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For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?


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There is a place for those expressions but they are obviously hyperbola. The Quran also refers to Ali as the self of the Prophet Mohammad in the aya of Mubahila. But those expressions have a proper place and literal statements also have a proper place. Hyperbole is obvious when the literal is impossible or by context highly improbable.
There is also precedence to literal.


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فقال الإمام (عليه السلام): لا تعجبوا من قدرة الله أنا محمد ومحمد أنا، وقال محمد: يا قوم لا تعجبوا من أمر الله أنا علي وعلي أنا، وكلنا واحد من نور واحد وروحنا من أمر الله، أولنا محمد وأوسطنا محمد وآخرنا محمد وكلنا محمد

"The Imam (peace be upon him) said: 'Do not be amazed at the power of God. I am Muhammad and Muhammad is me.' And Muhammad said: 'O people, do not be amazed at the decree of God. I am Ali and Ali is me. We are all one from a single light, and our spirit is from the command of God. Our first is Muhammad, our middle is Muhammad, our last is Muhammad, and our all Muhammad.'"
Thanks. I would change the translation slightly. Imam (a) said "O people do not be amazed at the authority/command of God, I am Mohammad and Mohammad is me. And Mohammad (s) said. " O people do not be amazed at the authority/command of God, I am Ali and Ali is me. We are all one from a single light, and our spirit is from the authority/command of God. Our first is Muhammad, our middle is Muhammad, our last is Muhammad, and all of us are Muhammad"."


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There is also this hadith:

