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For those who doubt the Ouija Board...

Wasn't the Quija Board originally developed as a board game, and marketed as such? I mean it's still owned by Hasbro/Parker Brothers, you can even buy it on their website.

The original idea was that the combined "subconscious" of the players would lead to words being spelt and questions being answered. Originally, it had nothing at all to do with dead people, spirits or deceased pets.

As for the rest of it... too many assumptions need to be made in order for these things to ever make sense, meaning Occam's razor disposes of them quite easily. Coincidence is a much better explanation for the occassional successes of palm reading, ball gazing and the like. Even a stopped clock tells the time twice a day.


There is something about the Ouija board that fascinates people. I have never had a positive experience with one, but then again the contacts you make through one (whether you view them as parts of you subconscious, or spiritual entities doesn't matter) always seem to lead you somewhere negative sooner or later.
As far as other divination systems, the majority of them don't work the same way. Most other divination systems use a method that does not require the contact of "entities" or "spirits". Tarot cards, palm reading, bibliomancy, etc. are all completely different from Ouija.

(oh, and if you do the "uromancy", wear a raincoat!;) )

The Wizard

Active Member
I don't consider it as a joke. I consider them as dangerous for some people to play with without the right wisdom and guidence. Water witches detect water wells, as of the very water I drink, which corrisponds to a sub-conscious motor body reflex- same with dowsing- and extended principle to the Ouija board.

If coyotes start howling and a bug attacks you when practicing such, it is a sign to burn it and never mess with one again... for some people it may be different, but no one knows and that is what makes it potentially dangerous... messing with things beyond understanding and control... just my opinion.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
If you think the Ouija board is a joke, do you feel the same way about Tarot readings, Runes, Palm Readings, Ball Gazing, Dice, Tea Leaves, Pendulums, Astrology, any other form of Divination, or Fortune Telling?
Yes I think all of them are a joke, and I don't know why you gave special preference to Ouija board as though that was the qualifier.


Wasn't the Quija Board originally developed as a board game, and marketed as such? I mean it's still owned by Hasbro/Parker Brothers, you can even buy it on their website.

The original idea was that the combined "subconscious" of the players would lead to words being spelt and questions being answered. Originally, it had nothing at all to do with dead people, spirits or deceased pets.

As for the rest of it... too many assumptions need to be made in order for these things to ever make sense, meaning Occam's razor disposes of them quite easily. Coincidence is a much better explanation for the occassional successes of palm reading, ball gazing and the like. Even a stopped clock tells the time twice a day.

You'll be amaze how the human mind can project through reality, shifting what is meant to be, to what we see it as. Humans are so interesting, they fear as a source of entertainment. Testing, hearing, any supernatural rumours, and use it as a way to dismiss unsatisfied boredom.


godless wonder
If you think the Ouija board is a joke, do you feel the same way about Tarot readings, Runes, Palm Readings, Ball Gazing, Dice, Tea Leaves, Pendulums, Astrology, any other form of Divination, or Fortune Telling?
Yep. Have NEVER gotten a correct "reading" from any when specifics were asked.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Have NEVER gotten a correct "reading" from any when specifics were asked.

Out of interest and because I'm somewhat on the fence about divination, what specifics did you ask and what method did you use to ask them?

(If it's something personal that you don't want to share it's not a problem :))


(to the human psyche)
What does not employ symbols?

Some of us like reading.
We all do not however all like reading the same material/s.

Every single thing we read is symbolisms employed.

Art generally reaches deep in
and draws out.

Some of us ENJOY the rich tactile experience
of the symbolic draw.
I enjoy the rich experience of my Tarot deck
in the same way that I enjoy the rich experience
of certain music that is relevant/revealant to me.

They both draw things of greater beauty & understanding
from the Source that is Me.

Literally everything and anything speaks to me of deeper things.
I would have to be DEAD
in order to not divine.
Life itself speaks to me.

I am not lame.
Life is not my crutch.

But can you tell whether it actually speaks to you, or whether it just reflects what you project toward it?

That's the thing for me: why not go directly to the source? And it seems to me that in the case of divination, the sources is most likely ourselves.

This is exactly why I call mySelf a Sorceress. Source'Heiress. Heiress of Source.

Every'thing in your world stands as a potential reflection of Self.
As well, other things (art, people, music) can become spring boards for us,
propelling us to new places, new perspectives, new considerations.

I am a musician. When I improvise, do I interact only with my own Self?
Or do I interact with The Music itSelf.
When I react to what I hear when I play,
what just came forth from the relationship of my own fingers and my own 'ear',
(on my "tool", the "keys")
am I reacting to ... interacting with The Music, the Syntax and the energy,
or am I simply playing two roles. A "duet" with mySelf so to speak.
When I expand my palate, my asthetic resources by using a keyboard
with many sound and rhythm options,
am I somehow deluding mySelf that the keyboard is some kind of a source
along side my own Self?
Must I always be my only source?
Should I be a purist and stick only to chant?
In order to make sure that I alone am my only true source?

When I read a post on the forum,
and it 'speaks to me',
and I speak of that thing,
that has spoken in me,
does it make a foolery of my words
just because they were a reflection
born of something someone else had already said?

It is the same with art, movies, events,"happenings", anything else.
This is how it is for me when I read my Tarot Cards,
when I read my Life's Surroundings.

Different things obviously
speak to different people
at different times,
of different things.

Life offers many kinds of Keys,
(map/legend, computer, car, house, code/encryption, key signatures/music, instrumental,
mechanical, authoritative, a thing of prime/necessary importance...)
but we must find, make, choose, copy, hold, hide, secure, identify, define, interpret,
read, decipher, understand, master and engage them for our Own Selves.
As we see (they) fit.

I've had my keys literally speak to me on a few occasions,
of something specific... something key... I needed to realize, understand or do.
One just recently.
Life speaks to me in keys, and synchronicities,
so when the two work in conjunction,
I listen up.
It's truly amazing how things, speak of other things.

Yes, we are the source of our own Reflections,
but without the world... things... people around us,
we would have nothing at all to reflect on/upon.
And we would miss out on all kinds of springboards.
For me anyway, THIS is the nature of divination.
dive'in'ation. divine'ation.
The divine is all around and in and of.
All things are in relationship to one another.
But we, as divine Beings, have a hand in casting and defining them.

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Well-Known Member
Last night, my Ouija board just told me XYGGEFAJW. It must have known I was wasted and was messing with me.

Perhaps you could get a patent on a ouija board that advertises beer to the users?

"Where are you?"

In Heaven

"What did you do to get into Heaven?"

I drank Desperado. The twist of tequila makes it Jesus' favourite beverage. Drink Desperado now and enjoy eternal bliss.


Through the Looking Glass
If you think the Ouija board is a joke, do you feel the same way about Tarot readings, Runes, Palm Readings, Ball Gazing, Dice, Tea Leaves, Pendulums, Astrology, any other form of Divination, or Fortune Telling?
As with any of spiritual system there's an "inner" mystery and "outer" mystery when it comes to divination. The outer mystery always seems pretty silly to non-believers. The inner mystery has nothing to do with belief and can be translated across systems.

In short, I don't think divination is any sillier than worshiping a holy book.


"Oscar the grouch"
Ouija Board is fake. If it was truly a spiritual instrument of harm this would not be sold in stores nor would it NOT come with a disclaimer label use your head people


Jehovah our God is One
i think they are real, and they work in the same way other forms of divination work

if the person using them is a medium for the spirit world, then the devices being used will work. But they dont work for any tom dick or harry who picks them up and tries to use them.