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For those who doubt the Ouija Board...

Wasn't the Quija Board originally developed as a board game, and marketed as such? I mean it's still owned by Hasbro/Parker Brothers, you can even buy it on their website.

The original idea was that the combined "subconscious" of the players would lead to words being spelt and questions being answered. Originally, it had nothing at all to do with dead people, spirits or deceased pets.

As for the rest of it... too many assumptions need to be made in order for these things to ever make sense, meaning Occam's razor disposes of them quite easily. Coincidence is a much better explanation for the occassional successes of palm reading, ball gazing and the like. Even a stopped clock tells the time twice a day.

The Ouija board was not based on the idea that the subconscious of the players would come up with answers. Seances were VERY big at the end of the 19th century, and the occult in general was having much popularity at that time. The guy who invented it (Elijah Bond, I believe was his name) was feeding on this increased popularity of the occult, and was only one of many makers of "talking tables" of which his became the most popular. Don't get me wrong, however, I'm sure Bond could have cared less why people were buying it just as long as the money kept pouring in!

You are entitled to your opinion as to the existence of the supernatural but I have to set the record straight about the board's history that it came out of the fascination and popularity of the occult at the end of the 19th century.
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Divination methods can be toys and/or tools.

For some of us they are tools used primarily to help in matters of Personal Insight and reflection-
Self revelation/revealation-
as aids for a deeper understanding one's Own Psyche.
(and whatever 'spirits 'or 'ghosts' may reside there.
ie, 'spirit of love', 'spirit of giving', spirits that come in bottles, ghosts of regret, or christmas past etc)

The only thing shown or "proven" in the video BTW
is that there is no separate force pushing the glass externally.

There is a reason people are called mediums.

Just saying.

It's a TOY! :facepalm:

Ouija board revealed! - YouTube
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I agree that Ouija board isn't divination.

I would love it if you unpacked that a bit more Patty.

I don't use a Ouija board myself
as I don't find it (personally) engaging in any way,
and as such find it useless for Self Reflection.

Whether or not I could pull a known/knowable thing/fact
(ie, a fact I know-but cannot remember/access)
-like where I left my keys-
from my deeper hidden psyche
using such a tool
(like hypnosis)
I don't know.
I've never tried.
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Well-Known Member
I found that radios and dictionaries were the best tools of divination. Ask a question and channel-surf talkback radio stations, it's awesome and infallible ! And dictionaries are great because they have most words in the language so they aren't biased.

On the subject of infallibility, the Bhagavad Gita says (chapter 15 verse 16) that there are two kinds of beings in the world - the fallible and the infallible ; all beings in the material world are called fallible, and all beings in a state of spiritual oneness are called infallible.

So obviously the ouija board always works if you are in an enlightened state ! So if it isn't working for you, don't blame the ouija board !


Empirical Curmudgeon
Divination methods can be toys and/or tools.

There is absolutely no reason to think that divination is real.

For some of us they are tools used primarily to help in matters of Personal Insight and reflection-
Self revelation/revealation-as aids for a deeper understanding one's Own Psyche.


(and whatever 'spirits 'or 'ghosts' may reside there.
ie, 'spirit of love', 'spirit of giving', spirits that come in bottles, ghosts of regret, or christmas past etc)

There is no reason to think that ghosts and spirits are real.

The only thing shown or "proven" in the video BTW
is that there is no separate force pushing the glass externally.

There is a reason people are called mediums.

They also explain why people can easily move the glass without being consciously aware of doing so.

There is a reason people are called delusional.

Just sayin'...
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I LOVE dictionaries.

No better tool to aid in the art of 'spell' 'casting'.

The Divine, can divine, through anything.


There is absolutely no reason to think that divination is real.


There is no reason to think that ghosts and spirits are real.

They also explain why people can easily move the glass without being consciously aware of doing so.

There is a reason people are called delusional.

Just sayin'...



noun \ˌdi-və-ˈnā-shən\

Definition of DIVINATION

: the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers

: unusual insight : intuitive perception



noun \ˈspir-ət\

Definition of SPIRIT

: an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms

: a supernatural being or essence: as a capitalized : holy spirit b : soul 2a c : an often malevolent being that is bodiless but can become visible; specifically : ghost 2 d : a malevolent being that enters and possesses a human being

: temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated <in high spirits>

: the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person

a : the activating or essential principle influencing a person <acted in a spirit of helpfulness> b : an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind : mood

a : a special attitude or frame of mind <the money-making spirit was for a time driven back &#8212; J. A. Froude> b : the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something <undertaken in a spirit of fun>

: a lively or brisk quality in a person or a person's actions

: a person having a character or disposition of a specified nature

: a mental disposition characterized by firmness or assertiveness <denied the charge with spirit>

a : distillate 1: as (1) : the liquid containing ethanol and water that is distilled from an alcoholic liquid or mash &#8212;often used in plural (2) : any of various volatile liquids obtained by distillation or cracking (as of petroleum, shale, or wood) &#8212;often used in plural b : a usually volatile organic solvent (as an alcohol, ester, or hydrocarbon)

a : prevailing tone or tendency <spirit of the age> b : general intent or real meaning <spirit of the law>