Janabe Salman and Janabe Abu Zarr asked Ameerul Momineen ((عليه السلام)) about the true nature of the Noor (light) of Imam Ali ((عليه السلام)). Imam Ali ((عليه السلام)) replied:
“RasoolAllah (P.B.U.H) has said, “Recognition of Ali ibn Abi Talib ((عليه السلام)) as Noor is in fact the recognition of Allah (P.B.U.H). Recognition of Allah (P.B.U.H) in terms of His Noor is the pure religion (deen).”
Then Imam Ali ((عليه السلام)) said:
“He who has only outward belief in My Wilayat while inwardly having animosity will obtain no benefit from any of His deeds.”
“O Salman! Only when one recognizes me with My Noor only then will he be able to attain faith (iman). Only those who recognize me with My Noor are the true believers. He is the one whose heart has been tested by Allah with true iman (faith). He is the one in whose heart the true Islam is amplified. Thus he shall become an “Arif” (Gnostic) and “Mastabser” (clairvoyant). The one who does not recognize me with My Noor falls into ambiguity and becomes of those who are followers of satan (shaitan).
O Salman! O Jondab! Verily Recognizing Me as Noor is the recognition of Allah. My Recognition is Allah’s Recognition. Recognition of Allah is Recognition of Me. This is the true religion. Allah did not place upon mankind any order other than to accept Tauheed of Allah (98:5) (Oneness of Allah). Testifying to the prophet hood of Holy Prophet is the true religion. Whenever Allah orders to “establish prayer” it refers to the belief in My Wilayat. One who pledges his allegiance and submits himself completely unto me has truly established “salat” (prayer). Yet this matter is difficult, exceedingly difficult! Zakat (poor rate) is the acknowledgment of the greatness of the attributes of Aimmah ((عليه السلام)). All of this is the true religion.
As attested to in the Holy Quran, true faith (iman) is the recognition of oneness (tauheed) and the testimony of nabuwat and wilayat. One who acts upon these beliefs achieves religion (deen).
O Salman! O Jondab! One who after being tested by Allah instantly accepts Our Amr (authority) and does not reject any matter which pertains to us is a Momin (Faithful) and Allah will open his heart to the acceptance of Our Amr (authority/command). He will not display even an element of doubt or suspicion. However he who objects with “why and how” becomes a kafir (disbeliever). Therefore be submissive to the Amr of Allah. Verily we are the Amr of Allah (Command of Allah).
O Salman! O Jondab! Verily Allah has made me as His Trustee upon the creation and His Vicegerent upon His earth, in His territories, and over His servants. Allah has blessed me with such attributes that even those people who have true understanding regarding the merits of such blessings and those who have knowledge regarding all matters will still not be able to truly comprehend the status which Allah has blessed me with. A true momin (Faithful) is one who recognizes Me in this manner.
O Salman! Allah said, “Do not seek the help of Allah except through patience and prayer”. Patience is Muhammad and Prayer is My Wilayat. This is why Allah has declared it to be difficult to understand such attributes. In truth My Wilayat is exceedingly difficult except for those whose souls are submissive. Thus My Wilayat has been made easier by Allah upon those whose souls have submitted.
O Salman! We are those Secrets of Allah which shall not be hidden. We are His Noor that can never be extinguished. And we are those blessings which can never be matched. Our first is Muhammad, Our middle is Muhammad, and our last is Muhammad. One who recognizes us in this way is a follower of the true religion.
O Salman! O Jondab! Muhammad and I are one Noor. And before all other creations had been created we were already reciting the praises of Allah. We were the cause of the creation of the entire universe. Then Allah divided this Noor into two parts; first was His prophet Mustafa (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and His Successor Murtaza. Then Allah said to each half “Be Muhammad!” “Be Ali!” This is the reason RasoolAllah said, “I am from Ali and Ali is from me. None other than me and Ali are able to convey the Divine Message of Allah.” In Quran where Allah says “انفسنا و انفسکم (3:61)” (ourselves and yourselves) is a reference to our being One Essence in worlds of spirits and noor (Alam e Arwah and Anwar). And where Allah says “If He has died or is slain (3:144)” “died” is a reference to the death of Prophet and “slain” is in reference to the martyrdom of His Successor. As we are One Essence and One Noor. We are one in purpose and attributes. However we are different in our bodies and names, but in Alam e Arwah We are One Noor. As RasoolAllah (P.B.U.H) said, “O Ali, You are My Soul which is inside of me. In this world of creation RasoolAllah (P.B.U.H) said, “You are from me and I am from you. You are my inheritor and I am your inheritor. You are the Soul of My body.” Allah says, “Sallu illay wa salamu tasleema”. “Sallu illay” (sending blessings on Him) is reference to Muhammad and “salamu tasleema” (acknowledge Him) is reference to Me (Ali). Allah joined me with Muhammad in One Noor and then split that Noor into two beings based upon Their Names and Attributes. Then Allah ordered His creation to send blessings upon Muhammad and salam upon His successor Ali. RasoolAllah (P.B.U.H) said, “One shall not gain any benefit or reward from sending blessings unto me until he submits to the Wilayat e Ali.”
O Salman! O Jondab! During His time Muhammad was “speaking” (natiq) and I was “silent” (samit). During every era both “natiq” and “samit” are present. Remember, Muhammad is the Master of those who shall gather on the Day of Judgment and I am the Master of Resurrection. Muhammad is the Warner and I am the one who guides. Muhammad is the Lord of Jannah and I am the Lord of Return (Rajat). Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Lord of Hawz e Kausar (divine spring) and I am standard bearer (Sahib E Lawa) of the flag which will be raised on the Day of Judgment. Muhammad is the Lord of the Keys to the Gates of Jannah and I am the Lord of paradise and hell (Jannah and Jahannum). Muhammad is the Lord of Revelation and I am the Lord of Inspiration. Muhammad is the Lord of Signs and I am the Lord of Miracles. Muhammad is the Seal of all Prophets and I am the Seal of all Successors. Muhammad is the Master who invites the creation towards the religion of Allah and I am the Protector of the Religion. Muhammad is the most generous prophet and I am true path (Sirat ul Mustaqeem). Muhammad is “raoof o raheem” (most kind and merciful) and I am Aliulazeem (most high most great).
O Salman! Allah says “He causes the Spirit to descend upon those whom He chooses” (40:15). This Spirit then descends unto the one entrusted with the Command and the Decree. I (Ali) give life to the dead and possess full knowledge of all things in the heavens and upon the earth. I am Undeniable Book (Kitab ul Mubeen).
O Salman! Muhammad is the one who establishes the Hujjat (proof) and I am Hujjatullah (proof of Allah) upon the creation. And the Spirit ascended with Him unto the heavens. I am the one who enabled Nuh to sail His Ark. I was present with Yunis in the belly of the whale. I parted the sea for Musa to allow Him a safe passage through it. I am the one who destroyed the enemies of Allah. I possess all of the knowledge of the prophets and their successors and I am Fazl al Khatab (a blessed speech). The prophet hood of Rasool Allah was completed through My Wilayat. I cause the rivers and oceans to flow and cause the mountains to rise up from the surface of the earth. I am likened unto the Father of the Earth. I am the wrath of the Day of Judgment. I am that Khizr who taught Musa. I taught Dawood and Solomon. I am Zul Qarnan. I am the one who removes sufferings by the command of Allah. I am the one who spread the earth. I am the one who shall send wrath on the Day of Judgment. I am the one who shall summon all unto Allah on the Day of Judgment. I am Dabba tul Arz (sign of Allah regarding the coming of the Day of Judgment). Rasool Allah said, “O Ali You are Zul Qarnan and its both ends. You were in existence before the beginning of the creation and will remain until its end.”

