. I don't buy any of it.
I don't need to .. by following the Qur'an, I have what I need to avoid satan's diversions.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 - the Second Coming, Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi, the End Time Reformer never replaced Quran, his call was that everybody should return for guidance to Quran, please, right?

Yet he didn't know enough Arabic to interpret Quran himself.


Veteran Member
For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Muhammad himself told of Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi so he knew the rank of a person after him, right?
When Muhammad himself prophesied for the Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, so he was clear that an End-time reformer of all religions from among his followers is to come after him, right?
Since Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, has not brought any new Law so his advent is not against the status of Muhammad being the last last Prophet of G-d, right?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 claims that he is the same Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi for whom Muhammad had himself prophesied and has abrogated nothing from Quran and the sunnah/acts/deeds of Muhammad, so there in no new teaching , absolutely none from him, please, right?
On this very topic he wrote a treatise/short piece of writing of only 21 pages, one may like to read:
"A Misconception Removed"*
" Some members of my Jama‘at, who are less familiar with my claim and its supporting arguments, and who have neither had the chance to study my books in depth, nor have they spent enough time in my company to be fully informed, sometimes counter an objection raised by an opponent with an answer which is entirely contrary to the facts. Thus, notwithstanding their adherence to the truth, they have to suffer embarrassment. Only a few days ago, one of them was confronted with an objection that the person to whom he had sworn allegiance claimed to be a Prophet and Messenger, and the reply given was a mere denial, which was not correct. The fact is that in the Divine revelations of which I am the recipient, words such as 'Messenger', 'Apostle' and 'Prophet', appear not once, but hundreds of times. How then can it be correct to say that such words have not at all been used?"
page one of the above book^.

*"Eik Ghalati Ka Izala"- the original name in Urdu


Veteran Member
For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Muhammad himself told of Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi so he knew the rank of a person after him, right?
When Muhammad himself prophesied for the Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, so he was clear that an End-time reformer of all religions from among his followers is to come after him, right?
Since Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, has not brought any new Law so his advent is not against the status of Muhammad being the last last Prophet of G-d, right?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 claims that he is the same Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi for whom Muhammad had himself prophesied and has abrogated nothing from Quran and the sunnah/acts/deeds of Muhammad, so there in no new teaching , absolutely none from him, please, right?
On this very topic he wrote a treatise/short piece of writing of only 21 pages, one may like to read:
"A Misconception Removed"*
"The fact is that such words are found with much greater clarity and lucidity now than ever before. Even in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, which was published some 22 years ago, these words appear in no small number. For instance, one of the Revelations found in Brahine-Ahmadiyya reads:
هو الذى ارسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله
"He it is Who has sent His Messenger, with guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all other religions. "
(See Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, p. 498)
In this Revelation, this humble one has been clearly addressed as 'Messenger':
Later on in the same book, there is this Revelation regarding myself: i.e.,
جرى الله فى حلل الأنبياء
'Allah’s Messenger in the garb of Prophets .' (See Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, p. 504)
In the same book, close upon the above Divine Communication, is this Divine revelation:
محمد الرسول الله والذين معه اشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم
"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are hard against the disbelievers, tender amongst themselves."
in which I have been named 'Muhammad' as well as 'Messenger'.
Then there is this Divine revelation recorded on page 557 of Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya:
'A Warner came unto the world.'
another rendering of which is:
'A Prophet came unto the world.' At several other places in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, I have similarly been addressed as 'Messenger'.
page 2/3 of the above book^.

*"Eik Ghalati Ka Izala"- the original name in Urdu