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For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...


Active Member
He was a dood named Paul (not Saul of Tarsus) who had been banished to a criminal island by the romans. He hated the romans with a passion. Does that shed light on anything? Funny how prophets are defined as such by having direct communication to god or by the ability to fortell major events, yet this Paul guy, who apparently knows how the entire world will come apart, is almost unknown himself. Of course when you consider how many monks sat in hot sweaty rooms for hours writing this stuff down over and over again, I'd be willing to be a word or two have changed since the original author's edition.

Actually it was the Apsotle John


Its obvious that not all get an equal chance to become a Christian. For example, a child born in India (where 80% of the population is Hindu) does not have the same chance of becoming Christian as a child born in the USA (where I think 70%+ are Christian?).

I don't know why, but for some reason many Christians seem to think that you will be held accountable for not following, once you have simply "heard" of the Bible. Hearing of the Bible does not make everything all equal.

Obviously this is not at all fair. So does God either let non-Christians into heaven or does he give some a MUCH better chance than others? I don't see any other way around it :confused:.

MY COMMENTS: First of all, the Bible has been maligned for centuries by pagan Greek philosophy that man has an "immortal soul."
NOT TRUE! Nothing like that in the Scriptures. God prepared a body from the ground, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. That is, a living sentient being capable of experiencing the phenomenon of life.

Where Jesus refers to "hell" in the Gospels, the word in the Greek is "Gehenna", which was the city dump outside the walls of Jerusalem. It was kept burning to destroy dead bodies and offal, and to help purify the air. What wasn't burned up, the maggots were eating.
Only criminals and other law-breakers judged by the Sanhedrin to go to the fires of Gehenna, were stoned to death, and then the body was thrown into Gehenna .

All this was on the earth in Jesus day, and IMO will be in effect again when Jesus as Messiah comes again to establish his kingdom.

AS for those who have never heard the 'good news' of Salvation, They will be given a fair and right judgment when resurrected to stand before Christ Jesus on His Great White Throne, as described in Revelation 20:11-15.

There will be those whose deeds are such that they will be granted life in the New Earth (their names will be in the book of life). Al others will be cast into the lake of fire to die their second death.


Admiral Obvious
Its called being insprired by Holy Spirit. Should read Ezekiel as well
IS that what they are calling it now?
So how much does one have to smoke to get this spiritual inspiration?
Or perhaps it is a specific something you have to smoke....?


Active Member
For the bible writers, yes it was the Holy Spirit.

For those who give us the spritual food at the right time, that is directed by Holy Spirit, but no one gets those kinds of vision inspired by holy spirit anymore


Well-Known Member
For the bible writers, yes it was the Holy Spirit.

For those who give us the spritual food at the right time, that is directed by Holy Spirit, but no one gets those kinds of vision inspired by holy spirit anymore

Pity. :(

Think maybe its global warming? Perhaps to much fertilizer in the soil? :D


You live ... you die ... (thank heavens) and then who gives a FF what happens next? Its like getting up in the morning and looking in the bathroom mirror. If you see yourself then you take on the day and if you don't then there is nothing to worry about!


Active Member
You live ... you die ... (thank heavens) and then who gives a FF what happens next? Its like getting up in the morning and looking in the bathroom mirror. If you see yourself then you take on the day and if you don't then there is nothing to worry about!

Why would you want to die?


Jesus in me
This is actually a separate group that come from a similar origin (from mankind) but a different destiny. They have hope for an earthly life. They are un numbered, where as the "spiritual israel" the ones who are destined for heaven have a specific number. 144 000. The number is spcific as in that is all there is of them, but symbolic in the sense of it being 12 (heavenly completion) x 12 000

The great crowd are arrayed in white, they have rrighteous standing before God through their faith in Jesus' sacrifice. You see these are the people who survive. In the scriptures there are two ways of attaining repentance, that of dying and having our sins washed clean or survivng through the end of this system into the new one to be established during chrits rule

This is now talking about the reaping of the earth, or removal of the wicked from the earth. This is actually discribing what is to happen at Armageddon, the sheer scale of who will not survive that day, due to their lack of knowledge or total and utter ignorance of what people have tried to tell them

however, there is still time for anyone who does not want to be part of this winepress that is destroyed at Armageddon to join God and be protected and saved. Just like the Israelites were during the plagues of Egypt, Lot and his daughters and Noah and his family

There is no indication that the servants of God are any more spiritual than the multitude or that they go to Heaven. In order to be raptured they have to live through Armageddon, something the majority of Jews will not survive but these servant Jews will survive because they are sealed.