O Salman! If one dies from amongst Us, He is not dead and if someone is slain from amongst Us, He is not slain. One from amongst Us who is in occultation performs His duties as we do. We are not born in this world the way humans are born in this world. You cannot compare us with mankind. I was the voice of Isa when He spoke from the cradle. I am the helper of Nuh and Ibrahim. I am the one who will send the wrath of Allah. I shall also bring about the trembling and shall cause the final quake. I am the Lohay Mahfooz (Protected Tablet) and all of the knowledge within it originates from me. I can appear in any form by the wish of Allah. Whoever has observed these appearances has seen me and whoever has seen Me as observed the Signs of Allah. We Masoomeen are the Noor of Allah which can never be rejected or changed.
O Salman! Every prophet is honored because of us. You can praise us with whatever titles or attributes within your imagination however do not ascribe God ship (rabuyiat) to us. People find salvation through us and reach their destruction due to us.
O Salman! He who firmly believes in all that I have explained is that momin whose heart has been tested by Allah with iman (true faith) and he has recognized our true status. One who doubts or hesitates is a nasibi (enemy of Allah) even if he claims to believe in our wilayat he is a liar.
O Salman! I and the Divine Guides from My Family, Imams ((عليه السلام)), are the hidden mystery of Allah and Most Beloved by Him. We are all One. Our Amr (authority) is one. Our mystery is one. Thus do not try to find differences amongst us or you will be killed (go astray). We shall appear in every age by the will of Allah. Afflictions shall be upon the one who denies us. Only those whose hearts, eyes, and ears have been sealed will deny us.
O Salman! I am the Father of every believer. O Salman! I am the most courageous. I shall be coming soon. I will overwhelm all and make their hearts shudder and make them become deaf. I am the “Supreme Test” which shall be revealed unto all. We are the Signs of Allah, His Proofs, and His Veil. We are the Face of Allah. After My Name was written on the Throne of the Sky, it attained its importance. When it was written on the heavens, they became established. When it was written on the earth, it became stable. When My Name was written on the mountains, they became upraised. When it was written on the wind, it began to blow. When it was written on the lightning, it began to flash. When it was written on the raindrops, they began to provide nourishment. When it was written on the Noor, it became radiant. When it was written on the clouds, the rain began to flow from them. When it was written on the thunder, it became quieted. When it was written on the night, it caused the night to become dark. When it was written on the day, it made it luminous and radiant.

English: Taken from: Marefate AhleBait ((عليه السلام)).com


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There is also hadith from Rasool (s) "Ali was a helper with all the Prophets hiddenly and with me openly".


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What we eat, affects us spiritually.

I am not so sure about that.

The food we eat have an effect on our health. It has some effect on our brain functioning too.
I understand spirituality quite different though.

Anyways, I am personally mostly vegetarian, and I may eat some fish or meat once a month. I don't eat pork, but not because it is forbidden.
I don't believe the reason Islam prohibited Pork, has to do with health effects, spiritually or physically. It is about obedience to God. It is about breaking away from the disbelievers, by doing things differently. Just like Qibla. Wherever you face, it is God's. But, God wants to tests, who follows Muhammad.
In Christianity, pork was allowed according to Bible. And I know, you think Bible got corrupted otherwise had same Laws and Ordinances as Quran. But, that's not the case. God, in every Age, gave different Ordinances to different people.


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What we eat, affects us spiritually.
The story of Jesus (a) putting the evil spirits possessing a man in pigs, and the pigs being overwhelmed by how many, was to show that pigs have a spiritual role like all things, and their role is to hold on to dirty spirits.