: an alcoholic solution of a volatile substance <spirit of camphor>

: enthusiastic loyalty <school spirit>

capitalized Christian Science : god 1b

and Ghosts.


noun \&#712;g&#333;st\

Definition of GHOST

: the seat of life or intelligence : soul <give up the ghost>

: a disembodied soul; especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness

: spirit, demon

a : a faint shadowy trace <a ghost of a smile> b : the least bit <not a ghost of a chance>

: a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection

: one who ghostwrites

: a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin

Some people need everything spelled out for them.
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Ironic Synchronicities/Coincidences can serve as a means of Unusual Insight as well.
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Well-Known Member
Ironic Synchronicities/Coincidences can serve as a means of Unusual Insight as well.

Yeah, I found that "Ironic Synchronicities/Coincidences " is a state one can learn, and the radio and dictionary are easy and convenient ways into that state. Kinda like I Ching, but not so constrained. Psychic muscles, lke physical muscles, respond to training, and also atrophy if unused.


Empirical Curmudgeon


and Ghosts.

Some people need everything spelled out for them.

So what you're actually trying to convince me is that you ONLY meant those words in their non-supernatural capacity? :sarcastic

Please, pull the other one.
It's got bells on it...


So what you're actually trying to convince me is that you ONLY meant those words in their non-supernatural capacity? :sarcastic

Please, pull the other one.
It's got bells on it...

Far be it for me to try and convince you of anything.

Now lets try reading again,

Divination methods can be toys and/or tools.

For some of us they are tools used primarily to help in matters of Personal Insight and reflection-
Self revelation/revealation-
as aids for a deeper understanding one's Own Psyche.
(and whatever 'spirits 'or 'ghosts' may reside there.
ie, 'spirit of love', 'spirit of giving', spirits that come in bottles, ghosts of regret, or christmas past etc)

The only thing shown or "proven" in the video BTW
is that there is no separate force pushing the glass externally.

There is a reason people are called mediums.

Just saying.



Still sounds like supernatural overmystified woo.
If you didn't intend anything supernatural, just say so. ;)

Just proves that everyone reads into things
just/exactly/specifically what they want to read into them.

people see what they are inclined to see.

No one is exempt.
Some of us just realize that we do it.

(we all/each see through the spyglass of our own psyche)

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Empirical Curmudgeon

Just proves that everyone reads into things
just/exactly/specifically what they want to read into them.

people see what they are inclined to see.

No one is exempt.
Some of us just realize that we do it.

(we all/each see through the spyglass of our own psyche)

Or maybe, some people use wishy-washy terms that can, in the extremes, mean anything under the sun, but which has a nice mystical ring to them and brings on associations of magic and the supernatural.
And some do that on purpose so that they can have an escape clause when they get pushed on the subject. ;)


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I had one when I was a kid. It was one of my favorite toys for about a month. It sat around in the back of my room for a couple years until high school when I needed a surface to aid in manual cigarette rolling. :p

I had one weird experience with it. I supposedly contacted a guy named Bob. I swear I didn't move the heart thing myself. He said he would arrive around 11:30 pm the next night. I was kind of worried. He never showed, lucky me i guess.
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I LOVE dictionaries.

No better tool to aid in the art of 'spell' 'casting'.

The Divine, can divine, through anything.

I believe you! But how is it determined who gets these "gifts"? I was reading about a Shaman in South America and it seems they knew he was going to be a Shaman from an early age when the spirits started talking to him through animals. I've known witches who had real power, and I've known witches who had none to speak of. I just wonder why some get these "gifts" and others seeking them don't?



Just proves that everyone reads into things
just/exactly/specifically what they want to read into them.

people see what they are inclined to see.

No one is exempt.
Some of us just realize that we do it.

(we all/each see through the spyglass of our own psyche)
I very much agree that we see what we want, all of us, and from something I read lately, I gather, studies show that the more we think about a given thing (in the positive sense) the more we are inclined to believe it. Yet, certain things are true and other things are not. The molecular structure of water is not really a matter of personal belief as the physical properties of pyramids say, or the claims attached to the Ouija board might be. Yet these things too have truths attached and I think there must be ways of determining those truths. Don't you think there must be double-blind experiments that can be constructed to determine if certain paranormal claims are true?

Personally, I once believed in many supernatural claims. I think one of the reasons I stopped believing is that all my attempts at interacting with the supernatural world fell flat. I can't claim to have had any supernatural experiences. No one can claim I didn't try, though many Christian conservatives have asserted I did not try hard enough (how would they know?).

It seems to me now that many accept supernatural claims without looking hard enough for alternative explanations. When we truly want to believe something it is my experience that we can be persuaded by the flimsiest of explanations. That was certainly true of me.