Thee are few survivors on earth after the conflagration and those are not Christians. The survivors are in the New Jerusalem whether they originally trusted in Jesus or not but are arrayed in white because the opportunity is given them to accept Jesus at the time of the Rapture.

Armageddon is revealed in verse 11. Verses 14, 15, and 16 reveal Jesus in the Clouds and an angel in the temple in the clouds where the New Jerusalem is. This reaping is to the New Jerusalem. Verses 18, 19 and 20 reveal an angel coming from the altar carrying fire to scourge the erath with fire. These are twodiffeent angels with two different reapings, one to the New Jerusalem the other to Hell.

After the fiery conflagration there are very few left on earth and they will have an opportunity to be witnessed to by members of the Kingdom of God for 1000 years. After that there is no longer an opportunity.

PS: In reading this again I have seen something I didn't see before. It appears the 144,000 Jews standing on the Mount of Olives with Jesus will be raptured before the gerneral rapture as a first fruit, verse 1.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Its obvious that not all get an equal chance to become a Christian. For example, a child born in India (where 80% of the population is Hindu) does not have the same chance of becoming Christian as a child born in the USA (where I think 70%+ are Christian?).

I don't know why, but for some reason many Christians seem to think that you will be held accountable for not following, once you have simply "heard" of the Bible. Hearing of the Bible does not make everything all equal.

Obviously this is not at all fair.
Just curious, why do you assume God is or must be fair?


Active Member
You have to accept Jesus as saviour to be part of the 144000. To live through Armageddon you also have to lve by that same thing and also like the 144000 try to serve Jehovah as best you can ith the imperfect body that you have.

There is no such thing as the rapture. Not all humans go to heaven, only those truly faithful and placing complete faith in Christs sacrifice and showing that they are willing to serve Jehovah through no matter what, but these also have to be sealed for Jehovah to take them to heaven.

There is a listed amount in heaven and an un numbered amount upon the earth

Also the scriptures say at Luke 21:32 that Truly I say to YOU, This generation will by no means pass away until all things occur. This means that the generation of Anointed will not pass away until Armageddon occurs. it actually says that the heavens and earth as they are existing in rulership in htat ime were will pass away. Ths means that not until after Armageddon will all the 144000 go to heaven, thus Jews also wont be the ones going to heaven because they DENY Jesus Christ was the Messiah, thus they cant be part of this anointed. Can they>

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I believe that it is true that if you are born in a Christian family, you are more likely to be a Christian because children believe what they are taught for the most part and you are around that environment. This is evidence of the judgement of God IMO. If you decide not to believe in Christ or accept him as savior, your children and children's children will for the most part not either. If you refuse to believe, God promises to make you believe a lie.


Active Member
I believe that it is true that if you are born in a Christian family, you are more likely to be a Christian because children believe what they are taught for the most part and you are around that environment. This is evidence of the judgement of God IMO. If you decide not to believe in Christ or accept him as savior, your children and children's children will for the most part not either. If you refuse to believe, God promises to make you believe a lie.

He doesnt make you beleive the lie. you believe the lie because you want to.

The rest of my familt are athiests yet I believe in Christ, so how does that one work out in your theory>?


Well-Known Member
He doesnt make you beleive the lie. you believe the lie because you want to.

The rest of my familt are athiests yet I believe in Christ, so how does that one work out in your theory>?
Do you have any siblings? If so, then your instance supports his theory quite well, since the others followed their parents' lead and you were the only outlier. If you are the only child or perhaps one of two, then you should pay attention to the part of the theory that says you are "likely" to follow your parents' lead.


Active Member
Do you have any siblings? If so, then your instance supports his theory quite well, since the others followed their parents' lead and you were the only outlier. If you are the only child or perhaps one of two, then you should pay attention to the part of the theory that says you are "likely" to follow your parents' lead.
Try having four siblings all are or were (one being dead but was one when he died) athiests. How does that work into the theory?