Of course, there is a wisdom in everything. Per hadiths each type of gem/rock has a spiritual property for example.


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I am not so sure about that.

The food we eat have an effect on our health. It has some effect on our brain functioning too.
I understand spirituality quite different though.

Anyways, I am personally mostly vegetarian, and I may eat some fish or meat once a month. I don't eat pork, but not because it is forbidden.
I don't believe the reason Islam prohibited Pork, has to do with health effects, spiritually or physically. It is about obedience to God. It is about breaking away from the disbelievers, by doing things differently. Just like Qibla. Wherever you face, it is God's. But, God wants to tests, who follows Muhammad.
In Christianity, pork was allowed according to Bible. And I know, you think Bible got corrupted otherwise had same Laws and Ordinances as Quran. But, that's not the case. God, in every Age, gave different Ordinances to different people.

The Quran says it's forbidden because it's unclean.


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I am not so sure about that.

The food we eat have an effect on our health. It has some effect on our brain functioning too.
I understand spirituality quite different though.

Anyways, I am personally mostly vegetarian, and I may eat some fish or meat once a month. I don't eat pork, but not because it is forbidden.
I don't believe the reason Islam prohibited Pork, has to do with health effects, spiritually or physically. It is about obedience to God. It is about breaking away from the disbelievers, by doing things differently. Just like Qibla. Wherever you face, it is God's. But, God wants to tests, who follows Muhammad.
In Christianity, pork was allowed according to Bible. And I know, you think Bible got corrupted otherwise had same Laws and Ordinances as Quran. But, that's not the case. God, in every Age, gave different Ordinances to different people.

I think perhaps (not sure) that Nation of Islam (I'm not a member) was started by Imam Mahdi (a) and he allowed them to eat pork but forbid them peanuts. This is because in black culture, pork was heavily centered due to what they came through. It's unclean per Quran, but in this case, it might have be undoable to eliminate that in their diet from the start.

I'm not sure if Imam Mahdi (a) started the nation of Islam, but I think he did. They just misunderstood the position of a general messenger that companions were supposed to be and thought of it as the position as a Prophet (misunderstood words of Imam Mahdi) and the ones entrusted to lead them after kind of screwed up with sci fi theories and other deviations.


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I'm probably maybe the only Iranian you'll come across who believes Nation of Islam was started by Imam Mahdi (a). So don't take this as general view of Shiites.


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By the way let's not shift this to Nation of Islam topic, if you want, start a new thread about it and I'll be there. It's way off-topic, I just thought I would mention it with pork thing and I believe Jesus (a) might have allowed for similar reasons Imam Mahdi (a) allowed it for nation of Islam in start, but they are supposed to eventually leave it. Same with followers of Jesus (a), it was a temporary measurement till Mohamad (s). But Quran does say it's unclean.


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For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Muhammad himself told of Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi so he knew the rank of a person after him, right?
When Muhammad himself prophesied for the Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, so he was clear that an End-time reformer of all religions from among his followers is to come after him, right?
Since Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi, has not brought any new Law so his advent is not against the status of Muhammad being the last last Prophet of G-d, right?

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 claims that he is the same Second Coming of Isa/Masih and Imam Mahdi for whom Muhammad had himself prophesied and has abrogated nothing from Quran and the sunnah/acts/deeds of Muhammad, so there in no new teaching , absolutely none from him, please, right?



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For Muslims: Is Muhammad the last Prophet from God?

Muhammad is last in status/rank on the vertical axis, not the last in time, please, right?
Nope. And a lot of Ahmadis actually don't believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a Nabi while they do claim he is the Mahdi. Your Mahdi didn't know enough Arabic to translate and interpret 42:23 correctly for example. So no he is not the Mahdi. He didn't know that love included affection and so can't about closeness to God. The word there includes and is primarily about human to human affection type love although includes honoring, admiring, respecting, etc.

His interpretation relies on a translation which in English and other languages loses it's meaning. In Arabic there is many words for love, not just one, and they differ in emphasis, just as there is many words for righteous, and they differ in emphasis.

The one in 42:23 can't be towards a relationship but must be towards an entity. Just as you can't have compassion for non-entity, it's the same with that word which includes compassion and is heavily emphasizing on human to human affection.
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One Planet, One People, Please!
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There is a place for those expressions but they are obviously hyperbola. The Quran also refers to Ali as the self of the Prophet Mohammad in the aya of Mubahila. But those expressions have a proper place and literal statements also have a proper place. Hyperbole is obvious when the literal is impossible or by context highly improbable.
Personally I see all these passages are teaching us how to see the Oneness of God in the diversity of all the Names and Attributes of God.

In reality, I see we are all an emanation of the One Holy Spirit, created of God. We are One with the entire creation.

It is us that have to learn to live in harmony with creation, by finding the spirit behind it all. In this state there is no war, there is no hate, only Love.

Regards Tony


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Personally I see all these passages are teaching us how ro iew the Oneness of God in the diversity of Names and Attributes.

In reality, I see we are all an emanation of the One Holy Spirit, created of God. We are One with the entire creation.

It is us that have to learn to live in harmony with creation, by finding the spirit behind it all. In this state there is no war, there is no hate, only Love.

Regards Tony

I agree, I also believe the Imam of time lives in all things. He lives in plants, in insects, he is the name of God by which all things glorify God and know God. His spirit is with all things, and this part of the meaning of Ayatul Kursi which links back to Authority Talut (a) was given.

I think if we connect to Imam Mahdi (a) - humanity will understand God's favor to mankind is upon Ahlulbayt (a) and has inward and outward signs. The signs of food, stars, mountains, etc, all point to a purpose. The inward purpose and favor of all this is the Welayat.

God started with Mohammad (s) as Unseen entity that Angels wrongly assumed he and his family were Jinn/Angels. They became arrogant, till Allah (swt) decided to test them and remove their arrogance by means of Adam (a). Iblis was ungrateful for all this and hated the idea of a human being given the authority of God. 6000 years under Mohammad (s), Ali (a), Fatima (a) and the rest of Ahlulbayt (a), he had no problem worshiping God. But he and Angels over all became full of themselves, and so God decided to created his representatives as vulnerable clay creatures. God could've made Adam (a) a greater light type creation that amazed the Angels, and Iblis would've submitted, but they would have remained vain and arrogant.

Iblis rebellion was unexpected. It was not that God didn't know it was possible, it just it was so highly improbably anyone resort to such arrogance against God like that, but he did. He disbelieved in the whole authority of God due it being placed in Adam (a). He probably thinks of the lord of the universe in a gnostic way, that it shouldn't be lord and that's a Jinn like him that can be overcome. This is the same mentality that Pharaoh had and he thought he would ascend and look at the "god" of Musa (a) in this respect.

What is more tragic, is that God's elite Adam (a) was expected to lead the way in fortifying as an example against Iblis. But when he deviated (temporarily) spirits became confused. Even more conflict occurred, and some Angels fell at this point as the Catholic tradition shows from Jesus (a) words (not Gospels, but oral traditions).

If Angels never became arrogant, perhaps human would not be needed. Even physical creation not needed, we could've been all Angels. No sun, no moon, no earth. None of it needed.

But Iblis not submitting was a big trial. There in a du'a of Imam Sajjad (a) that were it not for Iblis, all creation would've obeyed God. So this is not the case, that if Iblis didn't do what he did, others would have. No, the foundations would've been firm.

There are some verses that I think show God would've opted to guide all of humanity and never make the promise to Iblis, if it was known most would've deviated. Iblis conjectured about it, and it was improbably people disobey the Prophets from Adam and his successors, but they did. Nuh (a) tried fixing everything, but to no avail. People took the position of the name of God and leadership when they had no right to it. Nuh (a) couldn't beat the religious authority that people saw in these people.

Nuh's (a) people were so pious in that one of the biggest reasons they rejected him was a holier than thou attitude towards his followers which they saw as lowest low and most vile.

Today the people keeping Gog and Magog, the Jibt and Taghut and their party of devils, from wreaking havoc on earth, are seen as the worst. The Quran shows people of hell will say "what is a matter with us we don't see any of the men who we use to count as the most evil".

Evil is seen as good and good as evil.
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Veteran Member

The Quran says it's forbidden because it's unclean.

I understand that verse figuratively.

In the scriptures, sometimes meat or water or blood is not literal.

"Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." John 6:53

I don't know if you have noticed something similar to this, from the sayings of Imams or Muhammad. But consider the verse that talks about the food that Children of Israel forbade themselves. It is an allusion to blood and flesh of Jesus.

But, here, Jesus is speaking of His own blood and flesh symbolically, meaning His own teachings which came from Him are like Spiritual blood and flesh. The soul needs this food.

The opposite of this, is what one would eat from the false teachers and Ulama.

Muhammad in the Quran, likened Ulama of Jews to Pigs.

thus, When Quran says, do not eat from meat of Pigs, because it is unclean, it is a symbolic act. it signifies, not to follow the teachings of the Ulama of the time.
Remember, many of the verses of the Quran have an apparent form, but have a hidden meaning.


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I understand that verse figuratively.

In the scriptures, sometimes meat or water or blood is not literal.

"Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." John 6:53

I don't know if you have noticed something similar to this, from the sayings of Imams or Muhammad. But consider the verse that talks about the food that Children of Israel forbade themselves. It is an allusion to blood and flesh of Jesus.

But, here, Jesus is speaking of His own blood and flesh symbolically, meaning His own teachings which came from Him are like Spiritual blood and flesh. The soul needs this food.

The opposite of this, is what one would eat from the false teachers and Ulama.

Muhammad in the Quran, likened Ulama of Jews to Pigs.

thus, When Quran says, do not eat from meat of Pigs, because it is unclean, it is a symbolic act. it signifies, not to follow the teachings of the Ulama of the time.
Remember, many of the verses of the Quran have an apparent form, but have a hidden meaning.
What you say has to do with HALAL ritual. That's the purpose Halal ritual to refer all matters of knowledge back to the name of God (Imams). You can see the context is that Shayateen would misguide.

However, the true Uluma are a sign collectively as hadiths show and confirmed in this verse:

أَوَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُمْ آيَةً أَنْ يَعْلَمَهُ عُلَمَاءُ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ | Is it not a sign for them that the learned of the Children of Israel recognize it? | Ash-Shu'araa : 197

The Quran also praises the Christians that were guided to Mohammad (s) and says the reason was due to humbleness as well as the priests and monks who instilled that in them:

لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُمْ مَوَدَّةً لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لَا يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ | Surely You will find the most hostile of all people towards the faithful to be the Jews and the polytheists, and surely you will find the nearest of them in affection to the faithful to be those who say ‘We are Christians.’ That is because there are priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogant. | Al-Maaida : 82

Of course hadiths talk about evil scholars too.

وَمَا كَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنْفِرُوا كَافَّةً ۚ فَلَوْلَا نَفَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِيَتَفَقَّهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنْذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ | Yet it is not for the faithful to go forth en masse. But why should not there a group from each of their sections go forth to become deeply versed in religion, and to warn their people when they return to them, so that they may beware? | At-Tawba : 122

Also, it's not expected scholars get everything right in Ghayba period. Because Islam is going to be revived by Imam Mahdi (a). And so our standards must not be the same regarding them only teaching correct teachings per Quran and Imams as it was during lifetime of Imams (a) in the open.

This also why Jesus (a) laxed laws and put it halt to them. Because too many laws, too complicated, and no chosen representative of God to show the truth of it, it was better to put a halt.

Same reason that Friday prayers are not an obligation in Ghayba nor appearing at the Eid prayers an obligation. It became optional. This is because Imam is not here to choose the apparatus and for all we know, a city we live in can have corrupt uluma only and there can be times were wisdom and knowledge is more hidden then manifest.

So it's up to our discretion.

A lot of things scholars can know but it's not the right time to cause division. So there is the Haroun (a) wisdom when he waited for return of Musa (a) too, some things, we just got to wait for proper time.


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Oh and I forgot to quote the verse after which shows they Christians who have monks and priests, would accept the truth:

وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَى الرَّسُولِ تَرَىٰ أَعْيُنَهُمْ تَفِيضُ مِنَ الدَّمْعِ مِمَّا عَرَفُوا مِنَ الْحَقِّ ۖ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا فَاكْتُبْنَا مَعَ الشَّاهِدِينَ | And when they hear what has been revealed to the Apostle, you see their eyes fill with tears because of the truth that they recognize. They say, ‘Our Lord, we believe; so write us down with the witnesses. | Al-Maaida : 83